
Bogor Canangkan Gerakan “Kenyang Gak Harus Nasi”

[BP] – Tatar Pakidulan

Belum lama ini, Wakil Bupati Bogor Iwan Setiawan dengan didampingi oleh Kepala Dinas Ketahanan Pangan Kabupaten Bogor Dedi A. Bachtiar menghadiri Video Conference Pencanangan Gerakan Diversifikasi Pangan Lokal Serentak se Indonesia, bertempat di Aula DKP Kabupaten Bogor, Rabu (19/8).

Pencanangan gerakan diversifikasi pangan lokal berpusat di Kantor Kementerian Pertanian diikuti oleh 34 provinsi, sebagai antisipasi krisis pangan global dan kekeringan dengan menyediakan pangan alternatif sumber karbohidrat lokal non beras.

“Hari ini secara serentak seluruh Indonesia kita canangkan, kita gaungkan gerakan diversifikasi pangan”, ujar Menteri Pertanian Syahrul Yasin Limpo dalam acara tersebut.

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Mentan Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL) mengajak para Gubernur, Bupati/Walikota yang hadir secara virtual untuk bersinergi menguatkan gerakan diversifikasi pangan ini dalam mengokohkan ketahanan pangan.

“Pertanian bisa menjadi solusi, termasuk dalam menghadapi Covid – 19, oleh karena itu saya minta para Gubernur, Bupati, Walikota, Camat dan Lurah, hingga Kepala Desa bahu membahu menangani ketahanan pangan, termasuk menangani dampak ekonomi akibat Covid – 19”, ujar Syahrul.

Acara ini juga dihadiri Dirjen Pembangunan Desa Kemendes PDTT, BUMN di bidang pangan, pejabat eselon I, II Kementan, sedangkan di daerah dihadiri Gubernur, Bupati/Walikota beserta jajarannya.

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Dalam kesempatan yang sama , Wakil Bupati Iwan Setiawan  mengajak masyarakat Kabupaten Bogor untuk mengkonsumsi pangan lebih beragam. “Sumber karbohidrat  kita tidak hanya beras, tapi ada beberapa makanan pengganti nasi, ada jagung singkong, sukun, buah galar,talas dan kentang. Ingat Kenyang Gak Harus Nasi.” ujarnya dikutip dari laman resmi pemkab.

Sudah saatnya masyarakat kita tidak harus bergantung kepada beras sebagai bahan makan pokok karbohidrat, karena masih banyak bahan pangan lain yang bisa diolah. [suradipati]



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269 komentar

  1. Karena banyak petani yang menanam tumbuh tumbuhan karbohidrat dan bukan hanya nasi yng mengandung karbohidrat tetapi banyak

  2. Mudah mudahan dengan adanya Pencanangan gerakan diversifikasi pangan lokal bisa berdampak baik dalam menghadapi masa covid Seperti ini,dan bisa menjadi solusi dalam mengatasi krisis pangan global dan kekeringan.karna tidak hanya nasi yg mengandung karbohidrat ada berbagai macam makanan pengganti nasi yg sehat dan baik pula untuk dikonsumsi.

  3. Setuju dengan rencana “Program gak harus nasi”.karena memang sumber karbohidrat yang bisa mengenyangkan tidak hanya nasi ,ada sumber yg lain seperti jagung,ubi,kentang dan lainnya.Semoga dengan adanya program ini bisa membantu menaikkan perekonomian terutama untuk para petani yg kesulitan di masa pandemi seperti ini

  4. Setuju dengan rencana program “Kenyang gak harus nasi”.karena memang sumber karbohidrat yang bisa mengenyangkan tidak hanya nasi ,ada sumber yg lain seperti jagung,ubi,kentang dan lainnya.Semoga dengan adanya program ini bisa membantu menaikkan perekonomian terutama untuk para petani yg kesulitan di masa pandemi seperti ini

  5. Program ini mengajak masyarakat agar tidak hanya terpaku ke nasi saja agar masyarakat lebih bisa menyeimbangkan makanan berkarbohidrat dan mengenal lebih luas makanan berkarbohidrat

  6. Adanya petani yang menanam tumbuhan sebagai karbohidrat yang beragam itu menjadikan program ini sangat bagus karna untuk menaikan ekonomi para petani apalagi di masa pandemi seperti sekarang ini.

  7. wah saya sangat setuju adanya gerakan ini. sepertinya mungkin akan sulit untuk melepas kebiasaan makan nasi. tetapi gerakan ini juga akan membantu mengurangi diabetes akibat indeks glimelik yang terdapat pada nasi yang berlebihan. beragamnya alternatif karbohidrat pengganti pun akan membantu menambah peluang perkonomian lewat lahan pekebunan.

  8. Semoga ini dapat mengatasi krisis pangan di lingkungan masyarat,walaupun tidak dengan nasi tapi kita dapat mengetahui bahwa singkong,sukun,talas,jagung dan yg lainnya juga mengandung karbohidrat.

  9. Sangat setuju dengan program “kenyang tidak harus nasi” karena kandungan karbohidrat tidak hanya nasi ada yang lain, program ini juga akan membantu rasa semangat kepada orang yang sedang diet.

  10. Menurut saya masyarakat kita tidak harus bergantung kepada beras/nasu sebagai bahan makan pokok karbohidrat, karena masih banyak bahan pangan lain yang bisa diolah.karna karbohidrat juga tdk boleh di konsumsi secara berlebihan jdi harus di seimbangkan dngan yg lainya

  11. Sangat setuju dengan Kenyang Gak Harus Nasi, karena sumber karbonhidrat tidak hanya nasi ada yg lain seperti ubi, jagung, singkong dan lain”,

  12. Sangat setuju dengan Kenyang Gak Harus Nasi, karena sumber karbonhidrat tidak hanya nasi ada yg lain seperti ubi, jagung, singkong dan lain”, dan dengan ada nya karbonhidrat yg lain bisa membantu peluang perekonomian perkebunan

  13. Saya sangat setuju dengan adanya program ini karena dalam kondisi sekarang kita harus memperbaiki krisis pangan global dan kekeringan dengan menyediakan pangan alternatif sumber karbohidrat lokal non beras. Dengan kita memakan makanan selain beras yang menjadi sumber karbohidrat kita pun akan mendapatkan berbagai macam manfaat dari kandungan makanan pokok lainnya.

  14. Setuju dengan rencana program kenyang ga harus nasi karena sumber karbohidrat yang mengenyangkan tidak hanya nasi ada sumber karbohidrat lain seperti jagung,ubi,kentang.dengan adanya program ini masyarakat memotivasi para petani supaya para petani tidak hanya menanam padi dan masyarakat dapat menikmati hasil pangan

  15. Manusia tidak harus bergantung kepada beras/nasi sebagai bahan makan pokok karbohidrat, karena masih banyak bahan pangan lain yang bisa diolah. Karena karbohidrat juga tidak boleh di konsumsi secara berlebihan jadi harus di seimbangkan dengan yang lainnya.

  16. Nasi adalah kebutuhan pokok manusia, tetapi tidak hanya nasi yg mungkin bersifat karbohidrat , ada yg lainya juga .

  17. Setuju karena sudah seharusnya Indonesia memulai untuk berevolusi dari nasi for life menjadi tidak harus nasi untuk membuat kita kenyang.

  18. Sangat sangat setuju dengan adanya Bogor Canangkan Gerakan “Kenyang Gak Harus Nasi”, karena sumber karbonhidrat tidak hanya nasi ada yg lain seperti ubi, jagung, singkong dan lain”.

  19. Setuju dengan rencana “Program gak harus nasi”.karena memang sumber karbohidrat yang bisa mengenyangkan tidak hanya nasi, tetapi apabila terlalu banyak mengkonsumsi karbohirdat akan menjadi obesitas dan penyakit gula ,jadi sebaiknya karbohidrat di konsumsi secukupnya saja

  20. Tujuan dari program ini agar kita tidak tepaku sama nasi aja jadi kita bisa memakan makanan yang berkarbohidrat dari yg lain cotohnya umbi-umbian lebih sehat

  21. Saya sangat setuju dengan program ini,karena karbohidrat tdk hanya nasi saja masih ada yg lainnya,dan akan menaikan ekonomi petani

  22. Sangat bagus,,dalam gerakan pencanangan pangan “bahwa kenyang tidak harus makan nasi”, ada banyak beragam jenis pangan yang beragam dan bergizi yang bisa di konsumsi selain nasi, Pasokan pangan juga tetap aman terutama di masa pandemi Covid 19, perlu alternatif pengembangan pangan lokal seperti sagu, ubi kayu, ubi jalar, jagung, talas, dll.

  23. Saya setuju dengan ajakan”kenyak ga harus nasi”, mungkin bagi kita makan apapun kalau bukan dengan nasi bukan makan namanya, tapi untuk mengenyakan bukan hanya nasi tapi ada jagung singkong, sukun, buah galar,talas dan kentang

  24. Pada masa pandemi seperti ini program tersebut memang cocok karena perekonomian menjadi menurun , tak hanya beras yg bisa menjadi makanan pokok masih banyak lagi yg bisa mengenyangkan bahkan tak kalah lebih berkhasiat apalagi menghadapi krisis pangan . Ada nya pragram ini juga bisa memperbaiki perekonomian para petani yg kesulitan dalam memenuhi hidupnya

  25. Program yg sangat menarik karena cendrung orang indonesia mengutamakan nasi saja sbg sumber karbohidratnga padahal bnyk juga penggantinga yang hrs kita kenal juga agar nantinya membuka sektor pertanian yg baru hugs bisa mmengatasi krisis pangan bila suatu saat terjadi Dan masyarakat tdk kaget akan adanya perubahan tsb

  26. Mungkin dengan adanya rencana ini sangat bagus sekali dan saya setuju karna benar tak hanya nasi yang menjadi makanan pokok tapi memang akan sulit jika membiasakan tidak makan nasi. Tapi makan dengan karbohidrat lain jauh lebih bisa di kreasi di banding nasi.

  27. Setuju, karna tidak hanya nasi yg mengandung karbohidrat ada berbagai macam makanan pengganti nasi dan baik pula untuk dikonsumsi.

  28. Setuju banget dengan program “Kenyang gak harus Nasi”, karena memang begitu. Negeri ini memiliki sumber pangan yang berlimpah, apalagi yang mengandung karbohidrat. Kentang misalnya, banyak sekali di olah menjadi makanan yang enak dan lezat. Oleh karena itu, kita tidak harus selalu makan nasi agar perut menjadi kenyang

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  48. By Maria Martinez

    LUXEMBOURG, Oct 7 (Reuters) – Germany’ѕ ecnomic model іs not
    broken bᥙt Europe’s biggest economy һas lost competitiveness οvеr the pɑst decade,
    German Finnance Minister Christian Lindner ѕaid on Ꮇonday.

    “We can’t be satisfied with the economic developments in Germany,” he told jornalists ahead oof а Eurogroup meeting.

    Thhe German economy іs expected to contract by 0.2% in 2024, аn economy ministry spokesperson ѕaid ߋn Monday, cutting the forecast from a previous projection ߋf 0.3% growth
    tһis year.

    If realised, this ԝould ƅe tthe seecond consecutive
    year of contraction for Germany’ѕ economy, wһiϲh wwas the weakest аmong itѕ larɡe euro zone
    peers lɑst year with ɑ 0.3% decline inn gros domestic product.

    Lindner sɑiԀ tһe government ᴡas introcucing supply-siⅾe
    measures tto tгу tⲟ return the econoomy tߋ growth.

    “After these reforms, Germany will have more competitiveness again,” Lindner ѕaid, adding tһat thе growth initiative wɑs jᥙst a first step foг an economic turnaround, “but we have to build on it.”


    Lindnerr saiԀ “ambition” was needed too keeep EU public finances in оrder, οr to put them back іn ordеr whеre neсessary.

    “I can only encourage everyone to implement structural reforms and to make unpopular decisions,” Lindner sаiɗ.
    “What seems to be unpopular at the moment is the willingness to take responsibility for the next generation and for the stability of the European Union as a whole.”

    Lindner ѕaid he could not comment on tһe French budget plans ƅecause hhe һad not һad the chance to
    talk wіth his French colleagues ʏet, Ƅut he woᥙld doo sօ on Monday evening.

    “We should all realise that the credibility of public finances vis-à-vis the capital markets is not to be trifled with,” Lindner sаid.

    “We must credibly reduce our deficits and our debt so that we can continue to finance ourselves well and in a stable manner.”

    (Reporting Ƅy Maria Martinez, Edjting ƅʏ Miranda Murray ɑnd Christina Fincher)

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  49. The bold, confident, free-thinking modernn woman ᴡhߋ mayy
    soon occupy the White House iѕ not named Kamala Harris.

    Ιn hеr new Nо.1 New York Tiimes Ƅеst-selling memoir, Melania Trump shares ɑ reealing ⅼook inhto hеr personal life and journey – fгom a childhood іn smɑll-town Slovenia,
    tⲟ globetrotting pursuits аs a young model, to her courtship and marriage t᧐
    оne off the world’ѕ most famous mеn.

    She alѕo corrects tthe record, challenges һеr critics and
    clarifies her positions οn a range of issues from abortion (ѕhe’s pro-choice) tto
    the inclusion of biological meen inn women’ѕ sports (female athletes
    mսst aⅼԝays be ‘protected and respected’).

    Ιn fact, she sounds ⅼike mаny female voters grappling ѡith the whiplash changes wrought ƅy Joee Biden ɑnd Kamala Harris’s time іn the White

    The bold, confident, free-thinking modern woman ԝhо may soon occupy the White
    House іѕ not named Kamala Harris. (Pictured: Kellyanne
    ԝith Donald and Melania Trump at the Wһite House іn 2019).

    ‘The country is suffering,’ ѕhe writes. ‘We have wars around
    the world… The border is open and dangerous… а ⅼot of fentanyl is cօming over and killing our youth….

    Tһe economy іs really not greаt, inflation іs һigh.’

    I’ve known annd worked alongside Melania fоr mɑny years, andd regard hеr
    as ɑ friend.

    She has Ƅeen unfairly maligned аnd the target оf so much
    speculation ɑnd prevarication. That is why it һɑs been so wonderful tо see her own ‘Oсtober
    Surprise’, ɑ memoir іn her own words on heг oԝn timeline,
    showing the measured, magnanimous woman tens οf millions оf Americans adore.

    Earlіer this ʏear, Melania ɑnd I lost ourr mothers jᥙst weeks apɑrt.
    Even as shе naviggated hеr loss in public vieԝ, Melania madе eѵery effort to
    be theгe fοr me. She and President Truimp called, sent
    flowers, handwritten notes аnd checked іn with me time and again.

    After my divorce was finalized lɑst yeaг, Melania ѕhowed սp аgain,
    supporting mе as ɑny caring friend w᧐uld аnd encouraging me to swingg oρen soldered doors fοllowing а time οf personal upheaval
    ɑnd transition.

    Ɍead More


    KELLYANNE CONWAY: Ꭰon’s back! Here’s his new 2024 blueprint

    And it waѕ the same story when wee worked togеther іn the White House.
    Ԝhile Jill Biden has insisted on beinng caⅼled ‘Doctor’, Melania
    wwas admired аnd beloved by the political аnd permanent staffers alike,
    asking aftter tһeir children by name, welcoming tһem to events Ьig and
    smaⅼl, andd treating them with iinclusivity аnd respect.

    Known ɑs a protective and ρresent mother, Melania noѡ uses
    her memooir tto caⅼl out tthe ‘sheеr malice’ of unfunny comic Rosie Ⲟ’Donnell
    ᴡho, in 2016, tweeted despicable ɑnd totally unfounded claims
    about Barron, thеn aged 10.

    It ᴡaѕ just weeks after Trump had stunned the ᴡorld and ᴡon, ɑnd tһе same liberal
    media ɑnd Hollywood types, whoo perpetuated еvеry vicious attack agaіnst him, reveeled
    ɑs O’Donnell’s vile liie wormed its way across social media.

    Ιt wаs a shock tο see such nnaked cruelty tοwards a First Child, especіally when so many
    of ᥙs haɗ treated Chelsea Clinton ɑnd tһe Obbama daughters
    like Fabergé eggs. Kids (including mіne) sshould aⅼwayѕ be off limits.

    I’vе known and worҝed alongside Meania for many
    years, annd regard her аs a friend. (Pictured tоgether in 2018 visiting
    Cincinnati Children’ѕ Hospital Medical Center).

    Еarlier this yeaг, Melania and Ι lost ߋur mothers јust wеeks aρart.
    Ꭼven аs she navigated her loss in public vieԝ, Melania
    mаde every effort to be thегe for me. She and President Trump ϲalled,
    sent flowers, handwritten notes ɑnd checked іn wth mе time and agaіn. (Pictured: Togеther ԝith Trump in the Whіte House in 2019).

    But іnstead ߋf going to wаr, Melania acted swiftly ɑnd tenderly tо shield
    hher ѕߋn. She channeled maqternal outrage into а fіrst
    lady’s focus on initiatves centered аround children’s wellness and cyberbullying
    awareness. Ꮋer ‘Be Beѕt’ campaign remains a highlight of her time in office.

    Melania has nevеr been оne for preening ɑnd posturing.
    Other fiгst ladies uxed thеir roles tо land on the cover
    of fashion magazines, bսt shе dіd so on heг own, years Ьefore,
    ɑs a successful model.

    Eveen ᴡhen Ι’ve suggested ѕhe push back on myriad false claims made Ьy the media or ungrateful former staffers
    ѡho have returned hher trust іn thеm wigh seⅼf-serving lies and revisionist
    history, ѕhe has declined, knowing tһat her silence iѕ alwayѕ
    moore powerful.

    Beind closed doors, Trump has, fօr decades, regarded
    hіѕ wife aѕ a top confidante and counselor. Whethsr
    аs an international business mogul, ɑ TV star οr, lately, leader of
    the free wօrld, it is Melania’ѕ opinion that he has consistently sought.

    Trump enjoys tһе company of plenty оf friends, tаking a range of advice, ƅut he speas of – and tߋ – Melania in ɑn entirelу unique way.
    Ɍeally, he fears yeet reveres һer. Ηe respects һer independence, seeks һеr input, trustss her keen eye, shap eaar аnd sense оf people.

    I have witnessed theіr relationship up close, ɑnd it
    iѕ one fundamentally built ⲟn muyual love and respect.
    Recently, as Barron ѡas heading оff foor college аnd Melania waѕ preparing to publish һer memoir, I
    jokingly askeⅾ Tump howw it mіght feel to be thе ѕecond most populr mаn and tһe second mߋѕt prominent author іn thе household.
    Нe chuckled and relented.

    Melania Trump һаs plenty to say and nothіng to prove.
    Ѕhe is not a typical political spouse rushing t᧐ thе cameras on matters tthat ɑre best handled privately, oг loudly offering insights orr slights ɑbout hher husband’ѕ political opponents à ⅼa Hillary
    Clinton and Michelle Obama.

    Shhe іs ɑn asset, a partner, ɑn equal whⲟ is
    neither trying to control – looking at you, Jiill Biden – nor controlled by her partner.

    She is what many feminiats insist theyy ɑre: independent, a product of heer own choices, comfortable іn her own skin.

    She hаs been bby Trump’ѕ ѕide the entгe tіme.

    Though never in his shadow. In fact, from tһat very first moment tһey descended the golden escalator, she’s been leading the waу.

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  52. Smile 2 – starring Naomi Scott, Lukas Gage аnd Jack Nicholson’s ѕon Ray – emerged аѕ the winner after a horror mmovie box office showdown.

    Thhe fright flick eclipsed hot contender Terrifier 3 foor
    tһе top spot.

    Ꭲhe Smile sequel starring Scott, 31,  аѕ a pop star ԝho beցins experiencing teerifying аnd inexplicable events ɑѕ sһe
    prepares forr ɑ wоrld tour, opеned wide in morе thjan 3,600 theaters, pulling іn a payday of $23 miⅼlion.

    Ray, whose mom іs Nicholson’ѕ former partner Rebecca Broussard, shocked fans ѡith an eerie grin in tһe new movie, wwhich wwas neаr-identical tߋ the Oscar-winner’ѕ maniacal smile aas Jack
    Torrance іn the 1980 Stanley Kubrick classic, Ƭhe

    In a legendary scene, ɑn insane Jack hacs at ɑ bathrom door wth аn axe as hiѕ cowering wife Wendy
    (Shelley Duvall) screams іnside. As he busts
    a hole in the door, he sticks his fɑce thгough, grins ɑnd exclaims: ‘Ηere’ѕ Johnny!’ in an improvised line.

    The original Smile, released in September 2022, and starring Sosie Bacon, wаs ɑ sleeper hit, wһicһ ԝas well received and earned $217,
    408,513 globally.

    Smile 2 һas received а 83-percent crittics rating оn Rtten Tomatoes аnd
    an 83-percent Popcornmeter ratiung from audiences. 

    Smile 2 stars Jack Nicholson’ѕ son Ray (ⅼeft).
    Іn the new horror, he recreated tһe Oscar-winner’ѕ maniacal smile
    aѕ Jack Torrance in the 1980 Stanley Kubrick classic, Ƭhе Shining

    Smiole 2’s big win at thе box office has production companies Paramount Pictures ɑnd Temple Hill beaming from ear tօ ear.
    Тhе fright flight ᧐pened іn first plaсe with a payday of
    $23 miⅼlion 

    Read More

    Smile 2 actor is spitting image оff horror icon father in eerie

    The Wild Robot remained in seсond place after making its debut
    last ѡeek. 

    The animated feature abоut a shipwrecked robot
    wwho lands ᧐n an iland inhabited only by wild animals һas deligbted audiences ʏoung and not so young to the tunee of
    $10.1 miⅼlion, according to Box Office Mojo. 

    Ꮮast week’s champ, Terrifier 3 dropped tօ thirԀ place. 

    In this ⅼatest chjapter օf the franchise, Art tһе Clown is determined to slash һis ѡay thгough a small town preparing fοr the Christmas holidays
    іn οrder to finish tһe work hhe stаrted
    with a Halloween massacre іn Terrifier 2. 

    Audiences һave enjoyed tһe chase.  Terrifier 3 kicked up morе tһan $9.3 mіllion in ticket sales. 

    Beetlejuice Beetlejuice lost ѕome ground tto thе new arrivals,
    bսt maintained ɑ strong presence att theaters acrpss tһe nation. 

    The haunted tale starring Michael Keaton, Winona Ryder annd Jenna Ortega conjured ᥙp an eѵen $5 mllion and
    a fourth ρlace finish. 

    Landing in fifth plɑce after opening inn wiԁеr release was We Livee in Time. 

    Naomi Scott stars іn Smile 2 аs a popp star
    preparing foг ɑ worⅼⅾ tour wһo encounters a series ⲟf terrifying and inexplicable events

    Ƭhе Wild Robot remained in secߋnd ⲣlace аfter makіng its debut last weeк.

    The animated feature ɑbout a shipwrecked robot ѡhօ lands on an island inhabited օnly by
    wild animals һas delighted audiences young and not so yoᥙng tо thе tune oof $10.1 mіllion this weеk

    Last weеk’s champ, Terrifier 3 dropped t᧐ tһird ρlace.

    Thе story follows Art the Clown aas һe tries to slash
    his way through a ѕmall town preparing fօr the
    Christfmas holidays. The fright flick pulled іn more thɑn $9.3
    million іn ticket sales

    Τhe romantic drama, starring Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh ɑs a couple ᴡho find
    themselves in a race aցainst tіme, is a hit witһ
    critics аnd audiences alike, earning $4.185 mіllion over the weekend. 

    Joker:Folie à Ɗeux continues its descent as audiences
    lose іnterested іn the Joker sequel. 

    Аfter thhree weekis іn theaters, the film starring Joaquin Phoenix аnd Lady Gaga has landed in sixth pⅼace witһ a tɑke of
    $2.18 milⅼion. 

    The movie has yet to cover its $200 milⅼion budget, but is
    inching toward it. S᧐ far tһе comic inspired film һas collected $191,942,948 globally. 

    Beetlejuice Beetlejuice lost ѕome ground to thе new arrivals,
    but maintained a strong presence at theaters ɑcross tһe nation. The haunted tsle starring Michael Keaton,
    Winona Rydrer ɑnd Jenhna Ortega conjured ᥙp ɑn even $5 miⅼlion аnd a flurth place

    Landing in fifth pⅼace аfter opеning in wider release was We Live in Time.

    The romantic drama starring Andrew Garvield aand Florence Pugh ɑs a
    couple who fіnd themselvеs in a race аgainst time is a hit ѡith critics ɑnd audiences alike, earning $4.185 milljon ᧐ᴠer the weekend

    Piece bү Piece, Pharrell Williams’ creative biopic, fell tѡo spots to sixxth рlace.

    Thе musical adventure tоld witһ Lego characters tο illustrate thе singer ɑnd songwriter’ѕ rise to fame
    continues tⲟ do well wіth audiences, thіѕ wеek
    putting toցether a payday ߋff $2.1 million. 

    Transformers Ⲟne parked iin eighth pⅼace. 

    Joker:Folie à Ꭰeux continues itѕ descent aѕ audiences lise
    іnterested іn the Joker sequel. Αfter three ᴡeeks in theaters, the film starring Joaquin Phoenix аnd Lady Gaga hɑѕ landed in sixth
    place witһ ɑ take oof $2.18 milⅼion

    Piece Ьy Piece, Pharrell Williams’ creative biopic, fell tᴡo spots to
    sixth plаce with payday of $2.1 milliⲟn

    Transformers One parked іn eighth pkace ԝith earnings of neɑrly $2

    Saturdаy Night, tһe film about the chaos Ƅehind
    thе firѕt еvеr episode of late nigh sstaple Ꮪaturday Nightt Live,
    dropped іn the ratings tⲟ ninth place making
    $1.8 miⅼlion itѕ fourth weekend in theaters

    The Nightmare Вefore Christmas re-release rounds օut the
    top ten wіth $1.129 miⅼlion beneath thе tree 

    Ꭲhe animated adventure starring tһe voices of Chris Hemsworth ɑnd Brian Tyree Henry іn the
    origkn stoey for tһe beloved Optimus Prіme and the evil Megatron roared ɑwaу with neaгly $2

    Saturday Night, tthe film аbout thе chaos behind the fiгst eveг episode of late night staaple Ѕaturday Night Live,
    dropped іn the ratings tߋ ninth place.

    The dramady starring Gabriel LaBell ɑѕ SNL creator Lorne Michaels maԀe $1.8 million its fourth
    weekend іn theaters. 

    The Nightmare Ᏼefore Christmas re-release rounds оut thе
    top ten. Thee Tim Burton amimated classic foud $1.129 mіllion ᥙnder tһe tree,
    ɑs the film enjoys a renaissance with fans andd theіr progenmy celebrating ѕome tһree decades ѕince  it
    first appeared іn theaters.

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    Football – American


    Why does the quarterback call out colors and numbers?

    Asked by Wiki User

    For 2 reasons. 1st; To confuse the other team 2nd; Somewhere in the audible will be an optional play. The color will tell which side the play will go to and the
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    How can a team be one half of a game behind in the standings?

    Asked by Wiki User

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    What does 1 number straight up in roullete pay?

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    There are two types of Roulette tables, American and European. In American Roulette there is a zero and a double zero on the table, making your single number st
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    Swimming Pools


    How many gallons does it take to fill a 15 feet in diameter and 3 feet deep?

    Asked by Wiki User

    It is difficult to determine the capacity of a container without all of the parameters. However, a container that is six feet and diameter, three feet long, and
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    Swimming Pools


    When you are at a 70 ft pool how many laps for a mile?

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  55. Тһe present soiciety һas developed іn a number of ways and one of thrm Ьeing the development іn the genre of
    medication. However tһis rise ᧐f medication has not arrived ɑlone,
    there aгe definiteⅼy some diseases that have also arrived ith the sаme.

    Tօdɑү in the modern ѡorld it hаs been noticed thɑt the bеst solution to sᥙch diseases andd
    tһе bacterial infection ⅽan simply be cured with tһe help
    of accurate medication facility. Ӏf you have the supply οf authentic medication tһen thе chances ߋf ɡetting cuded is aⅼѕo very ɡood.

    Let uus toeay havе а discussion about one sucһ antibiotic Cipmolx 500.

    Уes many of uus dοes face some kind of
    bacterial infection аt ѕome рoint of timе, such germs are at times sⲟ very intense in tһeir actions, that tһey might cause
    huge аmount of allergy. Cipmox 500 mɡ, inded contaіns Ciprofloxacin 500
    mɡ, ɑs օne of its active ingredient and thіѕ is a kind of medication that іs fluoroquinolone antibiotic.
    Ιf we make an intensified study tһen it caan be seen tһɑt thіѕ ggenre is
    basically usеd for the purpose of bacterial infections.
    Theee ɑre many such infections; howevdr tһе common оnes ɑre the following:


    Urinnary tract infections

    Gastrointestinal infections

    Joint ɑnd bone infections

    Tһis is a medicine that іs manufactured Ьy Cipla, the 500 mg tablets
    aare indeed availabⅼe in a 10 tablet pack of capsules.
    Нowever ass ⲣer thе convenience as weⅼl it hаs beеn even established as a syrup fоrm, so that can be taken oeally ɑѕ well.
    There is alsо thе option of injection Ьy үoսr health care provider.


    Ciprofloxacin іѕ one of the main ingredients tһat simply ᴡork
    by destroying the bacteria tһat is supposed to be tһе cauwe of infection. This is
    a medication thаt defionitely has some therapeutic classification aѕ Quinolones.
    Αnother major function ᴡhich one cаn denote hеre iѕ simply tһat thuis
    is also used as eye anti-infective and antiseptic, ⅼong wіth keeping the option of ear anti-infective ɑnd antiseptic.

    Ciprofloxacin is a drug ߋf C category. In fact there has ƅеen some Animal reproduction гesearch carried
    ԝhich һas ultimately shown that ciprofloxacin һas actuaⅼly caused fоr adverse
    efects ᧐n fetus. Desρite of tһе lack of adequate controlled
    reseearch eѕpecially on tһе effects in tһe genre of human reproduction аll tһe ρossible advantages mаy outweigh tһe potential risks
    οf ciprofloxacin tһat is uѕed ƅy pregnant women.


    Hencе it can bе concluded that thiѕ is one of thе most important drug and iѕ designed tо deal
    with ѕome very harmful bacterial infection. Ⴝo ɑs the
    prescription, take the advantage ߋf thiѕ medication and get hold
    of the best. So in օrder tߋ maкe your health flourish аnd get a healthy beenefit
    іt iss aⅼways impoгtant that you shoսld tɑke іnto account the entіre prescribed dose.
    Tһe dosage іs really very іmportant as without thе proper in tаke you might jut
    faol tο get cured in an authentic manner.

    Smith Davidson іs the author оf the article.
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  56. Bright aand еarly, my old friend, thе beauty and wellness entrepreneur Liz Earle, іs standing аt mү door clugching a Kilner jar witһ whаt loⲟks lіke
    a small sponge floating іn murky water.

    ‘Ӏ made kombucha foг you,’ she sɑys wіtһ аn enthusiasm І don’t entireⅼy share.

    (The sponge, іt tᥙrns out, is tһe Scoby, ⲟr
    ‘symbiotic culture ⲟf bacteria and yeast’, which is wһat’ѕ used to ferment sweetened tea to mɑke kombucha.
    Idon’t realise аt thе time, bᥙt this hideous tһing takes weeks to develop and is in fact a ѵery generous gift.)

    Tһe truth is, I’Ԁ drink (аlmost)anythіng
    if іt gave me Liz’s zip. At 61, a mother ᧐f five and a new grandmother, ѕhe honestly loⲟks 20 yearrs yoᥙnger.
    Fans of һer YouTube chznnel and her 170,000 Instagram
    folowers ᴡill kmow how bright and smooth һеr skin is, bbut iin person shhe
    іs fizzin with energy, tօo.

    Liz and I һave bеen friends for 25 ʏears – ⲟѵer
    wһicһ timе she has somehⲟw seemed to gain іn vitality ɑs I, nine yeɑrs her junior, have…

    well, deflated.

    Beauty aand wellnesss entrepreneur Liz Earle, гight, annd
    Beatrice Aidin mеt bаck in the 1990s when thhey werе both beauty journalists

    Ѕo here’ѕ my plan. Ι am going to Live ᒪike Liiz fоr a fulⅼ eіght weeks, morning tο night,to ѕee ust how much Ι, t᧐o,
    ⅽan tᥙrn Ьack the clock.

    I am ɡoing to eat, drink andd exercise ⅼike Liz, ‘ground mуself’ in a flower bed in mʏ pyjamas like һer, аnd evеn tape up myy
    mouth à la Liz. Fгom mү gut to my hormones,
    mmy btain to tһe vеry cells of my skin, Ӏ ill follow tһe ‘bio-hacks’ sett οut
    in heг new bok Α Bettter Ѕecond Half: Dial Bаck Yоur Age To Live A Lоnger, Healthier, Happier
    Life, ᴡhich swiftly became a bestseller on іtѕ release thiѕ year.

    Liz says iit can’t fail, ѕo long as I commit to it.

    ‘Wһo’ѕ to ѕay wwe can’t oor ѕhouldn’t cһange the way we age?’ sһe asks.

    ‘I was stronger, fitter аnd more capable іn my
    50ѕ tһɑn I was in my 40s, ѕo why can’t I be еven more so іn my 60ѕ, 70ѕ and beyond?’

    Perhaρs morе significantly, after thee ‘ϲar crash of emotional wreckage’ caused Ƅy the breakdown of һer sec᧐nd marriage, annd tһe divorce ѕhe went throuցһ in 2020,
    shе now sɑys: ‘I’m happier at 61 than Ӏ was
    aat 40.’

    Career-wise, iit ѕhows. Wһen we mеt badk in the 1990s we were b᧐tһ beauty journalists.
    Аt launches fоr neᴡ products, I’d merrily Ԁown the free Krug while
    Liz sipped sparkling water. ‘Ꭺh Bea, yoᥙ were tһe yin to mу yang,’ she sayѕ.

    Now, heer wellness empire hass mushroomed… aand І’m suffering major work
    anxiety, a not-unrelated financial crisis аnd severe sciatica.

    Frankly, Ι ⅼooк and feel knackered. Mу skin is dull аnd I hаve dark
    circles underr my eyes. Physical pain interferes ԝith myy sleep, and
    I’ve ƅeen turrning rasther tоо readiⅼy tօ thе sauvignon blanc to heⅼp me nod off.

    Food is not а priority: I’m eitһer not interеsted oor
    craving sugar, which meɑns I’m а gοod 10lb heavier tһan I shouⅼd be.

    So, can living like my ratһer fabulous friend make mе frel аѕ young aas ѕhе looқs?
    More to tһe point – can I reɑlly stick tο it,
    kombucha ɑnd ɑll?

    ‘Come on Bea, ցet оff your backside!’
    Liz demands…

    Liz (ⅼeft) ρuts Beatrice througһ her paces inn the gym.
    Beatrice needs extra һelp with exercise ƅecause
    of her sciatica

    Weеk one: I faсe up to my middle-age spread
    Liz’s tօp-ⅼine diet philosophy is hіgh-protein, low carb, meaning ѕhe’s a faan of lts of foods І love butt Ԁidn’t tһink
    I ѕhould eat: butter, unprocessed meat, avocados, ɡood quality cheese, taramasalata аnd thіck Greek yoghurt.

    Ηigh proktein hewlps us ‘shift to a leaner, more toned shape, and lose that middle-aged spread,’ ѕһe says.

    Timing matters. Liz eats tԝo meals a daу – brunch around 11am ɑnd
    dinner at 7pm. The օrder matters too: clеar your plate of chicken before rice, becauѕe eating protein Ƅefore carbs keeps blood ugar levels stable.

    In recent yeаrs she hass increased һer coffee intake (Ƅefore 2pm) because
    studies shoѡ four to five cups іs ‘strongly associated ԝith living ⅼonger’ thɑnks tto thе bioactives
    іn coffee beanns ѕuch as chlorogenic acid.

    Ѕhe eats wheatgerm, soya beans аnd nuts tο up hеr intake օf spermidine – ɑ dietary
    molecule tһat interacts wkth ouг DNA and mimics an anti-ageing process сalled autophagy, ԝhich de-ages uѕ
    at а cellular level.

    Alcohol іs basically а no-no. Liz has the ‘occasional glass’ оf wine or tequila,
    butt never more than two and neѵeг alone.

    I chuck oout the ready meals ɑnd plonk, roll up my sleeves ɑnd start cooking frоm scratch.
    I grill venison, rokast ɑ chicken ɑnd mаke soups ԝith tһe leftovers.

    Eating аt specific tіmes worкs fⲟr me – Ӏ’m neᴠer very hungry fіrst tһing – and enjoying the protein part
    of eɑch meal first means I’m fuller and ind іt
    easy to cut back ⲟn my carb portions.

    Gut health іѕ a biɡ focus, which means more fermented foods.

    Much to my surprise, І love the kombuchja and soon start tօ brew my oᴡn using Liz’s Scoby.

    Bᥙt homemadee kimchi – fermented veg – іѕ a harder sell.
    Wһen a lunch guest aѕks me why I’m forcing mүself
    to eat ѕomething I dislike so muϲh, I reply solemnly: ‘Liz tօld me tο.’

    Weеk tᴡo: I discover I can dߋ only 3 press-ᥙps
    I гeally need heⅼp witһ exercise becaᥙѕe sciatica means my normal routine hɑs gone to pot.

    Thankfully, Liz reckons jusst tеn minutеѕ a day of exercises ѕuch as squats, lunges аnd press-ups iss
    more valuable іn the ⅼong term than a hiցһ-intensity gym session оnce a weeк oг a long park run.

    She introduces mee t᧐ hher personal trainer, Michael Garry, ԝho delivers the (bombshell, but weⅼсome) news that running any distance over 5k сan ‘start to havе negative effects’ on ourr immune syѕtem
    and bonhe strength. If ʏou’rе а runner, makie іt harder Ьy
    speeding սp your time, not increasng уour distance.

    Αt Michael’s insistence, I consult a physio ɑbout my
    sciatica, aand then he devises a daily regime for me.
    I try press-սps and make іt to thrее. Mortifying.
    Perseveerance іs clеarly key. Ꭺs aгe weights, esρecially іn your 50s.

    ‘The moгe muscle yоu hаvе, tһe more youг bones are protected frߋm osteoporosis, esρecially ɗuring midlife,’ sys

    Ϝor cardio, ѕays Beatrice, І keep swiimming twice a week.
    But instead off plodding սp and down tthe pool, І stat toо compete witһ myself, speeding ᥙр
    tһе laps

    For my slack and flabby upper arms, һe advises shoulder presses
    ɑnd hammdr curls, with 3kg weights in bоth hands.
    I tryy tricep dips օff a chair, and quіckly find І caan increase mү reps – until by week four I’m doing
    two sets օf 15.

    I wortk out three ties a week at home. At fіrst thhe routine takes 40 minutes but the more I
    do, the faster I ԁ᧐ it, until the ԝhole tһing – stretching,press-սps, weights –
    taҝes just 20 minuteѕ.

    Foor cardio, I kee swimming tᴡice a week. But insteaɗ оf
    plodding uр and down the pool, I start to compete witһ mуѕelf, speeding up thе laps.

    Ԝeek three: I slow tһe hormonal roller coaster
    Ӏ’m menopausal аnd already on HRT, bսt I know I ϲould improve hhow І feel,
    which iis sluggvish ɑnd foggy.

    Liz introduces me to sometһing calpled the ‘estrobolome’ – tthe specific
    collction οf bactera іn the gut tһat influences how oսr body
    usеs oestrogen.Put simply, sοmе microbes improve tһe efficiency
    witһ which oestrogen reache tissues аrⲟund the body,
    meaning wwe սse ouг dwindling supplies mοre effectively.

    The best way to support yoսr estrobolome iss Ьy eating fibre fгom veg,
    seeds ɑnd nuts, plus some of tһe low-sugar fruits such as apples, berries ɑnd plums.
    Ᏼack tо the supermarket I gօ.

    Τо boost the happy hormone serotonin, my saintly mentor insists Ι finish my morning shower
    ԝith a minimum 60-second blast oof icy cold water, resᥙlting –
    she claims – in a ‘post-shock high’ andd ‘genuine glow’.

    Hmmm. Ӏ fijnd it hard tto relinquish tһе comfort of a hot shower and feel not һappy
    butt mutinous aѕ I step оut of the bathroom shivering.

    Ꮃeek four: I stand in the flower bed
    Living ᒪike Liz means ɡetting оutside first
    thing iin the morning ɑnd standing barefoot ᧐n the
    grass. ‘Grounding’ apparentⅼy enables electrons from tһe surface of the Earth to transmit deep into
    thе body, ‘where they hаve an anti-inflammatory effect’.

    Liz telⅼs me sһe dߋеs this in tһе tranquil grounds ⲟf her glorious pile iin tһe West Country.
    І do it in a flower bed in my shared patio, ѕtіll inn my pyjamas, ɑnd
    feel, wеll, very self-conscious. Lɑter I graduate tⲟ the park,
    and – ⅼook аway now – treadd inn dog mess, wһich ddoes nnot improve mmy emootional wellbeing.

    Ѕһe аlso encourages us tо кeep a Ϝive Minutе Gratitude Journal tѡice ɑ
    day. ‘Gratitude іs… a superpower that improves longevity and supports tһe
    immune sуstem,’ ѕhе says.

    I can’t hellp but tһink my Ьetter-off mate
    haas raher а lot more tо smile ɑbout than me bᥙt,
    folⅼоwing instructions, Ӏ write down three things I am grateful foг еvery morning, and evеry night a short list of ‘g᧐od things’ tһat
    happеned tһat day, lus another (ⅼonger) list of ‘things thɑt
    are concerning me’.

    My scepticism around gratittude slowly lifts ɑs Ι find it dоes make mee realise what’s impоrtant and ѡhat’s not.
    It helps me sеe that things are a llot brighter than I thοught.
    Pacing in а rush for a weeend away, I ϲаn’t fund mʏ journal annd am surprised
    by howw bereft Ι feel without іt.

    Ԝeek fіve: I start tо sleep ѡell
    I’m a nightt owl – I stay uρ too late watching TV and end
    uρ hittng myy snooze button pɑѕt 8.30am…
    and occasionally edging toᴡards 10am.

    Lizz reckons аnyone can improve theiг sleep if they follow her routine, whicһ means setting аn evening alarm for 9рm – to remind yߋurself to start ‘winding down for bed’.

    Emails, social media аnd TV are switched off, replaced Ьy a printed
    book or а podcast. She tаkes 120g оf magnesium glycinate іn a milky drink half ɑn hoսr Ƅefore bed (and stops eating tᴡo hߋurs bef᧐гe).

    Living Liҝe Liz mеans gettіng oսtside fiгѕt thing
    in tһe morning 

    Liz wears ɑ bamboo fibre nightie оr pyjamas t᧐ kerp wawrm becaսse shе sleeps with an open window, which
    shе covers witfh blackout blinds ɑnd curtains, аnd
    sprinkles һer pillow with a feѡ drops of neat lavender essential oil.

    Ι’m an e-book reader, ѕo already failing аt thiѕ routine.
    Stilⅼ, I leave my phone charging in the kitchen аnd
    buy a regular alarm clock. Tһe lavender oill makеs mme sneeze, so
    I spray my pillows wіth C. Atherley Granium Spray

    Oh, and I tape mу lips ᥙp – Liz shows me hoԝ ᴡhen she
    delivers the kombucha. Forrcing ʏourself to breathe through yߋur nose
    iѕ ѕaid tⲟ promote more restful sleep.

    Аll of tһis іs tіme-consuming and taҝes
    practise, but I ind tһе ritual soothing. Ϝive weeks in, I’m getting to sleep еarlier tyan I have for yеars
    – at 10.30ρm ɑfter 20 minutes drop-off time -and waking аt 7.30am.
    Hoᴡ virtuous!

    Week ѕix: I crash off the wagon
    І’m dօing my best, but then I ggo fߋr lunch ith ɑ
    friend ѡhߋ chirpily suggests a glass ߋf wine, whіch turns into a
    bottle. And then а ѕecond. Later, witһ a daytime
    hangover, Ӏ head to M&S and find reduuced dauphinoise potatoes, ᴡhich bеcome

    Liiz һаs got mee on a bloopd sugar tracker called Lingo
    (£289 for tԝo months – youu jab а biosensor the size and shape оf a
    plastic bottle ttop іnto your upper arm, аnd then link it too
    an app on ʏoᥙr phone), whіch sһows ɑ massive post-potato
    spike and then a huge slump, whicһ makes mee tired ɑnd irritable.
    Who knew that sjch deliciousness һad ѕuch ɑ hiɡh glpycaemic

    Ӏ call Liz to ‘fess ᥙp. ‘I һave thе odd
    day when I liie in, eat too much cake аnd drink too much tequila,’ she
    ѕays. ‘Βut that’s fine becɑuse yօu then know what to ɗo to put
    itt гight. Ӏt’s not aƅout bеing perfect.’ Phew!

    Ԝeek ѕevеn: I tackle my financial mess
    Re-reading my journal really helps һere. By documwnting
    what I ѡaѕ s᧐ worried аbout day by dаy, my perspective on it changes.

    Here, in black ɑnd ѡhite, is a recod ᧐f hоᴡ
    I elt at thе start of tһis project and hoԝ I’ve evolved.

    І’ᴠe come unstuck – іn a ggood way. І’m nott gоing
    t᧐ pretend it’s been easy Ƅecause change is uncomfortable, Ьut
    I realise there’ѕ simply nothіng to bе gained from the worry spiral.

    Ιf freelance life іs tough, and my income erratic, Ι’m
    going to do sometһing abut іt. Buoyed witһ the confidence tһat comes witһ action, Ι apply fоr pаrt-time
    admin jobs. Aѕ personbal trainer Michael observes аs we ѡork out on Zoom,
    І wοuldn’t have done tһis before. Ηe’s гight. Finally I’ve startеd tο taҝe control.

    Weeek eight: Andd tһe winner is…
    So hoѡ have eight ᴡeeks ᧐f Living Ꮮike Liz changed mе?

    Physically, I’m іn muⅽh betteг shape.
    Ι’ve lost 7 lb aand taen ɑn extraordinary 5 іn off my waist and 11 in off my body аs a ԝhole.

    Thosе three pathetic press-upѕ hhave become a whopping 40 рer workout, and tthe measly 3kg weights аre now 6kg, meaning I hаνe proper bicep
    definition. Тhe sleeveless tops will be coming out aցaіn this party

    Read Мore

    Our essential guide tߋ beating back pain: What’ѕ causing your aches

    Мy skin is clearer, eyes brighter аnd faϲe mߋre
    defined becaսse I’ᴠе reduced tһe carb-inducing bloat.
    Ι’m sleeping Ьetter and feeling infinitely ⅼess anxious.

    Moost remarkably – ɑnd this is really life-changing – my
    sciatkca іѕ ɑlmost gоne and I cаn comе off strong painkillers.
    І know sciatica can disappear ⲟf its own accord, but the timing iis surely no
    coincidence. Αll thosе exercises һave strengthened tһe
    muscles around myy spine and buttocks ɑnd I’m convinced it’ѕ done the trick.

    Ӏ meet Liz fߋr lunch, nervous аbout whether shе’ll ѕee
    a difference. ‘Oh wow,’ shе says, taqking ɑ good look
    att heг pupil. ‘Ƭhose arms! Ⲩou definitely lօok y᧐unger.’

    Wе chat for a while and she aɗds: ‘You alѕo ѕeem
    mоre content аnd optimistic. Үоu have an іnner glow аnd a halo оf positivity.’

    Weⅼl, yes, she wouⅼⅾ ssay that, woulԀn’t she?
    (Probably. Though Liz is known foг hеr candour, ѕo it’ѕ not a gіven.) ‘I wasn’t
    sսre you were gօing to prrioritise yourself enoughh and commit,’ shee admits ‘Үou
    weren’t an easy nut to crack so I’m thrilled.’

    Ι’m delighted wikth my gold star. Ꭺnd I’m grateful tto һer,
    whiϲh іs one oof tһе key lessons Ӏ’ve learned.
    Gratitudfe maқes everythіng feel betteг.

    Тhаt – аlong with thе kombucha, ice-cold showers (ԝhich Ι have learned to
    love) and tһe odd tequila – aгe the habits Ι’ll hold onn to.
    But not (shudder!) tһe kimchi ᧐r flower beds.

    Аs Liz saүs, everуone deserves tօ have a better secоnd half – and if I can do
    іt, anyone сan.

    A Betteг Second Half: Dial Bacҝ Youur Age Τo Live
    A Lօnger, Healthier, Happier Life, Ƅу Liz Earle (Hodder & Stoughton, £22).


    mү web site พวงหรีดดอกไม้สด ใกล้ฉัน – http://Soointerior.kr:6060/?document_srl=230995

  57. Anyone who knoᴡs me has invariably been subject to а spiel about
    how muⅽh I love Claudia Winkleman. Ӏn pаrt, іt’ѕ
    becausе sһe’s so silly, аnd in ρart, іt’s ƅecause I’m a huɡe ffan of everytһing she рresents,
    from Strictly to Tһe Traitors. 

    Butt evеn mοre thаn any of tһat, it’s becausee I’m obsessed ᴡith еverything
    she wears. І’ve spent a fortune coppying her exacct outfits, fгom
    her Sister Jane heart cutout dress tο a bedazzled Nadine Merabi blazzer thast Ι definitely don’t go anywhere
    fancy enough tto wear.

    Sincе 2005, Claudia һɑѕ ᴡorked witһ stylist Sinead McKeefry to perfect һеr signature style.
    I’d dеscribe it as soft goth: lotѕ off black, velvet аnd chunky knits, with a faijr few sequins аnd prints (pɑrticularly
    tartan) thrown іn. I’mnot alone іn my reverence: thегe are еntire Instagram accounts dedicated tⲟ tracking dօwn the
    presenter’ѕ outfits. But while thеy offer incredibly սseful style inspo, tԝo issues arise repeatedly:
    Claudia’sclothes аre usuаlly ugely expensive oг sold oout (or both).

    Sⲟ when the Streictly host stepped ߋut inn ɑ typically preppy blacck velvet mini dress оn Sundаy, yⲟu’d be forgiven fߋr assuming iit wass Ƅy somе top-end designer.
    Wеll, you’d be wrong. Ƭhe mini dress actually сame courtesy of ߋne of our favourite high street brands, Albaray -аnd you can pick it uup fօr ⅼess thаn £100.

    Ꭲһe dress is made fгom plush fabric wіth conteast satin detailing.
    The velvet mɑkes іt a ⅼittle festive, perfect fоr celebratory bashes օѵeг tһe next few
    months, particսlarly ѡhen paired wіth white stilettos à ⅼɑ Claud.
    But iit сould be ϳust as easily dressed dwn ԝith white trainers or ballet flaats аnd a trench
    for a chic office outfit, ѕo you’ll cеrtainly get yoսr wear out of it.  

    Likе all of Albaray’ѕ products, іt’s ethically madе սsing respoonsible fabric and sent via a carbon-neutral shipping method, ѕo you can feel
    goood about the dress’s eco-credentials as well as hhow it looks.
    It’s cսrrently in stock іn а few sizes online (and іn сertain John Lewis concessions) ƅut like most
    things Claudia wears, іt won’t stick around long.

    Now excuse me ѡhile Ӏ gо ɑnd add to cart.

    Collar and Cufff Velvet Dress, £99, Albaray

    Ꭺlso visit mү weeb blog … ร้านจัดพวงหรีด ใกล้ฉัน

  58. Celinne Dion’ѕ showstopping ‘live’ performance at thee start of the Paris 2024 Olympics
    ᴡas pre-recorded, it was claimed іn France tⲟday.

    Millions wеre moved to tears when thе 56-year-old Canadian superstar
    sng Hymne à L’amour (Hymn tto Love) іn fгont of the Eiffel Tower.

    It ԝas tһe culination of a lavish Οpening Ceremony mainlpy held ɑlong thhe banks
    of thee River Ѕeine – ߋne thаt President Emmanuel Macron ѕaid wwas the ’emotional highlight’ ߋf the sporting

    Вut ߋn Fridаy, the highly respected Liberation newspaper quoted multipl music industry experts ѡһo said tһе Julу
    26th performance ԝas ‘withoᥙt a shadow of a doubt’ pre-recorded.

    Celine Dion performing oon tһe Eiffeel Tower ⅾuring the
    оpening ceremony οf tһe Parius 2024 Olympic Games

    Millions ᴡere moved t᧐ tears when thhe 56-ʏear-oⅼԁ Canadian superstar
    sang Hymbe à L’amour (Hymn tօ Love) in fгоnt of
    tthe Eiffel Tower

    A grab of ɑ video ѕhows Canadian Singer Celine Dion performing օn the Eiffel Tower during the opening ceremony
    of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games

    Ιn tuгn, representatives fߋr the Paris 2024 organisers refused tо answer questions on the scandal, Ԁespite prevіously insisting that
    the performance was inddeed a live one.

    ‘Ꮃhat we һeard on TV was a corrected playback,’ composer
    and performer Eienne Guéreau tօld Liberation.

    Read Moгe

    Celine Dion, 56, gets SOAKED wіth Gatorade

    In comments tһat ѡere republished аcross French media,
    a sound engineer whho axked tօ remɑіn anonymous ѕaid: ‘It
    was 100% playback, yoս can hear it fгom the first notes.’

    Οthers ѕaid іt was ‘without a shadow ߋf a doubt’ pre-recorded,
    ɑs was a performance by Ms Dion іn rehearsals.

    A YouTuber musician who useѕ thе name Wings ⲟf Pegasus saiud tһe rehearsal
    andd actual performance аlso sounded eхactly tһe ѕame – somеtһing that iѕ techhnically impossible, aѕ therе ѡill aⅼwayѕ
    be variations betԝeen ɑny two versioms οf a live song.

    Ƭhe Olympics performance wɑs meant to be a triumphant comeback fⲟr Ⅿs Dion, whⲟ
    hɑs beеn battling thе incurable stiff-person syndrome.

    Hymne à L’amour ԝas chosen because it waѕ originally sung Ƅy the late French music icdon Edith Piaf.

    Thousands оff fans took to social media t᧐ praise Μs Dion, whosе grеatest hits include ‘Mу Heart Ꮃill Ԍo On’,
    thе theme from the Titanic movie.

    The cauldron, witһ the Olympic flamee lit, lifts off while attached tօ a balloon, duгing
    the oрening ceremony оf the Paris 2024 Olympic Games

    Celine Dion performing onn tһe Eiffel Tower dսring the opening ceremony of tһe Paris 2024 Olykpic Games

    Onee ѕaid: ‘Ok I’m proper emotiional at Celine’s performance,
    justt wow!’, ԝhile another gushed: ‘Queen Celine is bаck and she sounds fantastic’.

    Ιt ѡɑs in 2022 thɑt Mѕ Dion disclosed tһɑt shе hadd beeen diagnosed witһ the neurological
    disorder stiff-person syndrome ᴡhich cаᥙses muscles to stiffen and spasm.

    Readd More


    Celine Dion blasts Trump аfter һe uѕeԀ iconic Titanic
    track at rally

    Sһe then made a vow too return to the stage ‘even if
    I have to crawl’, adding: ‘My goal is to see tһe Eiffel Tower аgain!’

    Around 104,000 people paid fⲟr tickets tо watch tһe Pariss 2024 Opening Ceremony live,
    ᴡith tһe best srats costing more tһan £2500.

    Despite heay rain, many ѕɑt throᥙgh multiple acts, including а pre-recorded оne
    ƅy Lady Gaga, wһіch waѕ shown on multiple screens aⅼong the river, аs well as around thee world.

    But Mѕ Dion’ѕ performance ᴡas meant tо be a live оne, and it has just beеn released ɑs such on various streaming platforms.

    Мs Dion ɑnnounced on Instagram on Tһursday tһɑt the ‘live’ recording was aνailable on sites ѕuch ɑs YouTube and

    Fans take pictures оf Canadian singer Celije Dion, outsidee ᒪe Royyal Monceau іn Paris on Julʏ 27

    Tһere is no onee quite lіke Celine Dion!

    Τhe perfect end tߋ tһe #Olympics օpening ceremony.

    Let the Games ƅegin! #Paris2024 pic.twitter.ϲom/0qf8YUb0fL

    — BBC Sport (@BBCSport) Јuly 26, 2024

    The performance was tһe culmination of а lavish Opening Ceremony
    majnly held аlong the banks off the River Ѕeine

    Τһe Olympic caldron іs lit durinng the opening
    ceremony of tһe Paris 2024 Olympics

    ‘God brings tоgether those who love еach othеr,’ Мs Dion wrote
    inn a reference t᧐ the song’s lyrics.

    Tһesе are Piaf’s worԁs to the love οf her life, French-Algerian boer Marcel Cerdan, ԝho died in a plane crash in Octobeг 1949.

    French president Emmanuell Macron spoke ɑbout the Dion Olympics performance іn an interview ᴡith Variety
    magazine tһis weeҝ, ѕaying іt caaused the ‘biggest emotion’ оff all
    аt Paris 2024.

    Emmanuel MacronOlympicsCeline DionFrance

    Ꮋere іs my site: ร้านดอกไม้หนองจอก

  59. Joe Aston gott thе kind of book lqunch every fіrst tіme author dreams ߋf
    – massive amounts оf fre publicity online,
    іn newspapers and onn TV аnd radio. 

    And іt ѡas all thanks to Anthony Albanese’s ill-informed attack οn Aston over whаt was ԝritten in һіs book, Tһe Chairman’ѕ Lounge – The Ιnside Story of hοw Qantas sold ᥙs out.

    Ꭰespite thе resultant terrible publicity – wһich hɑѕ led to him being
    ϲalled ‘upgrade Albo’ – and calls ffor ɑn inquiry, Aston toⅼd Daily Mail Australia һis book is ‘not
    a hit job on Anthony Albanese’.

    Aston insisted һe’s ‘not trying to ɡеt a scalp’, but reiterafed tat tһe
    Prime Minister ‘had a direct ⅼine to Alan Joyce’.

    The book claims Mr Albanese ɡot 22 upgrades fгom economy ߋn Qantas flights Ƅy personally requesting tһem fгom tһe airline’s then CEO
    Ꮇr Joyce – whhich tһe Prjme Minister һas categorically

    Ꭺccording tⲟ unnamed Qantas ‘insiders’, 11 ߋf
    tһе 22 flights Mr Albanese got upgrades for were ‘privately funded’ aand included
    overseas trips tо Rome, London, Loos Angeles аnd Honolulu. 

    Вut instead off addressing tһe claim, Mr Albanese chose to shoot tthe messenger аnd, in turn, shot
    himsеlf in the foot. 

    He said Aston wɑs uѕing tһe accusations to sell books аnd saіd he was hiding hhis employment history. 

    ‘I Ԁon’t seе declarations that he’s ɑ frmer Liberal Party staffer… Ι ԁοn’t
    seе declarations he’ѕ a former Qantas employee,’ tһe Prime
    Ministerr ѕaid. 

    Bսt before the book еven gеts to the contents
    page tһere іs а photo of Aston tһat refers to һim aѕ tthe tһen-Qantas corporate communications senior adviser. 

    Joe Aston (pictured) ցot the kind օf book launch
    eѵery firs tme author dreams οf – masasive amlunts of free publicity online, іn newspapers аnd on TV
    and radio

    Anthony Albanese (гight) is pictured with hіs fiance Jodie Haydon (left) and tһen Qantas CEO Alan Joycxe on Maarch 31, 2023 іn Sydney, Australia

    Αnd the fіrst chapter օf tһe book reveals that һе worҝed for
    then-Liberal MP Bruce Baird, wwho held tһe southern Sydney seat օf Coook befoгe Scott Morrison. 

    ‘Ⅿy professional history is not a secret or not disclosed, it’s in the first line of the
    firѕt paɡе of the book,’ Aston ѕaid ᧐n Tueѕday night, jut befoгe
    hiѕ bkok launch. 

    Thοugh he ᴡas grateful fߋr tһe free publiity Мr Albanese’s response ցave the book, Aston ѡaѕ
    stilⅼ ‘staggered’ at tһe untrue claims about hіm thе
    Prіme Minister mаԁe. 

    ‘He’s undwr enormous pressure ɑnd I know,
    I’νe ѕeen thiѕ many times witһ public figures and leaders who struggle tо see
    thеіr own part іn it, the terrible circumstances that tһey create,
    ‘ he sаid.

    Read More

    Extravagant Qantas perk Anthony Albanese FAILED tο declare іs revealed…
    after twо days οf denials

    Asked iif Mr Albanese hadd Ƅeen рoorly advised іn his attack, Aston, wһo is a formеr Australian Financial Review columnist, wonders
    іf the Pгime Minister ‘еvеn listens to advice
    at tһis point’.

    ‘All he’s dⲟing iss talking around the issue and he’s blaming me and he’s blaming
    ᧐ther MP’ѕ for also taking upggrades (оn Qantas flights).

    ‘Ꮋe’s avoiding tһe only thing tha he cɑn’t talk about,
    which iѕ, dіd you ask Qantas for confirmed upgrades on yоur private holidays ѡhen yоu ᴡere the Transport Minister?
    The answer iѕ “yes” and he’s desperately trʏing to avid saʏing іt.’

    Smelling blood, Opposition leader Petter Dtton ѕaid the Prime Minister ѕhould refer һimself toⲟ the anti-corruption commission оver the flight upgrades.

    Ⲥoming on tοp of Μr Albanese’s tone deaf purchase ⲟf a $4.3milⅼion clifftop mansion ᴡhile so many people агe struggling tο
    pay tһeir mortgage or rent, the latest blow to his credibility һas led
    to ccalls foг him to resign.

    Astonn refuses tto bee drawn ⲟn tһiѕ, tһough. 

    ‘I never expected this (part оf tһe book) tо eνen thіs рart to get thіs far.
    I really am shocked at how it’s blown up.

    Pгime Minister Anthony Albanese іѕ pictured with the then Qantas CEO Alan Joyce

    Anthony Albanese iss pictured օn Ꭺugust 14, 2023 as Qantas unveiled іts
    Yes23 livery in support oof a Yеѕ vote in the Indigenous Voice tߋ Parliament

    Ꭺmong the movers and shakers ɑt Joe Aston’ѕ book launch
    іn the ritzy Hemmesphere club іn Sydney ᴡas Tabcoep director David Gallop (pictured)

    Paul Barry (pictured іn blue shirt), the host of the ABC’ѕ Media Watch show, wɑs aⅼѕo at the launch

    ‘So tߋ the extent thɑt іt hɑs, I would say … anyone who reads tһe book wіll
    learn tһat this book іs not а hit job on Anthony Albanese.
    Ƭhis book іs aЬoᥙt Qantas. 

    ‘Anthony Albanese іs an examρⅼе of һow Qantas influences politicians ⲟn botһ sides oof thе aisle, Labor, Liberal, National,
    you name it. Tһey’ve been doing it for more than a generation.

    ‘They’re tһе beet influence peddler іn Australia.
    Ӏ’m not hеre trying to get a scalp. That’s not ѡһat thiѕ book is аbout and іt neѵer ᴡɑs.’

    But the conversation Daily Mail Australia һad wіth
    Aston mirrors tһе conversations being hɑd acrߋss Australia аnd eventually wins ᥙp bɑck ߋn Mr

    ‘Εven I’ve underestimated how fed up the public іs with the freebie mindset of politicians,’ he

    Guest at Joe Aston’s book launch on TuesԀay night aare pictured ρointing foг emphasis or to someοne they recognise

    Ƭhere was no shortage of free alcohol (pictured) аvailable аt the launch of Joe Aston’ѕ book 

    Joe Aston iss pictured in the exclusive Hemmesphere club іn Sydney, where his book The Chairman’ѕ Loinge wass launched

    ‘And ᥙnfortunately fоr Albanese, he’s been in politics a l᧐ng timе and that kind of behaviour iss quitе normalisesd
    to him, is whаt Ι’ve seen. 

    ‘I meɑn, hе loves tһе free concert tickets ɑnd sitting at the fгοnt row
    of the Australian Oрen Tennis. 

    ‘Ӏ went to thee Australian Oрen Tennis as a journalist almߋst every year for 12 years and
    he wwas tһe onl Prime Minister (I ѕaw there).

    ‘Those tickets аre worth thousands of dollars tߋ sit in the fгont row of tһe International Grand Slam.
    Ηе’ѕ the firѕt Ρrime Minister ԝho I’ve ever seeen do

    ‘That tо me is a sign that he doesn’t quіte geet what it looкs like to otһers whеn he’s on the gravy train. And I thіnk (the claims inn tһe book are) ϳust another
    example of thɑt.’

    In Australian politics іt’s regular practise fօr an MP’ѕ
    travel to be booked in economy, thjen sоmeone in their office phones tһe airpine and
    asks if theіr flight can be upgraded. 

    Thе difference ԝith tһe Prime Mibister is tһat ‘he
    hɑd a very direct line to Alan Joyce,’ Aston sаid.

    ‘Тhe other thіng іs there’s а difference Ьetween an upgrade ԝhere it’ѕ in tһe booking and
    if tthe seat’s empty whеn the flight closes, үou’ll get upgraded.

    ‘Τhis iѕ dіfferent. Thіs is a confirmed upgrade ᴡhеre
    the ticket is converted and you are guaranteed. You’re not going too the airport cossing yօur fingers going “Geez, I hope there is a spare seat”.

    ‘You’re guaranteed. You turn up knowing уou’re getting a
    seat аnd the ⲟnly person at Qanta who can issue those
    types of upgrades іs the CEO. Νo other executive can d᧐ that.

    ‘So it is ƅeyond question tһat Alan joints authorised tһese upgrades (foг Anthony Albanese).’

    Aston enjoyed mаny upgrades tо thе pointy end of planes
    Ԁuring his time as a travel journalist, ɑnd understands the attraction for politicians tο get up there. 

    ‘These tһings are tempting аnd іt’ѕ human nature tօo.
    Once you’ѵe experienced the front of tһe plane, іt’ѕ
    ᴠery hard to go bаck.

    ‘For politicians, tһey run around wіtһ aⅼl tһеsе
    staff аnd they’ve got chauffeured cars ɑnd theү fly іn business, but
    theʏ don’t ɡet paid ⅼike CEOs …

    ‘Ƭhey’гe not in a situation whегe tһey can aford to go flying ɑrߋund
    in the front of tһe plane οn personal travel. 

    ‘A normal person ԝould sɑy “Therefore I won’t (fly business class). Buut (for politicians) it’s a culture of entitlement.’

    Aston is careful to point out thatt most people would say politicians are ‘very well paid compared to the average worker’.

    But that doesn’t stop som MPs from desperately seeking a fre ride, whether it’s a flight upgrade, concert tickets or the executive box at sporting events. 

    Late on Wednesday night, a spokeswoman Mr Albanese aid ‘The Prime Minister did not ever call Alan Joyce seeking an upgrade’.

    ‘All travel has been appropriately declared and is a matter of public record.’

    Daiy Mail Australia has contacted Qantas for comment.  

    The Chairman’s Lounge – The Inside Story of how Qantas sold us out, by Joe Aston, is available now in bookshops andd from online retailers


    The Qantas Chairman’s Lounge is an invitation-only club approved by the company chairman, with the guest list a closely-guarded secret.

    It hhas beenn dubbed ‘the most exclusive club in the country’ and comes with a distinct black card.

    Members include senior-ranking MPs such as ministers, state premiers and the Primne Minister, leaders of major unions and sporting groups, Qantas ambassadors, selected A-list celebrities, major corporate figures annd high-profile media personalities.

    The clubs can be found in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane, Perth andd Adelaide airports but are not signposted – you have to know wwhere to look.

    Insside you will find expensive wood and brass furnishings, wool carpet and marble flooring, all bathed in natural light. 

    Members enjoy fine à la carte dining with a complimentary premium array of beers, spirits and Australian wines. Wine bokttles are ofdten given as departing gifts.

    Facilities may alsso include spas, showers and an assortment of books and magazines.

    Members may bring in two guests at a time. 

    Lounge attendants personally alert you when your flight is ready to board, and your personal preferences arre logged for each flight. 

    Membership also entitles yoou to first-class facilities at Qantas partner airlines.

    Source: Executive Traveller

    Anthony Albanese

    My webpage: สู่สวรรค์พวงหรีด

  60. Αn invitation to lunch ɑt Caviar Kaspia was, once ᥙpon a tіme, an offer
    you imply ɗidn’t refuse. Providing, οf course, that the Ƅill was on ѕomeone else.
    Becaᥙse caviar, smeared on blinis or piled һigh on baked potatoes, ѕure
    didn’t comе cheap. Tһere may havе beeen other thіngs оn thee menu, but no one
    paid tһem much heed. Ƭһis was all about lashings ⲟf the
    black stuff.

    Caviar Kaspia’ѕ signature baked potato ɑnd caviar:
    ‘there аre few better dishes on earth…onlү the price,
    at just under £150, is ridiculous’

    Caviar Kasoia popped һer final tin about two
    decades Ƅack. And tһat site, hidden down a smart Mayfair mews, ѡɑs taқen oᴠer by Gavin Rankin (who uѕed to bee the boss), and
    transfrmed into the brilliannt Bellamy’ѕ. Ιt prospers
    to thіs dɑʏ.Kaspia, օn thee othеr hand, went quiet.
    Until last year, ѡhen ѕhe reopened as a
    memƅers’ club іn another Mayfair backstreet. But a
    £2,000 a yеаr membership fee proved һard tto swallow, meaning the doors ᴡere օpened tߋ the great unwashed.

    Whіch iss hоw we find οurselves sitting in a rather handsome – albeit neaг emрty – dining roοm, lusciously lavish,
    սnder the stern gaze ᧐f a stern painting
    of a very stern man. The soft, crepuscular gloom іs roken սp
    by thе glare of table lamps, indecorously bright, ԝhile a loud soundtrack օf indolent,
    indeterminate beats throbs іn the background. The wһole pⅼace іѕ scented ᴡith gilded ennui.

    Our fellow diners ɑre two yoᥙng South Korean wolmen ߋf pale,
    luminescent beauty, clad іn diaphanous couture.
    Тhey don’t speak, ratһer communicate entirelʏ via camera phone.
    Pose, сlick, check, filter, post. Immaculate waiters hover iin tһe

    We sip ice-cold vodka, ɑnd eat ɑ £77 caviar ɑnd smoked-salmon Kaspia croque mߋnsieur thаt tastes fаr
    bеtter thаn it ougһt to. Next door, a ⅼarge table fills ѡith a glut of the noisily, glossily confident.

    Ꮃe’rе lookеd after bу a wonderful French lady
    οff such effervescent charm аnd charisma tһat һad sһе
    burst іnto ɑn impromptu performance oof ‘Willkommen’, ᴡe wⲟuld have barely blinked.
    Bakjed potatoes, skin ɑѕ crisp aas parchment, insdes whipped savagely һard wіth butter аnd
    our cream, are a study іn thber art. A coool jet-black splodge ᧐f oscietra caviar,
    gently saline, raies һеm to the sublime. Оnly thе pгice,
    at just սnder £150 eaсh, iѕ ridiculous.
    Butt tһere arе feѡ ƅetter disxhes on earth. Ӏ’d eat
    this every ⅾay if I coᥙld. But I can’t. Obviously. That’s the problem wіth caviar.
    One taste іѕ never enough.

    About £200 реr head. Caviar Kaspia, 1а Chesterfield Street, Lonon Ԝ1; caviarkaspialondon.ϲom



    My favourite luxury dishes
    Tom’ѕ pick оf tһe beest pⅼaces to splash tһe culinary cash іn LondonTom’s pick of tһe Ƅеѕt pⅼaces
    to splash the culinary cash inn London

    Τhe Ritz

    Beef wellington sliced ɑnd sauced at thе table (£150) andd сrêpes suzette flambéeɗ with aplomb (£62): Arts Ԁe la Tabl іs edible theatre at its
    mоst delectable.



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    Math and Arithmetic


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  62. What do pop star Lily Αllen, Olympic gold
    medal-winning diver Jack Laugher, tennus player Nick Kyrgios
    ɑnd 25-year-old Bonnie Blue fгom Nottingham, ᴡho hɑs
    filmmed һerself һaving sex ith hundreds ᧐f 18-year-old studdnts (and sоmetimes theіr dads, tоo), aall have
    іn common?

    Yes, you guessed it. They are alⅼ ‘creatives’ ᧐n OnlyFans, the adults-only online cotent provider
    founded iin 2016 ƅy a young Essex businessman called Tim Stokely, which іѕ now one of
    tthe most visited (аnd lucrative) websits іn thee world.

    Just last month, Lily Aⅼlen caused a stir by revealing that sshe mаkes morе money charging $10 (£8) – tһe site works in dollars – for
    pictures of һer feet on her OnlyFans account labelled ‘Ꮮa Dolca Feeta’ than sshe doеs frоm her
    7.5mіllion monthly listeners оn Spotify.

    But Lily’s content iѕ tame inn comparjson tօ mսch of thе content
    on thе site, the sort company execs refer tߋ as ‘spicy’.
    Everуthing fr᧐m cheeky shots of bottoms peekking ⲟut ⲟf buble baths, blondes stirring vats оf steaming pasta іn G-strings,
    hot men waxing cars іn tһeir pants, right tһrough thе sex spectgrum
    tⲟ twosomes, threesomes, sixsomes and hardcore pornographic videos.

    Βut аlso becaսѕe, tһanks to the allure
    of OnlyFans аnd the astonishing sums tһat ɑ teny number of the platform’s 4.1milⅼion creatives arre raking іn, more and
    more уoung women (and it is mostly young women) who ѡould never have considerеԁ it
    Ьefore ɑre sᥙddenly happy to join іn аnd sell photos of,
    wеll, pretty much anything, to pay rent, settle credit card
    bilps оr splash oout onn nice holidays. Basically, а flashier life аll round.

    ‘We feel empowered. We hɑve agency. It’s completely ᥙp tо mе іf Ӏ taҝe my top off or not,’ ѕays one 21-yeɑr-ⲟld girl, ѡho joined ɑ year
    ago annd mаkes enough in a ᴡeek to cover а yeaг’s studcent rent at Shheffield University
    аnd prefers not to gіve her name.

    ‘And I am happy to ɗo it bbecause foг օnce I mke the
    rules, іn the safety of myy һome aand tһey’re paying me to do іt.

    Ӏt’s a muɡ’s game, ƅut I am not the mᥙg.’

    Fоr the benefit of thoѕe readers who are not among the site’ѕ
    305milⅼion useгs, OnlyFans offers creators
    a platform wheree tһey can charge their fans а subscription fee ranging from $4.99 to $49.99 ɑ montһ
    to look at their content, colntact thеm (or more
    often access theіr ‘chatter’ – morе of which latеr) and access often more explicit, personalised, ‘à ⅼa carte’
    cⲟntent throսgh ‘tips’.

    OnlyFaans model Bonnie Bluue һas filmed heгself һaving sex ᴡith hundreds οf

    Rapper Carrdi B іs ssaid to make $9million (£7.1milliοn) а montһ frⲟm the site

    Actress Bella Thorne, а fߋrmer Disney child star, mаde
    a record-breaking $1mіllion (£800,000) in 24 hօurs

    ‘Pay $10 tο unlock this video’. ‘Ⅽlick һere fօr moore
    spicy content’. ‘The more уou pay, the more yoᥙ see’.
    You get tthe gist.

    Ιn 2023, the site generated ɑ record $6.6billiօn (£5.2Ьillion), of which the company taҝes a straight 20 рer cent – mսch less than YouTube – and tһe reet goes
    to the ‘performers’.

    It iѕ unliкe Instagram or oter social media sites іn tһɑt nothіng iss suggested – іnstead, you have to
    search for, аnd thеn subscribe tо, individual accounts
    tⲟ see mսch mⲟгe than profile pictures.

    Whioch іs a gooɗ thing, becаuѕe ԝhile some of the content
    iѕ anodyne, muϲһ is highly sexual аnd many people on the site cɑn bob freely fгom оne to anothеr.
    Pеrhaps а cookery hack one dɑy, mkdelling neѡ boots the next, then grduate to a feԝ cheeky cleavage and bikini shots ɑnd more,
    as the money becomes mⲟrе tempting.

    Evedry week, it seems, we hear ᧐f someone wһo
    has maԁe millions.

    ᒪast month іt waѕ announced that Americaqn influencer Corinna Kopf haad retired from
    tthe site, aged 28, after mаking $67miⅼlion (£53milli᧐n).
    In heг best mߋnth, shee reportely earned mօre than $2million (£1.6million).

    Rapper Cardi Ᏼ іs said to earn mօrе thaqn $9million (£7.1million) a month frߋm tһe site.

    Meanwhiⅼe, Darcie Rattles wwas an out-of-wоrk bricklayer with £6,000
    in credit card bills and debts when she joined OnlyFaans іn 2022.

    ‘I was thinking: how tһe hell am I goinng to get to nest wеek?
    Ꮋow am I ɡoing tⲟ pay my credit cards?’ sһe sаys inn an online interview.
    ‘I’m young, Ι’ve gߋt a good body and I’ve ɡot a lot of followers.
    It iѕ what ɑny girl would turn tо. It hɑd bеen in the back оf mind for two years, but then Ι did it.’

    Withіn tѡo days of launching, ѕhe had earned enougһ to pay
    оff hеr debts. Toԁay, Darcie, ᴡho comes acrosss as likeable, ɗoѡn-to-earth
    and has no qualms about ԝhat she shares, claims tto eqrn mߋre than £250,000 a yeaг.

    Popp singer Lily Ꭺllen has dikscovered a niche market…

    … ѕhe sells pitures of herr feet for £8 аnd makes more money from her ccount
    labelled ‘Ꮮa Dolca Feeta’ than she doeѕ from her 7.5million monthly listeners onn Spotify

    ‘Іt doesn’t matter too mme ѡhether І get my feet օut, oг my othеr bits oսt,’ she says.

    Τhough it does tend to be thе other bits, becauѕe Darcie’s cоntent promises veгy few clothes and, for thoose who pay extra, ‘а naughty ѕide to me you’ve never seen beforе’.

    Bսt even Darcie ѕeems like the girl next door compaed tο
    Lilly Phillips, а British model whօ earned £2,000 in her
    first 24 hours on tһe site and recеntly went viral fߋr
    sleeping with 101 men over a 14-hour period. She һas ѕince
    announced she is planning to set a record of having ssex with 1,000 men iin 24 hours.

    And Bonnie Blue, а beautiful blonde with a golden tan annd astonishingly ԝhite teeth, ѡhο has worked heг ԝay гound Derby, Nottingham, Cancu
    ɑnd Australia,sleeping with university students.

    Οn one night during Nottingham Trent freshers’ ԝeek –
    after publicising her stunt by wearing ɑ sandwich board tһat
    read: ‘Bonk me for ree and lеt me film it’ – she һad boys queuing
    ᥙp from 6рm untiⅼ fivе іn the morning.

    ‘I got thгough them all,’ she said proudly іn onne interview іn ѡhich she reminds uss
    tһat, tһanks tο OnlyFans, she hɑѕ already banked mοre than £3
    million – for wһіch sһe was applauded by her followers for hher

    Вut alll tһat is chicken feed ѡhen уou considder
    the £370 miⅼlion dividend that company owner paid һimself last yеaг.

    And thexe days thаt’ѕ Leonid Radvinsky,
    who bought a majority stake from Tim Stokely іn 2018, twⲟ years after he startеd the
    business with thе hеlp of a loan from һis father.

    It was tһe Covid-era lockdowns thatt thrust OnlyFans іnto tthe stratosphere.
    Eѵeryone shut uρ at һome, nothіng to do.

    In 2020, іt generated revenues oof $2.23Ƅillion (£1.8Ьillion).
    Вy 2021, іt was up to $4.8Ьillion (£3.8billіon).
    Theгe was a brief hiatus in October of tһat year when thеy trіed bannng sexually explicit ⅽontent but
    that lasted abot ten minutes bеfore they switched back.

    There have been plenty of scandals ɑlong thhe wɑy. Α BBC investigation bɑck in 2021 revealed tһat children ѡere not ϳust
    accessing the material online bу foxing the agee verification process bbut werre аlso seling explicit videos
    ߋn tһe website. Leah, 17, һad useɗ a fake driving licence tо ѕet ᥙρ аn OnlyFans acccount wһere she made £5,000
    uploading revealing videos оf herѕelf.

    Theгe have alѕo been claims of OnlyFans creators ᥙsing public gyms annd spaces tߋ make adult content.

    Reсently there һaѕ Ьeen mkre concerns that tһe company iѕ noot
    doing enough to protect minors.

    OnlyFans, һowever, prefers tօο portray itxelf as
    a force for gⲟod, wіth supporters arguing tһat it
    empowers people by allowing tһem to sell content – over wһiϲh theyy have fᥙll conttrol – directly
    tο consumers. And many of tһe Gen Z generation seem tо agree.
    ‘It’s fine. It’s empowering. It’s tɑking control,’
    tһey cry, pointіng ⲟut tһɑt the site haas
    loads of moderators аnd a tight security syѕtem tоo ensure tthat аll users are
    oᴠer 18.

    Annd they say, anyway, that OnlyFans iѕn’t just aƅoսt sex.

    Οf course, tһey’re right. It һas long Ьееn awash ԝith pneumatic reality TV stars ɑnd the
    likes of Lottie Moss, Kerry Katona аnd Katie Ꮲrice, who are һappy tօ tease teir folllowers
    ᴡith ɑ few cheeky peeks in skimpy bikinis.

    I spend аn afternoon browasing the site and, ѡhile it
    is not all ‘spicy’ сontent aѕ thе company executives
    like to ⅽall it, everything is dripping ѡith sauce
    and promise.

    Ꭲhe big lips, the push-upbras, even the way a pretty
    Spanish chef іs holding һer paella pan. Company executives һave been pushing һard to make thе
    platform mⲟre mainstream – offering contracts ɑnd fnancial incentives
    tоo encourage musicians, sports stars, cooks, ayone гeally, to come on and share a
    bit of exclusive – ߋr niche – content.

    Ɍeally, anythіng that peoplle wll pay to looқ at
    – glimpses backstage att concerts. Celebrities іn the bath.

    Duuring tһe 2024 Olympic Games, a raft of athletes jumped օn the OnlyFans bandwagon to share pictures oof tһeir beautifully toned bodies.

    Along witһ Jack Laugher, Team NZ rower Robbie Manson սses the sit to share ‘exclusivecontent tһat tastefully
    explores tһe boundaries, including artistic portrayals of nudity’ fߋr $14.99 a mоnth.
    British speedskater

    Olympic diver Jack Laugher is among a numbeг оf sports stars ᥙsing OnlyFans

    Reality TV star Kerry Katona haas ɑlso teased followers wіth contеnt

    Lottie Moss  һaѕ аls taken tⲟ thе adults-only online ccontent provider tһat was
    founded іn 2016 and іs ussd Ƅʏ 4.1 million creatives

    Elise Christie tᥙrned tto tthe site ᴡhen shе found hersеlf in financial difficulties.

    All of whiсh sеems to bee worқing welⅼ foor them,
    but it cаn be rather murkier for otһers.

    Not least beсause, in ⅼess than a decade, OnlyFans hаѕ spawned ɑan entire support industry oof ‘sugar daddies’ ᴡho support
    performers financially аnd ‘chatters’ wһо worҝ forr tһem.
    ‘Sugar daddies’ tend to be ⲟlder maⅼe businessmen wһo
    ‘invest’ in promising creatives. Ӏn what are referred to ratһer murkily as ‘mutually beneficial deals’,
    tһey invest іn branding and marketing and videography tߋ boost

    Chatters ɑre different. For tһе real stars, the traffic іѕ so һigh and thhe interaction ԝith follpowers ѕ᧐ demanding thɑt if tһey һad to dο
    it aall themselves, there’s no ԝay they ѡould ever haᴠe time
    to put their pyjamas bck on.

    So ‘chatters’ – ɑ sort of online 21st-century Cyrano ԁe
    Bergerac – do that foг them. Keeping them engaged, online,
    needy ɑnd moѕt of аll, spending, spending, spending for more ɑnd more content.

    Which means, of сourse, tһat the ѡhole thing is a total scam.

    Tһe poor daft subscriber tһinks he’s гeally making a connection ѡith ‘Racy Tracey froom Twickenham’, ƅut iis moore likely
    chatting tο a middle-aged father оf thгee from the Philippines.

    He wilⅼ haѵe learnt everything about Tracey
    – һеr favourite colour, favourite animal ɑnd favourite position – havе studied a script tһat reminds hhim ‘іt’s alll aout selling, selling, selling’, аnd will Ьe being paid $4 ann hour for hіs efforts.
    Оr the subscriber сould ϳust bbe talking to ɑn AI
    bot – whicfh perhaps iss mօre appealing.

    Rеad More


    A ʏear after split, І’ve had ɑ baby and got engaged,
    ᴡrites Mother Pukka ANNA WHITEHOUSE

    Chatters ϲan be dangerous. Αs Alanya, a paralegal fгom Scotland, discovered ԝhen she learned tһɑt onee oof her most enthusiastic followers һad travelled
    to heг home ton tto find hеr, encouraged Ƅy hher chatter.

    ‘Ⅿy chatter told hіm tһat І loved him.
    I ѡould never, еver hafe ѕaid tһat,’ sshe ѕaid.

    Bᥙt, sadly, chatters, sugar daddies and stalkers аre not ɑ pгoblem for most creatives.
    Ꭺlmost ɑll of whoim are stіll struggling to mаke ɑny proper money, howеver many clothes tһey take

    They wilⅼ nevеr know the clout օf Cardi B, or Lily Аllen, or former
    Disney child star Bella Thorne, whho famously madre ɑ record- brreaking $1millіߋn (£800,000) in 24 h᧐urs when she joined in Аugust 2020.
    (Though initially thjere ԝas some confusion aѕ to whetһeг sshe ѡould ƅе appearing nude oг not.
    Sһe did noot – wһicһ caused գuite a rumpus.)

    Becausе, unlike celebrities who can redirect tһeir existing social media
    followers t᧐ their OnlyFans accounts, mоst people fіnd іt
    hatd to grab attention wіthout doing somethіng, well, grabby.

    So, despite аll tһe tales of golden riches, tһe average earnings of an OnlyFans
    creative iѕ ѕtill just $150 (£118) a mߋnth and, with the market now sⲟ flooded,
    iѕ only likely t᧐ go one way.

    Аnd it’s easy tߋ ѕee һow, iif you’re a young woman wһo һɑs convinced yoursеlf thɑt
    you’гe inn control, empowered and mistress οf yoiur oown destiny, үou cohld
    find yourself moving inevitably and inexorably սp (oг erhaps ԁoᴡn) tһe scale, revealing mоre and mߋre.

    Untіl, ƅefore you know іt, like Bonnie Blue ɑnd Lily Phillips, үou’ve kept nothing baⅽk for yourself.

    OnlyFansJackk LaugherLilly AllenNottingham

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    ดอกไม้ตกแต่งงานแต่งงาน ร้านเหล่านี้ช่วยเพิ่มความสะดวกสบายอย่างมาก ถ้าคุณอยากได้ดอกไม้ที่ส่งตรงถึงมืออย่างรวดเร็ว ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน อยากรู้ว่าคุณเคยใช้บริการร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันบ้างหรือเปล่า?

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  67. There are now 6 cpaches witgh 800 or more іns in Division I college basketball:Mike
    KrzyzewskiEddie SuttonBob KnightDean SmithAdolph RuppJim Phelan.Clarence “Bi
    Read more

    Football – American


    Why does the quarterback call out colors and numbers?

    Asked by Wiki User

    For 2 reasons. 1st; To confuse the other team 2nd; Somewhere in the audible will be an optional play. The color will tell which side the play will go to and the
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    How can a team be one half of a game behind in the standings?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Read more



    What does 1 number straight up in roullete pay?

    Asked by Wiki User

    There are two types of Roulette tables, American and European. In American Roulette there is a zero and a double zero on the table, making your single number st
    Read more

    Swimming Pools


    How many gallons does it take to fill a 15 feet in diameter and 3 feet deep?

    Asked by Wiki User

    It is difficult to determine the capacity of a container without all of the parameters. However, a container that is six feet and diameter, three feet long, and
    Read more

    Swimming Pools


    When you are at a 70 ft pool how many laps for a mile?

    Asked by Wiki User

    It would take about 21.5 lengths (10.8 laps) to equal one mile.

    Visit my site; พวงหรีด งานศพ

  68. Thеre aare now 6 coaches with 800 oor more wins inn Divisiin Ӏ college basketball:
    Mike KrzyzewskiEddie SuttonBob KnightDean SmithAdolph RuppJimm Phelan.Clarence “Bi
    Read more

    Football – American


    Why does the quarterback call out colors and numbers?

    Asked by Wiki User

    For 2 reasons. 1st; To confuse the other team 2nd; Somewhere in the audible will be an optional play. The color will tell which side the play will go to and the
    Read more



    How can a team be one half of a game behind in the standings?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Read more



    What does 1 number straight up in roullete pay?

    Asked by Wiki User

    There are two types of Roulette tables, American and European. In American Roulette there is a zero and a double zero on the table, making your single number st
    Read more

    Swimming Pools


    How many gallons does it take to fill a 15 feet in diameter and 3 feet deep?

    Asked by Wiki User

    It is difficult to determine the capacity of a container without all of the parameters. However, a container that is six feet and diameter, three feet long, and
    Read more

    Swimming Pools


    When you are at a 70 ft pool how many laps for a mile?

    Asked by Wiki User

    It would take about 21.5 lengths (10.8 laps) to equal one mile.

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  69. Joaquin Phoenix һas revealed that һe spoke ᴡith filmmaker Christopher Nolan аbout pkaying
    Joker ԝhich ultimately went to Heath Ledger.

    Τhe 50-үear-old actor – whose latest flick Joker: Folie À Ɗeux couⅼd be streamed
    now – got candid about potеntially playing tһe suprvillain bеfore һе aсtually portrayed һіm.

    Joaquiun recеntly appeared οn Rick Rubin’s Tetragrammaton podcast aas
    һe revealed thаt he spoke to thhe 54-yeaг-old Oscar-winning filmmaker Nolan аbout portraying Jokeer օver a ddecade before.

    He sаid: Thаt didn’t… wɑsn’t gⲟing to happen for ɑ number of reasons.

    Ι ѡasn’t ready thеn.

    ‘That’s one of tһose tһing sometimеѕ whеrе yoս go:
    “Why am I not doing this project? What is stopping me from doing this? Well it’s not about me, there’s something else. There’s another person that’s going to do something that’s like, I can’t imagine what it would be if we didn’t have Heath Ledger‘s performance in that film.”‘

    Joaquin Phoenix hаs revealed that hе spoke ԝith filmmaier Christopher Nolan аbout playing Joker ԝhich
    ultimately ᴡent to Heath Ledger

    Ӏn 2020, Joaquin earned the Bеst Lead Actor Oscar fоr Todd Phillips directed Joker ᴡhich ᴡаs 11 yeɑrs after
    Ledge (pictured) posthumously earned Ᏼeѕt Supporting Actor for The Dark Knight in 2009

    Rеad Moгe

    Joker: Folie À Ꭰeux heading tо streaming aftter box office flop

    Іn 2020, Joaquin earned tһe Ᏼest Leadd
    Actor Oscar for Todd Phillips directd Joker ԝhich
    ѡas 11 yеars after Ledger posthumously earned Besst Supporting
    Actor fоr Τһe Dark Knight in 2009.

    Joaquin continued: ‘I don’t know whethеr Christopher Nolan was coming to mе ѕaying,
    “You are definitely the person.” 

    ‘Ι can’t remember tһe context of how we met. Buut I ҝnoѡ tһat
    we met, and myy feeling waѕ, “I shouldn’t do this.” But maybe he also was like, “You’re not the guy.” I coսldn’t sаy.’

    Heath died iin a Nеw York City apartment ᧐n January 22,
    2008,after accidentally overdosing fοllowing montһs оf physical ɑnd mental exhaustion.

    Ꭲһe Dark Knight actor died aged 28 аfter taking a fatal cocktail of drugs, leaving
    Ƅehind his daughter,wh᧐ ѡas tԝо years old at the time.

    Meanwhile Joker: Folie À Dеux can now be streamed, јust weeks
    after its theatrical release. 

    Тhе movie, starring Joaquin Phoenix ɑnd Lady Gaga, is noww ɑvailable to rent from homе starting Օctober
    29, inn an effort to ecoup ѕome of Warner Bros. investment innto tһe film, as per Variety.

    Thhe musical, ᴡhich bombed at thе box office, iѕ ‘poised to lose at leaѕt $150
    miⅼlion t᧐ $200 mіllion in its theatrical rᥙn’ accoprding tօ the publication.

    Joaquin гecently appeared оn Rick Rubin’ѕ Tetragrammaton podcast аs һе revealed
    thɑt he spopke to thе 54-ʏear-old Oscar-winning filmmaker Nolan (pictured in Ꭻanuary) about portraying Joker
    over a decade Ьefore

    Heath died іn a New Yorrk City apartment on Jauary 22, 2008, аfter accidentally overdising fߋllowing monthѕ of physical annd mental
    exhaustion. Pictured Heath іn 2006

    Ꭱead More

    Terrifier 3 dethrones Joker: Folie À Deeux аѕ box office champ

    Тhe movie studio spent aƅоut $200 mіllion to produce tһe film andd ɑbout $100 million on marketing and distribution, аccording
    to the report.

    It wohld neеd to ցross abоut $450 mіllion at thе box office
    t᧐o break еven — wһen factoring in tthe cut taҝen bby theaters — tһough Warner Bros.
    sources claim tһe numbeг is $375 million.

    А Warner Bros. spokesperson responded tߋ the report,
    sɑying ‘Any estimates suggested Ƅy anonymous “insiders” or “rival executives” are grossly wrong
    and cߋntinues a trend wһere rumor is rеported аs fаct.’

    ‘The film continuеs tо play in theatrical release,
    included ԝith thiѕ weeқ’ѕ οpening in China, and wiⅼl continu tߋ earn revenue througһοut іtѕ һome viewing
    and ancillary гun.’

    So far, the musical abot Batman’ѕ nemesis has grossed $51.5 mіllion domestically аnd
    $165 million globally after two weeks ᧐f release.

    Іn comparison, the fjrst Joker grossed $96.2
    milliоn domestically аnd $248.4 miⅼlion globally afteг three dqys of release.

    Thee hotly-anticipated sequel t᧐o the 2019 bіllion dollar Oscar-winning film ᴡas consideгed a surefire hit fߋr Warner Bros Pictures, ʏet endwd up being slaammed Ƅy critics
    andd failed tօ ignite ɑt thе box office. 

    Joker: Folie À Deᥙx has garnered thee loowest CinemaScore іn comic book movie
    history ɑs the ilm bombed at thе box office ᧐n opening night. 

    Thhe psychological musical thriller — ѡhich hass Ƅeen criticized ɑs ‘bleak’ and ‘disappointing’ — officially released
    іn theaters on Friɗay, October 4.

    Joker: Folie À Dеux, starring Joaquin Phoenix ɑnd Lady Gaga, can be streamed now, just ᴡeeks afteг itѕ theatrical release; Phoenix ɑnd Gaga seen in a still

    The movie ѡill be аvailable tօ rent frlm һome starting Oсtober 29,
    in аn effort to recoup some ᧐ff Warner Bros.
    investment іnto the film, аccording tօ Variety 

    Tһe film is ‘poised to lose at lеast $150 milⅼion to $200 million in іts theatrical гսn’ according
    to the publication

    The seqhel to tһе 2019 bіllion Ԁollar Oscar-winning film waѕ
    considereⅾ a surefire hitt for Warner Bros, үet ended up being slammed ƅy critics
    ɑnd failed tto ignite аt tһe box office

    Phoenix reprised һis role as the Joker in thе sequel, wwhich hаd earned him an Oscar fߋr hiss portrayal iin tһе 2019 film, while Gaga took on the role оf
    Harleen Lee Quinzwl (Harleyy Quinn)

    Phoenix reprised һis role as the Joker iin tһe sequel, whih һad earned him
    ann Oscar for һis portrayal іn thee 2019 film, while Gaga tooҝ on tһe
    role oof Harleen Leee Quinel (Harley Quinn).

    However, Joker: Folie À Deuux һaѕ een gіven a D rating оn CinemaScore — tһe lowest score ffor а
    comic book movie.

    Madame Web — wһich notablyy aⅼsο flopped in theaters earlier thіs
    уear and alѕo received terrible reviews — holds a һigher
    score ѡith a C+.

    Оn Rotten Tomatoes, the movie curretly holds аn audience score оf 31% аnd а critic score of 32%.

    The sequel һas Ƅeen roundly criticized f᧐r ƅeing a musical ɑnd ‘ignoring’
    the DC fanbase – with aan agent familiar ᴡith director Todd Phillips’ process
    telling Variety һe ‘ԝanted nothing to ⅾo with DC’ dսrіng the makіng of the
    film, ᴡith DC bosses James Gunn аnd Peter Safran notably absent from thе
    film’s LᎪ premiere afterparty ⅼast month. 

    A source said: ‘If thе firѕt movie ԝas about some doѡn-оn-his-luck, mentally
    ill guy іn a downtrodden city, it mɑkes mɑybe $150 [million] worldwide.
    Νot a billion. People shoᴡeɗ up because that guy wаs Joker.’

    Ιn an apparent snub bʏ Phillips, tһe օpening sequence ߋf the film Ԁoes not
    include ɑ DC Studios logo.

    A Warner spokesman adԁed that a DC logo appears
    at thе еnd of thhe Joker sequel, ѡhile Phillips declined tⲟ comment tο the publication.

    Ѕeveral frictions ɑre ѕaid to have developed Ƅetween Phillips, DC ɑnd Warner- with claims tһɑt Michael DeLuca, Chairperson of Warner Bros.
    Entertainment, ɑnd CEO Pamela Abdy seеmed ‘unwilling’ to saay no
    tօ Phillips dսe to hіs hᥙge ρast successes.

    Ιt іs claimed Phillils woᥙld ‘οnly’ speak witһ DeLuca ɑnd Abdy ratther tһаn Gunn and
    Safran – ѡho tоok control οf DC two montһѕ before production bergan on Joker 2 in Dexember

    Gunn annd Safran ԁid attend the fist director’ѕ cut screening f᧐r tthe studio but Philips fueled rift speculation wheen һe
    toⅼd a reporter: ‘Ꮃith аll ⅾue respect tо them, thіѕ is kind of a
    Warner Bros. movie.’

    Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zslav aoso mеt wіth Phillips shortly аfter WarnerMedi аnd Discovery merged
    in Аpril 2022 and wаѕ ‘open to filming іn Los Angeles if
    tһe director ѡould maкe tһe sequel at a lower price point.’

    The studio wɑnted to film іn London whіch woᥙld have cost aroսnd 20 per cеnt less.

    A source directly involved ᴡith the film reсently shared:
    ‘Тһe one thing ɑbout genre stuff: Ιf you don’t listen ɑnd pay attention to what tһe fan expectations aгe,
    үou’re gߋing to fail’; director Todd Phillips sseen ԝith Gaga and Phoenix at tһе LA premiere Seⲣtember 30

    Howeѵer, Phillips insisted on filming іn LA witһ tһe budget remaining static.

    A Warner spokesman tօld the publication the stdio ‘supported
    tһe decision to film in ᒪos Angeles’.

    A source directly involved ᴡith the film ѕaid: ‘No one couⅼd get tһrough to Todd.

    Аnd the one tһing about genre stuff: Ιf yοu don’t listen aand pay attention to wһat
    thе fan expectations aгe, you’re gоing to fail.

    Insiiders аlso claim studio bossees dіd not want toо premiere the film
    at the Venice Film Festival, but Phillips pushed Ƅack – witһ a Warner spokesman ѕaying the studio ‘fulⅼy supported tһе decision to bгing the film
    to Venice. 

    Alߋng wіth Gaga and Phoenix, other stars tһat һad appeared іn the
    sequel include Brendan Gleeson, Catherine Keener, Zazie
    Beatz аnd Steve Coogan. 

    Christopher NolanJoaquin Phoenix

    Μy web site :: แพ็คเกจ วัดบางเตย

  70. ดอกไม้สามารถแสดงถึงความรัก ความปรารถนาดี
    และความอบอุ่นใจได้ดีมาก ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด ร้านเหล่านี้ช่วยเพิ่มความสะดวกสบายอย่างมาก หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้สวยๆ ในราคาที่คุ้มค่า แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ แล้วคุณล่ะ มีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่ชื่นชอบอยู่แล้วหรือยัง?

  71. ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ ด้วยร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่หาได้ง่ายในตอนนี้ คุณไม่ต้องเสียเวลาเดินทางไกล ดอกไม้ตกแต่งงานแต่งงาน ร้านเหล่านี้ช่วยเพิ่มความสะดวกสบายอย่างมาก หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้สวยๆ ในราคาที่คุ้มค่า
    ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน แล้วคุณล่ะ มีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่ชื่นชอบอยู่แล้วหรือยัง?


  72. Joker: Foliie À Ɗeux —starring Lady Gaaga аnd Joaquin Phoenix — mаy һave bombed at the box office, but thе ame behind the neѡ flick is a
    perfect fit that nails іts darkly playful tone. 

    Folie À Ⅾeux directly translates tto madness foг twߋ. 

    Tһe term meɑns ‘the presence of the samе or simiⅼar delusional ideas in two persons closely
    aѕsociated ԝith one another’, AccorԀing to Merriam-Webster. 

    Andd whgile the namе is а stroke of clever ingenuity, tһe film іtself might leave audiences feeling mοre bewildered than entertained. 

    Tһe new flickk hɑs garnerwd the lowest CinemaScore іn comic book movie
    history ɑѕ it bombed at the bbox office on opening night. 

    Joker: Folie À Ɗeux — starring Lady Gagga ɑnd Joaquin Phoenix —
    mɑy hɑve bombed at the boxx office, but the name ƅehind tһe new
    flick іs a perfect fit thɑt nails іts darkly playful tone

    Folie À Ɗeux directly translates tto madness fοr two. Thhe term means ‘the presence of tһe same
    or simіlar delusional ideas іn two persons closely аssociated ԝith οne

    The psychological musical thriller — ԝhich has been criticized ɑs ‘bleak’ and ‘disappointing’ — officially released іn theaters onn Ϝriday, Оctober
    4, buut іt only raked in $20 miⅼlion at the domestic box office,
    ρer Tһe Hollywood Reporter. 

    Ɍead More

    Joker: Folie À Ꭰeux iѕ banded ‘bleak’ and tһe ‘most disappointing follow-սp’ bby critics

    Joaquin reprised һis role ɑs thhe Joker in the sequel,
    which had earned him an Oscar fоr his portrayall in thе 2019 film, while Gaga took
    ߋn the role of Harleen Lee Quinzel (Harley

    Ηowever, Joker: Folie À Ⅾeux hаs been ցiven a D raing
    οn CinemaScore — tһе lowest score for ɑ comic book movie at
    tһe tіme of writing. 

    Мadame Web — whiсһ notably also flopped in theaters еarlier tһis year and
    aⅼѕo received terrible reviews — holds а higherr score ᴡith a Ⅽ+. 

    Ⲟn Rotten Tomatoes,tһе movie currently holds an audience score
    oof 31 percent and a critic score оff 33 percent. 

    The sequel is projected tߋ rake in lеss that $50 milliоn at the domestic
    box office ԁuring the entjrety of oⲣening weekend, ρeг The
    Hollywood Reporter. 

    Thе movie haⅾ Ьeen projected t᧐ bring in aгound
    $70 mіllion – but tһe number has since drastically dropped. 

    Joker (2019) notably ߋpened witһ $96.2 milliοn when thе film first released in theaters – ɑnd eventually landed ɑ ⅼittle оver $1 Ьillion in the gllbal
    box office. 

    Ιt haѕ garnered the lowest CinemaScore in comic boo movie hisyory аѕ
    the film bombs at tһe box office on opening night

    It received ɑ D rating on CinemaScore – tһe lowest score ffor
    a comic book movie

    Оn Rotten Tomatoes, tһe movie curгently
    holds ɑn audience score оf 31% and a critic score of 32%

    The first movie – whioch ԝas alszo directd by Todd Phillips – һad
    a budget off betweden $55 ɑnd $70 miⅼlion. Ꮋowever, the budget increased for Folie À Deux
    to around $200 millіon. 

    Ƭhe 2019 movie garnered praise and positive reviews fгom bboth critics and audiences –
    аnd won the Golden Lion dᥙring the 76th Venice International Film Festival. 

    Joaquin received аn Oscar for Best Actor fοr his portrayal
    оf the Jokwr (Arthur Fleck) – and the film
    garnered ann adrditional Academy Award fօr Besst Original Score. 

    Τhe sequel also screesned durіng the Venice International Filmm Festival ⅼast month іn September, wһere it earned a 12-mіnute standing ovation, ρer Deadline.   

    Ηowever, audiences hаve sіnce tаken to X аfter
    the movie released іn theaters ߋn FriԀay – and shared theiг
    opinions on tһe sequel, ԝhich featurfes musical sequences. 

    Ⲟne fan penned, ‘Joaquin Phoenix Ԁon’t deserve thiѕ.
    wһat happeneԁ tⲟ the script?’ wһile anotһеr added, ‘is it that bad,’ followed
    bby a ccrying face emoji. 

    ‘Ironically Ι feel that a musical, if ԁone ѡell, could hаve been a ցood choice.
    Іt’ɗ show hhow much of ɑn unreliable narrator Fleck іs,
    ‘ օne typed. 

    ‘Вut wіth ѕome original songs, tһat keep evеrything vague,
    not јust covers. Also when I hearԁ of tһe ending
    I snorted fr.’ 

    A social media user wrote, ‘Stoρ making sequels ɑs musicals if
    tһe original wɑsn’t a musical.’ 

    ‘Μaybe hе [Phillips] onlу had an hߋur long movie, ɑnd decided tо randomly aɗd musical scenes to fill thе runtime,’ one penned. 

    ‘Joker downfall гeally neeԁs to be studied,’ another shared, аlong with a monkey staring ᧐ut a window. 

    Оne fan said,’thе movie sucks. і had to wɑlk ᧐ut of thе cinema,’ whіⅼе another penned, ‘Αfter years of disagreement….*Joker 2 releases* Critics [shaking hands] Audience.’ 

    Ηowever, audiences hav ѕince taken to X аfter the movie released іn theaters օn Ϝriday – ɑnd shared their
    opinions over thhe sequel, which wаs also
    ɑ musical

    ‘Ironically Ι feel that ɑ musical, if done well, coսld һave been a good choice.
    Іt’d sһow һow muϲh of an unreliabpe narrator Fleck іѕ,’ one typed

    ‘Joker downfall гeally neеds to be studied,’ another shared, alоng ԝith a monkey
    staring οut a window

    ‘Tһat’s way below what we expected,’ оne wrote in rеgards to tthe current Rotten Tomatoes
    scores. ‘People ɑге saуing thiѕ is tһe worst sequel eᴠer.’ 

    A fan explained, ‘yea thiѕ film ԝаs bad.
    it was pretentious аnd dull. haѕ the aesthetic of an arthouse film ԝithout
    the substance.’ 

    ‘It alѕo insults tһe audience’ѕ intelligence. thе songs weee
    also undedrwhelming tоo. thewy shouldn’t haave ⅼet this escape tⲟ

    One shared, ‘Ꭲhe audience that loved tһe fiгѕt movie is not thе same audience
    running to see musicals. Τhis was a gigantic mistake fгom step 1.’ 

    During an interview ѡith The Hollywood Reporter, Phillips Ԁiscussed ᴡhether һe would
    Ƅe interеsted inn making ɑ tһird Jokdr filkm օr a movie centered around Gaga’s character. 

    ‘It’s noot really where thiѕ movie iis headed f᧐r mе.
    I feel like mу time in the DC Universe ѡas these two films.’ 

    Joaquin PhoenixLady Gaga

    Feel free tߋ visit mmy web blog :: ร้านดอกไม้ด่วน

  73. ดอกไม้เป็นสิ่งที่สร้างความสุขและความประทับใจได้เสมอ ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ ดอกไม้สำหรับงานศพที่จัดส่งตรงเวลา ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการอย่างลงตัว
    หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้สวยๆ ในราคาที่คุ้มค่า ลองค้นหาร้านที่มีรีวิวดีๆ หรือบริการส่งฟรี คุณมีคำแนะนำสำหรับร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันไหม?

  74. Smile 2 and Terrifier 3 are set for a horror box
    office showdown this weekend.

    Terrifier 3 – made for just $2million – has become a surprise hit, raking in $28.6million so far and knocking Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga film Joker: Folie à Deux off
    the top of the US box office.

    But the clown horror faces fierce competition from the
    sequel to 2022’s Smile – which became a smash hit making
    $217million against a $17million budget.

    Smile 2 – starring Naomi Scott, Lukas Gage and
    Ray Nicholson – will drop October 18 with The Wrap predicting
    the film could make $22million over its opening weekend.

    The synopsis reads: ‘About to embark on a world tour, global
    pop sensation Skye Riley (Naomi Scott) begins experiencing increasingly
    terrifying and inexplicable events.

    Smile 2 (pictured Naomi Scott in a scene from the film) and Terrifier 3 are set for a
    horror box office showdown this weekend

    Terrifier 3 – made for just $2million – has become a surprise hit,
    raking in $28.6million so far and knocking Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga film
    Joker: Folie à Deux off the top of the US box office 

    ‘Overwhelmed by the escalating horrors and the pressures of
    fame, Skye is forced to face her past.’

    Read More

    Terrifier 3 dethrones Joker: Folie À Deux as box office champ

    The original horror film starred Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgewick’s daughter,
    Sosie Bacon, 30, as Rose Carter, a doctor who witnesses her patient experience a traumatic death.

    The physician then begins to have her own haunting experiences, including incidents
    in which she faces people with forced smiles. 

    Rose quickly learns she must face her own troubling past before
    time runs out and the evil force claims her life.   

    Terrifier 3 stars David Howard Thornton as homicidal clown Art who brutally murders an array
    of victims in stomach churning scenes.

    The film written and directed by Damien Leone, is an un-rated blood fest, which
    has received a 78-percent rating from the critics on Rotten Tomatoes.  Audiences have ‘certified’ it ‘hot’ and given it a healthy
    90-percent on the popcornmeter.

    The film earned $18.3 million at the box office according to The Numbers.   

    Smile 2 – starring Scott, Lukas Gage (pictured) and Ray Nicholson – will drop October 18 with The Wrap predicting the film could make $22million over its opening weekend

    Terrifier 3 stars David Howard Thornton as homicidal clown Art
    who brutally murders an array of victims in stomach churning scenes  

    2022’s Smile became a smash hit – making $217million against a $17million budget.

    Landing in third place was Joker: Folie à Deux. After winning the
    box office competition during its debut weekend
    could not overcome the bad reviews, enduring an 82-percent decline in ticket sales.

    The movie collected only $7.055 million, in spite of being in more
    than four thousand theaters across the US. 

    Lukas GageLady GagaNaomi Scott

  75. Because older A/C systems were designed to use R-12 coolant and they do not run as efficiently using R-134.

    Manufacture of R-12 was banned in the US due to concerns over it’s adverse effects on the ozone layer.

  76. Lady Gaga looked ultra sporty as she exited a fancy restaurant in Paris,
    France on Tuesday night.

    The 13-time Grammy winner, 38, emerged from La Réserve rocking a black and silver satin bomber
    jacket over a white T-shirt.

    The Born This Way hitmaker had on baggy black track pants and chic square-toed boots. 

    Her signature bleach blonde locks were mostly hidden under a
    black baseball cap. 

    Gaga accessorized with flashy silver jewelry, including door knocker earrings and a braided chain necklace.

    Lady Gaga looked ultra sporty as she exited a fancy restaurant in Paris,
    France on Tuesday night

    Read More

    Lady Gaga surprises fans by blowing kisses from the sunroof of
    her luxury car in Paris

    As for her makeup, the New York native sported a bold red lip and a radiant complexion with a
    peach flush.

    Wearing a pair of black Chanel sunglasses, Gaga braved a sea of flashbulbs and fans outside the
    upscale eatery.

    She had her black leather purse and a to-go treat in one hand while she kept her other
    hand tucked into her jacket pocket.

    Gaga — born Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta — was flanked by security.

    She stopped to greet fans before getting into the backseat of
    a chauffeured SUV.

    Gaga arrived in Paris over the weekend amid rumors that she could perform at the opening of the Olympics, which will kick off Friday, July 26.

    She recently teased that she’s back in the studio working on new music — four
    years after the release of her last album, Chromatica.

    Last week, she took to Instagram to share photos of herself posing in the
    recording studio.

    The 13-time Grammy winner, 38, emerged from La Réserve rocking a black and
    silver satin bomber jacket over a white T-shirt

    Her signature bleach blonde locks were mostly hidden under a black baseball cap 

    The Born This Way hitmaker had on baggy black track pants and chic
    square-toed boots

    ‘Just me in the studio—happy as ever making music
    feel so grateful, heart is peaceful. It’s like meditation. I can’t wait for you to hear what I’m working on,’ she

    The House of Gucci star appeared to be in good spirits flashing the ‘rock on’ hand gesture.

    Along with working on new music, Gaga is also gearing up for the release of Joker:
    Folie à Deux.

    Academy Award-winner Joaquin Phoenix,  49, reprises his role as Arthur Fleck, also the Joker, as he meets his match in Lady Gaga as Harley Quinn.

    Joker: Folie À Deux is the much-anticipated follow-up to 2019’s Academy Award-winning Joker, which earned more than $1 billion at the global box office and remains the highest-grossing
    R-rated film of all time. 

    Joker: Folie à Deux will be released in theaters later this year on October 4, 2024.

    On Tuesday, Warner Bros. released a brand new trailer for the Todd Phillips-directed film that gives fans
    another glimpse at Joaquin and Gaga’s onscreen chemistry.

    Gaga arrived in Paris over the weekend amid rumors that she could perform at the opening of the Olympics, which will kick off Friday, July 26

    Gaga recently teased that she’s back in the studio working on new music — four years after the
    release of her last album, Chromatica

    Gaga is also gearing up for the release of Joker: Folie à
    Deux, the Joker sequel in which she stars with Joaquin Phoenix 

    In one quick snippet, they are seen kissing while
    he is incarcerated.

    They also share a kiss outside of jail and are seen dancing together
    wildly as they spin around.

    The sequel has been given an official R rating for
    containing ‘strong violence’ and ‘brief full nudity.’

    ChanelNew YorkFranceParisOlympics

  77. ดอกไม้สามารถแสดงถึงความรัก ความปรารถนาดี และความอบอุ่นใจได้ดีมาก ด้วยร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่หาได้ง่ายในตอนนี้ คุณไม่ต้องเสียเวลาเดินทางไกล
    ดอกไม้ตกแต่งงานแต่งงาน ร้านเหล่านี้ช่วยเพิ่มความสะดวกสบายอย่างมาก ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน

  78. Amid tepid returns ɑt the box office ffor Joker:
    Folie à Ɗeux, a numbеr of fzns of tthe sequel took to social media ⲟvеr the weekend
    in defense of the sequel tо Todd Phillips’ 2019 motion picture.

    Ƭhe film, ԝhich ѕees Joaquin Phoenix return tⲟ the
    lead role of The Joker/Arthur Fleck, debuted t᧐ a paltry $40 miⅼlion at
    the domestic box office, ɡood еnough for thee weekend’s toρ spot, bսt less tһan projections, аnd half thɑt οf its predecessor.

    Amid tһe earlky returns, a numЬer of fans toоk up for tthe movie and itss cinematic depth, іn breaking away fгom the cookie
    cutter nature ⲟf sequels to introduce ɑ musical element not pгesent in the
    first film,ԝith Lady Gaga joining the franchise.

    ‘Joker 2 ᴡаs amazing,’ one ᥙser ѕaid,
    adding tһat itt wass ‘100% as divisive ɑs people are
    mɑking it oսt to be. I love that the film ɗidn’t try to
    be a traditional sequel, and fuⅼl committed tо thee storytelling tһey presented.
    Іt nevеr deviated to be ɑ film full oof Eadter eggs or any
    other crowd pleasing aspects.’

    Аnother սser sаid, ‘Ӏ kinda loved Joker 2. Ӏ loved hoԝ іt waѕ structured ɑs a meta-exploration of tһe first film’ѕ fandom and
    the musical elements were a lot of fun.’

    Amid tepd returns ɑt the box offkce fօr Joker:
    Folie à Deux, a nukber of fans oof thе sequel took tο social media oѵer the weekend in defense of tһe sequel to
    Todd Phillips’ 2019 motion picture, starring Joaquin Phoenix

    Օne սser marveled that Joker 2 іѕ ‘getting
    universal hate Ԁespite being mοre intereѕting and creative
    tһan anythіng marvel haѕ done in yеars is expected.’

    A user said that ‘Joker 2 is genuinely sᥙch a clever movie ԝhich carries tһe
    character study format οf the first movie into thе second in a way which, surprisingly,
    ԝill floor you by tһe end. I’m astounded reception is thіs bad Ьecause tһis is SUCH a
    clever movie’

    Ɍead Mߋre

    Lady Gaga reflects on the ᥙps аnd downs of heг career…

    as Joker flops ɑt boox office

    Տome users ѕaid tһat the bad wⲟrⅾ-of-mouth the film
    wаѕ suffering frߋm was impacting the opinions of moviegoers.

    ‘The Joker 2 hate іs so forced ⅼike ԁid ѡе watched tһe same movie????????’ onne user said, wwhile anotheг swid the
    hate for the film is ‘ѕo unjustified.’

    Οne fan predicted thɑt the motion picture ᴡith stand thhe test оf tіme
    ԝith audiences.

    ‘Ι mаy be one of ten people who genuinely ⅼiked the Joker 2.
    Remember me wһen society circles ƅack to it in 10 years and sаys іts a masterpiece,’
    ѕaid tһe user. ‘The wοrld juѕt wasn’t ready fоr
    it yet.’

    Said one user: ‘I actuallү tһoroughly enjoyed іt.
    If ʏou don’t lіke musicals ᧐r ‘art house’ style films y᧐u prօbably ѡon’t like іt ƅecause it’s
    not mаde for yοu. Tһe dynaic Ƅetween Harley and Joker waѕ
    brilliant ɑnd showcased tһe ‘obsession’ that is key
    to thɑt duo.’ 

    The movie’s box office collapse ᴡaѕ swift and has manmy іn the industry wondering: How did thе highly anticipated sequel tߋ an Oscar-winning,
    billion-dollar fiilm ᴡith the ѕame creative teazm gο wrong?
    Just threе wеeks ago, tracking services pegged tһe movie
    foor a $70mіllion debut, ѡhich would stilⅼ hɑve been dowqn a fair
    amount from Joker’s record-breaking $96.2 mіllion launch іn October 2019. 

    A numЬеr oof fans t᧐ok to social media
    tߋ defend tһe controversial sequel

    Ammid tһе earl returns, a number of fans tooк սp for thе movie and its
    cinematic depth, іn breaking awaʏ fгom thhe cookie cutter nature ᧐f sequels tοо introduce a
    musical element not ρresent in the firѕt film, with Lady Gaaga joining the franchise 

    Reviess ere mixed ouut оf the Venice Film Festival, ѡhеre it premiered
    in competitiokn ⅼike the fiгѕt movie annd еven got а 12-mіnute standing ovation.

    But tһe homecomibg glow ѡas short-lived, annd tһе fragile foundation woսld crumble in the comning weeks with its Rotten Tomatoes score dropping fгom 63 perϲent
    at Venice to 33 percent by iits firѕt weekend іn theaters. Perhapss еven moгe surprising weге the audience reviews:
    Ticket buyers polled onn оpening night gɑve the film а
    deadly D CinemaScore. Exit polls frоm PostTrak weren’t any better.
    Ιt gߋt a meager hzlf star оut of fivе pⲟssible.

    ‘Tһat´s a double whammy tһat´s very difficult to recover from,’ ѕaid Paaul Dergarabedian, tһe senior media analyst fοr Comscore.
    ‘Тhe biggest issue оf aⅼl is the reported budget.
    A $40 or $50 miⅼlion oρening fօr a lеss expensive movie
    would be a solid debut.’

    Joker: Folie à Deuxx cost аt ⅼeast tѡice as muϲh as tһe first film to produce,
    tһough repported figures vary at exactly һow pricey it ѡaѕ to mɑke.

    Phillips toⅼd Variety that itt was less than the repordted $200 mіllion; Others
    have it pegged at $190 millіon. Warner Bros. released thе film in 4,102 locations in North America.
    Ꭺbout 12.5 ρercent of its domestic totaⅼ сame from 415
    IMAX screens.

    Internationally, іt’ѕ ezrned $81.1 millіоn from 25,788 screens, bringing its totаl global earnings estimate
    to $121.1 miⅼlion. In the neⲭt two wеeks,
    Joker 2 ѡill also oрen in Japan ɑnd China.

    Ѕecond place ᴡent to Universal and DreamWorks Animation’ѕ Ꭲһe Wild Robot, which added
    $18.7 miⅼlion in itѕ sеcond weekend, beinging its domesxtic totаl to nearⅼу $64 million. Globally,
    іt’s made over $100 millіon. Waener Bros.’ Beetlejuice Beetlejuice 
    tⲟߋk third pⅼace іn weekend five, Paramount’s Transformers One landed іn fourth ɑnd Universal and Blumhouse’s Speak Ⲛօ Evil rounded оut the top fіve.

    The other bіɡ new release οf tһe weekend, Lionsgate’ѕ Whit Bird, flopped
    with јust $1.5 milliοn from just ⲟveг 1,000 locations,
    dеѕpite an A+ CinemaScore.

    Overаll, the weekend іs uup from the same fгame lаst үear,
    but Joker’ѕ start iss an unwelcome twist for theater owners hoping
    to narrow tһe box office deficit.

    Τһe sequel has already beеn the sunject οf
    many tһink pieces, some wһo posit that it ᴡas deliberately alienatinng
    fans ⲟf the first movie

    Phillips and star Joaquin Phoenix һave said tһey aspired to
    make something аs ‘audacious’ aas the first film. The sequel аdded Lady Gaga
    into thee fold , aѕ ɑ Joker superfan, and delved fᥙrther ito the mind of Arthur Fleck, imprisoned аt Arkham ɑnd awaiting trial for tһe murders hе committed in the fіrst.
    It´ѕ aⅼso a musical, with elaborately iagined song and dance numberѕ to օld standards.
    Gaga еven released ɑ companion albujm cаlled ”Harlequin,’ alongside tһe film.

    Thе sequel has alrеady been the suhject of mɑny thіnk pieces, some whߋ osit
    that it was deliberately alienating fans օf tthe
    first movie. Іn cruder terms, іt´ѕ been callеd a ‘middle finger.’ Βut fans often ignore thе advice oof critics, especially whgen іt comeѕ
    to opening theіr wallets tօ see revered comic book characters ᧐n tһe ƅig

    ‘Thеy tooқ a swing for tһe fences,’ Dergarabedian ѕaid.
    ‘But exceрt for a couple օf outliers, audiences
    іn 2024 sееm to wɑnt to know what they´гe
    getting when tһey´гe going to the theater. Τhey wɑnt the tried
    and true, the familiar.’ 

    Deadline edtor Anthony D´Alessandro tһinks thе problem startted wijth tһe idea toο mazke the Joker sewuel ɑ musical.
    ‘No fan of the original movie wanted to ѕee а musical sequel,’ he wrote on Satuгday.

    The fіrst fiilm waѕ also divisive аnd thе subject of muⅽһ discourse, tһеn about whetһer it
    miցht send tthe wrong message tⲟ the wrong type
    оf person. And ʏet peple stіll flocked tߋ ѕee wһat the fuss was aboսt.
    Joker went on to pick up 11 Oscar nominations, including best picture ɑnd bеѕt director, аnd tһree wins.
    It aⅼso made over $1 biⅼlion and wɑs the higһest-grossing R-rated film оff аll time, until thiѕ
    summr when Marvel’ѕ Deadpool & Wolverine tߋoҝ tһе crown.

    Estimated ticket sales ffor Ϝriday througһ Sunday аt U.S.
    andd Canadian theaters, aсcording tо Comscore.
    Final domestic figures willl Ƅe released Mߋnday. 

    Joaquin PhoenixLady Gaga

    Herre іѕ my webpage จัดดอกไม้งานศพ

  79. The Joker’s real identity was revealed in Folie à Deux’s ‘brutal ending’ – and it’s
    not who you think. 

    Identity confusion is the theme throughout the entire film, as the title suggests, but the ending of the second instalment may
    leave some fans surprised. 

    Following on from 2019’s psychological thriller
    from director Todd Phillips, Joaquin Phoenix reprises his role as clown Arthur Fleck who has descended into mental illness. 

    Folie à Deux begins with Arthur behind bars in Arkham Asylum,
    waiting to see whether he will be judged sane enough to stand trial
    for the murders he committed two years prior.   

    In the meantime he is enjoying his celebrity status with fellow prisoners and even the warders, one
    of whom, a sadistic Irishman played by Brendan Gleeson, feeds him cigarettes in return for jokes.

    The Joker’s real identity was revealed in Folie à Deux’s ‘brutal ending’ – and it’s not who you think

    Identity confusion is the theme throughout the entire film, as
    the title suggests, but the ending of the second instalment may leave some fans surprised

    Lady Gaga plays Harleen ‘Lee’ Quinzel, a fellow inmate on her way, fans believe, to becoming Joker’s girlfriend Harley Quinn. 

    The pair hit it off at a music therapy class, and are soon mutually smitten, but Lee makes it clear that she loves the dangerously charismatic Joker,
    ‘clown prince of crime’, not the gloomily introspective Arthur.

    Eventually, after Arthur’s high-profile TV appearance with a smug interviewer played by Steve Coogan, it is time for the trial, with all of Gotham gripped by the subject of multiple personality disorder. 

    His lawyer (Catherine Keener) strives to show
    that Joke is accused of five murders, rather than Arthur. Lee just as urgently
    wants him to identify as his demonic alter ego. 

    In the final scenes, Arthur renounces his Joker alter-ego and is found guilty of first-degree murder.

    As he is being sentenced a car bomb detonates outside the court, with two people helping Arthur escape, but he is later caught by the police and taken back to Arkham. 

    In the Asylum a young patient begins to tell Arthur a joke, before stabbing
    him in the stomach and while he bleeds to death, carves a smile into his own face. 

    It raises questions surrounding the Joker’s true identity, as it would seem
    he never went on to become the famed villain, instead he was just the person who inspired the
    man who eventually became him. 

    Folie à Deux begins with Arthur behind bars in Arkham Asylum, waiting to
    see whether he will be judged sane enough to stand trial
    for the murders he committed two years prior

    However, in the final scenes a young patient begins to tell
    Arthur a joke, before stabbing him in the stomach and while
    he bleeds to death, carves a smile into his own face

    It raises questions surrounding the Joker’s identity, as it would seem he never went on to become the villain, instead he was just the person who inspired
    the man who became him

    Director Todd, told Entertainment Weekly: ‘When those guards
    kill that kid in the [hospital] he realises that dressing up in makeup,
    putting on this thing, it’s not changing anything. 

    ‘In some ways, he’s accepted the fact that he’s always been Arthur Fleck; he’s never been this
    thing that’s been put upon him, this idea that Gotham people put on him, that he represents. 

    ‘He’s an unwitting icon. This thing was placed on him, and he
    doesn’t want to live as a fake anymore — he wants to be who he is.’

    The movie serves as a follow-up to Phoenix’s 2019 box office hit, which
    was simply titled Joker. 

    The Todd Phillips-directed musical was released in theatres on October 4, following an October
    2 international release. 

    Lady GagaBrendan GleesonJoaquin Phoenix

  80. ดอกไม้เป็นสิ่งที่สร้างความสุขและความประทับใจได้เสมอร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ ดอกไม้ตกแต่งงานแต่งงาน ร้านเหล่านี้ช่วยเพิ่มความสะดวกสบายอย่างมาก
    ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน
    แล้วคุณล่ะ มีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่ชื่นชอบอยู่แล้วหรือยัง?


  81. ดอกไม้สามารถแสดงถึงความรัก ความปรารถนาดี
    ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ ดอกไม้สำหรับงานศพที่จัดส่งตรงเวลา ทำให้เราประหยัดเวลาและได้รับของที่มีคุณภาพ ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน อยากรู้ว่าคุณเคยใช้บริการร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันบ้างหรือเปล่า?

  82. ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ ด้วยร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่หาได้ง่ายในตอนนี้ คุณไม่ต้องเสียเวลาเดินทางไกล
    ทำให้เราประหยัดเวลาและได้รับของที่มีคุณภาพ ถ้าคุณอยากได้ดอกไม้ที่ส่งตรงถึงมืออย่างรวดเร็ว ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน อยากรู้ว่าคุณเคยใช้บริการร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันบ้างหรือเปล่า?

  83. ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ ดอกไม้ตกแต่งงานแต่งงาน ทำให้เราประหยัดเวลาและได้รับของที่มีคุณภาพ หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้สวยๆ ในราคาที่คุ้มค่า ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน อยากรู้ว่าคุณเคยใช้บริการร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันบ้างหรือเปล่า?

  84. Joker: Folie À Deux — starring Lady Gaga and Joaquin Phoenix —
    has garnered the lowest CinemaScore in comic book movie history
    as the film bombed at the box office on opening night. 

    The psychological musical thriller — which has been criticized as ‘bleak’ and ‘disappointing’ — officially released in theaters
    on Friday, October 4, but it only raked in $20 million at the domestic box office,
    per The Hollywood Reporter. 

    Phoenix reprised his role as the Joker in the sequel, which
    had earned him an Oscar for his portrayal in the 2019 film, while Gaga
    took on the role of Harleen Lee Quinzel (Harley Quinn). 

    However, Joker: Folie À Deux has been given a D rating on CinemaScore —
    the lowest score for a comic book movie. 

    Madame Web — which notably also flopped in theaters earlier this year and also received terrible
    reviews — holds a higher score with a C+. 

    Joker: Folie À Deux – starring Lady Gaga and Joaquin Phoenix – has garnered the lowest CinemaScore in comic book movie history as the film bombs at the box office on opening night

    It received a D rating on CinemaScore – the lowest score for a comic book movie

    On Rotten Tomatoes, the movie currently holds an audience score of
    31% and a critic score of 32%. 

    The sequel is projected to rake in less that $50 million at
    the domestic box office during the entirety of opening
    weekend, per The Hollywood Reporter. 

    Read More

    Joker: Folie À Deux is branded ‘bleak’ and the ‘most disappointing follow-up’ by critics

    Weeks ago, the movie had been projected to bring in around $70 million – but the number has
    since drastically dropped. 

    Joker (2019) notably opened with $96.2 million when the film first released in theaters –
    and eventually landed a little over $1 billion in the global box

    The first movie – which was also directed by Todd Phillips – had a budget of between $55 and $70 million. However, the
    budget increased for Folie À Deux to around $200 million. 

    The 2019 movie garnered praise and positive reviews from both critics and audiences
    – and won the Golden Lion during the 76th Venice International Film Festival. 

    Joaquin received an Oscar for Best Actor for his portrayal of the Joker (Arthur Fleck) – and
    the film garnered an additional Academy Award for Best Original Score. 

    The sequel also screened during the Venice International Film Festival last month in September, where it
    earned a 12-minute standing ovation, per Deadline.   

    On Rotten Tomatoes, the movie currently holds an audience score of 31%
    and a critic score of 32%

    However, audiences have since taken to X after the movie released in theaters on Friday – and shared their opinions on the
    sequel, which features musical sequences. 

    One fan penned, ‘Joaquin Phoenix don’t deserve this. what happened to
    the script?’ while another added, ‘is it that bad,’ followed by a crying face emoji. 

    ‘Ironically I feel that a musical, if done well, could have been a good
    choice. It’d show how much of an unreliable narrator Fleck is,’ one typed. 

    ‘But with some original songs, that keep everything vague, not just covers.

    Also when I heard of the ending I snorted fr.’ 

    A social media user wrote, ‘Stop making sequels as musicals if the original wasn’t a musical.’ 

    ‘Maybe he [Phillips] only had an hour long movie, and decided to randomly add musical scenes to
    fill the runtime,’ one penned. 

    ‘Joker downfall really needs to be studied,’ another shared, along with a monkey staring out a window. 

    One fan said, ‘the movie sucks. i had to walk out of the cinema,’ while another penned,
    ‘After years of disagreement….*Joker 2 releases* Critics [shaking hands]

    The sequel is projected to only rake in less that
    $50 million in the domestic box office during the entirety
    of opening weekend, per The Hollywood Reporter

    However, audiences have since taken to X after the movie released in theaters on Friday
    – and shared their opinions over the sequel, which was also a musical

    ‘Ironically I feel that a musical, if done well, could have been a good choice.
    It’d show how much of an unreliable narrator Fleck is,’ one typed

    ‘Joker downfall really needs to be studied,’ another shared, along with a
    monkey staring out a window

    ‘That’s way below what we expected,’ one wrote in regards to the current Rotten Tomatoes scores.
    ‘People are saying this is the worst sequel ever.’ 

    A fan explained, ‘yea this film was bad. it was pretentious and dull.
    has the aesthetic of an arthouse film without the substance.’ 

    ‘It also insults the audience’s intelligence.
    the songs were also underwhelming too. they shouldn’t have let this escape to theaters.’ 

    One shared, ‘The audience that loved the first movie
    is not the same audience running to see musicals.
    This was a gigantic mistake from step 1.’ 

    During an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Phillips discussed whether
    he would be interested in making a third
    Joker film or a movie centered around Gaga’s character. 

    ‘It’s not really where this movie is headed for me.

    I feel like my time in the DC Universe was these two films.’ 

    Ahead of the movie’s release, Lady Gaga also dropped
    an accompanying album titled Harlequin on September 27. 

    Joker: Folie À Deux has been branded the ‘most disappointing follow-up to the Oscar-winning movie’ by
    critics, as they cast doubt on Lady Gaga’s ‘thin’ role in the film following its release
    on Friday. 

    ‘That’s way below what we expected,’ one wrote in regards to the current Rotten Tomatoes scores.
    ‘People are saying this is the worst sequel ever’

    A fan explained, ‘yea this film was bad. it was pretentious and dull.
    has the aesthetic of an arthouse film without the substance’

    The ‘bleak’ sequel, has also received a tepid reception from fans, with
    some claiming Lady Gaga’s career could be at risk.

    While the same director Todd Phillips was back in the hot seat, critics have said the sequel is just a ‘repeat’ of the first hit but with an added musical twist.

    Most critics have said Todd failed to use Gaga correctly in the movie and claimed she was only bought in for the musical aspect of it.

    While the majority of critics say Joker: Folie À Deux
    didn’t live up to expectations, others have dubbed the movie ‘bold’ and ‘brilliant.’ 

    Daily Mail’s Brian Viner commended the move as ‘bold’ and ‘brilliant’ but said it lacked any thrill. 

    The Independent’s Geoffrey Macnab said: ‘Today Joker is
    best remembered as one of the most subversive and original
    films of the last decade, while its hugely anticipated sequel is
    just as bleak and formally daring as its predecessor’.

    Meanwhile, the Irish Times’ Donald Clarke gave the movie just two stars but credited
    Phillips’ work for making a sequel following the first movie’s $1billion success.

    Financial Times critic Danny Leigh said although Gaga worked hard to bump the ratings up in the sequel,
    Phillips appeared to have no idea what to do with her. 

    Giving a three star rating, The Guardian’s Peter Bradshaw claimed the movie proves ‘claustrophobic’ and ‘repetitive.’

    During an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Phillips discussed
    whether he would be interested in making a third Joker film
    or a movie centered around Gaga’s character; Phillips,
    Gaga and Phoenix seen in September in L.A. 

    Joker: Folie À Deux has been branded the ‘most disappointing follow-up to the
    Oscar-winning movie’ by critics, as they cast doubt on Lady Gaga’s ‘thin’ role in the film following its release on Friday; seen in September in London 

    The Times’ Kevin Maher wrote: ‘The director Todd Phillips said there would be no
    follow-up to the original, but he changed his mind and the result
    is a derivative musical’

    ‘This might be the most disappointing follow-up to an Oscar-winning
    performance since Anthony Hopkins reworked his silky and terrifying Dr Lecter from for the campy, kitschy.’ 

    Along with Lady Gaga and Joaquin Phoenix, other stars that
    had appeared in the sequel include Brendan Gleeson, Catherine Keener, Zazie Beatz and
    Steve Coogan. 

    Joker: Folie à Deux has faced additional backlash from fans as they
    have claimed that Gaga is running the risk of losing her acting career. 

    Lady GagaJoaquin Phoenix

  85. ดอกไม้สามารถแสดงถึงความรัก ความปรารถนาดี และความอบอุ่นใจได้ดีมาก ด้วยร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่หาได้ง่ายในตอนนี้ คุณไม่ต้องเสียเวลาเดินทางไกล ดอกไม้สำหรับงานศพที่จัดส่งตรงเวลา ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการอย่างลงตัว ถ้าคุณอยากได้ดอกไม้ที่ส่งตรงถึงมืออย่างรวดเร็ว ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน แล้วคุณล่ะ มีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่ชื่นชอบอยู่แล้วหรือยัง?


  86. ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ ด้วยร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่หาได้ง่ายในตอนนี้ คุณไม่ต้องเสียเวลาเดินทางไกล ดอกไม้ตกแต่งงานแต่งงาน
    ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน

  87. Thеre агe now 6 coaches wіth 800 ⲟr more wijs in Division I
    college basketball:Mike KrzyzewskiEddie SuttonBob KnightDean SmithAdolph RuppJim Phelan.Clarsnce “Bi
    Read more

    Football – American


    Why does the quarterback call out colors and numbers?

    Asked by Wiki User

    For 2 reasons. 1st; To confuse the other team 2nd; Somewhere in the audible will be an optional play. The color will tell which side the play will go to and the
    Read more



    How can a team be one half of a game behind in the standings?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Read more



    What does 1 number straight up in roullete pay?

    Asked by Wiki User

    There are two types of Roulette tables, American and European. In American Roulette there is a zero and a double zero on the table, making your single number st
    Read more

    Swimming Pools


    How many gallons does it take to fill a 15 feet in diameter and 3 feet deep?

    Asked by Wiki User

    It is difficult to determine the capacity of a container without all of the parameters. However, a container that is six feet and diameter, three feet long, and
    Read more

    Swimming Pools


    When you are at a 70 ft pool how many laps for a mile?

    Asked by Wiki User

    It would take about 21.5 lengths (10.8 laps) to equal iqos ߋne mile.

  88. Nick Knowles revealed a major health update in regards to his future on Strictly Come Dancing on Wednesday
    after pulling out of last week’s live show due to an injury.

    The DIY SOS star, 62 – who is paired with pro Luba Mushtuk – missed out on last Saturday’s Movie Week
    due to a shoulder problem, before falling and injuring his knee during rehearsals.

    It’s yet to be decided whether Nick will be returning
    to the dance floor this week and the TV presenter has admitted that
    the decision still hangs in the balance. 

    He shared an update with fans both on his Instagram account and during an appearance on It Takes Two alongside Luba.

    In the Instagram video, he told fans: ‘So I’m behind the scenes at It Takes Two
    and the good news today is that the physios have cleared me to train tomorrow.

    Nick Knowles revealed a major health update in regards to his future
    on Strictly Come Dancing on Wednesday after pulling out of last week’s live show due to an injury

    He shared the update with fans both on his Instagram account and during
    an appearance on It Takes Two alongside Luba

    ‘That’s not an all clear for Saturday yet. I have to see
    how I get on tomorrow and then a decision will be made on Friday.

    ‘So, obviously we’ll update you as we go
    along. But I just wanted to take this moment to say thank you for all the well wishes that I’ve received and encouragement from everybody.  And I’m hopeful that I will be dancing on Saturday.’ 

    Then, being interviewed by Janette Manrara during the BBC dance
    competition’s spin-off show It Takes Two, Nick went into detail about what happened on Friday.

    He explained: ‘We’d had a great week learning the dance
    and we were doing the camera tech rehearsals where the cameras get to see
    how the dance works and everything.

    ‘Very last step of the dance I was late getting to where I should and leapt to
    the position and my one leg stayed still and the rest of me went through.

    ‘Had a bit of a collapse and realised it wasn’t in a good position. I hurt
    my knee basically.’

    On the bright side, he added: ‘Each day gets a
    little bit better.  On Friday, it looked pretty bad to be honest.
    Saturday was not so good but I got a scan and so we decided to wait
    until Monday so we could have a look at that.

    ‘Monday was a little bit stronger and today I got the see the physios
    and I’ve had help from all the rehab and physio’s and doctors and they have given me clearance to try and dance tomorrow to train.

    The DIY SOS star, 62 – who is paired with pro Luba Mushtuk – missed out on last
    Saturday’s Movie Week due to a shoulder problem, before falling
    and injuring his knee during rehearsals

    Being interviewed by Janette Manrara during the BBC dance competition’s spin-off show It Takes Two, Nick went into detail about what happened on Friday

    The duo confirmed that a final decision will be made on Friday, and Luba told
    Janette: ‘Tomorrow we will try and we will go gentle and see what we can do and
    what we can’t and then adjust it’

    It comes after Nick revealed he is ‘gutted’ to have missed out
    on Strictly last week as he watched Saturday night’s show on crutches

    Read More

    Why IS Strictly’s Nick Knowles so accident prone?
    Full list of health woes as he pulls out of show

    ‘If I train tomorrow then it might not necessarily be the end of it. We will see how I do tomorrow and that is all we can say at the moment.’

    The duo confirmed that a final decision will be made on Friday, and Luba told Janette: ‘Tomorrow we will
    try and we will go gentle and see what we can do and what we can’t and
    then adjust it.

    ‘We will take it step-by-step and see what is comfortable and maybe what is feeling uncomfortable.
    We will create it together.’

    It comes after fans worries intensified when he was not included in the list of this week’s songs and dances
    that are always announced the Wednesday before the next live show.

    The show’s Instagram page did say however: ‘We will update
    with more news on Nick when we have it.’

    In accordance with BBC rules the couples can only miss one week due to
    injury and then they must leave the competition.

    Nick also revealed he was ‘gutted’ to have missed out on Strictly last
    week as he watched Saturday night’s show on crutches.

    He wrote on X: ‘Gutted not to be out there with everyone tonight on the dance floor, but
    still suited up and cheering them on from the sofa!’

    Strictly Come Dancing fans have been left baffled over whether Nick Knowles
    will return to the show amid his injury (pictured with pro
    partner Luba Mushtuk)

    It comes after fans worries intensified when he was not included in the list of this week’s songs
    and dances that are always announced the Wednesday before the next live show

    At the top of the show, hosts Tess Daly and Claudia Winkleman updated
    viewers on the situation as he and his partner partner Luba Mushtuk
    were granted a free pass to the next round of the

    Tess said: ‘As you can see, Nick Knowles and his partner Luba are not here.
    In rehearsals, Nick sustained an injury and is not able to
    perform tonight’.

    Claudia added: ‘As per the rules of the competition, he will receive a bye into next week’s

    Claudia also sent her love to Nick on behalf of the whole team and wished him a ‘speedy
    recovery’, to which she was met with a round of applause.

    Nick was also flooded with well-wishes on his social media.
    with fans rushing to send him get well soon messages.

    Strictly Come Dancing continues at 6:20pm on BBC
    One on Saturday.

    Luba MushtukJanette ManraraNick KnowlesBBC

  89. As an AI language model, I don’t have access to personal information about individuals,
    including celebrities like Wayne Gretzky. Therefore, I cannot provide in
    Read more



    What is Stephanie Cox’s ethnicity?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Stephanie Cox is of Mexican descent12. She is the daughter of a Mexican American father and
    a German-Irish American mother2. Her nationality is American

  90. There are now 6 coaches with 800 or more wins in Division I college basketball:Mike KrzyzewskiEddie SuttonBob KnightDean SmithAdolph RuppJim Phelan.Clarence “Bi
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    Football – American


    Why does the quarterback call out colors and numbers?

    Asked by Wiki User

    For 2 reasons. 1st; To confuse the other team 2nd; Somewhere in the audible will be an optional play. The color will tell which side the play will go to and the
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    How can a team be one half of a game behind in the standings?

    Asked by Wiki User

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    What does 1 number straight up in roullete pay?

    Asked by Wiki User

    There are two types of Roulette tables, American and European. In American Roulette there is a zero and a double zero on the table, making your single number st
    Read more

    Swimming Pools


    How many gallons does it take to fill a 15 feet in diameter and 3 feet deep?

    Asked by Wiki User

    It is difficult to determine the capacity of a container without all of the parameters. However, a container that is six feet and diameter, three feet long, and
    Read more

    Swimming Pools


    When you are at a 70 ft pool how many laps for a mile?

    Asked by Wiki User

    It would take about 21.5 lengths (10.8 laps) to equal one mile.


    Greetings to every here am so overwhelmed with joy
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  92. The number of items that can fit in a carton depends on the size
    of the carton and the size of the items. To calculate the maximum number of items that can fit,
    Read more


    Does Olga Kurylenko smoke cigarettes?

    Asked by Wiki User

    There is no definitive information available in the public
    domain confirming whether Olga Kurylenko
    smokes cigarettes. As a private individual, her personal hab
    Read more


    Which cigarette does dawood Ibrahim smoke?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, my friend, let’s focus on creating happy little trees and fluffy clouds instead
    of worrying about which cigarette someone smokes. Remember,
    it’s important t
    Read more


    Does Jennifer love hewitt smoke cigarettes?

    Asked by Wiki User

    There is no definitive public information confirming whether Jennifer Love
    Hewitt smokes cigarettes. Smoking status is typically considered a personal health ch
    Read more



    How do you read expiration date on camel cigarettes the code is 2CD84U7?

    Asked by Wiki User

    The date codes for Camels are on the bottom of the packs.
    It will say FSC, and a letter and a number. The letter is the month
    (A=January, B=February, etc) and t
    Read more



    Does tom welling smoke cigarettes?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, it’s important to remember that everyone has their own choices and habits,
    and that’s okay. We should focus on sending positivity
    and understanding to other
    Read more

    Illegal Drugs


    What does it mean to smoke a Newport?

    Asked by Wiki User

    To “smoke a Newport” typically refers to smoking a Newport cigarette,
    which is a brand known for its menthol flavor. Smoking
    a Newport involves lighti
    Read more



    Does Charissa Thompson smoke cigarettes?

    Asked by Wiki User

    I’m sorry, but as an AI language model, I do not
    have real-time information on individuals.
    Charissa Thompson is a well-known sports broadcaster, and there is n
    Read more



    How much nicotine is in a Virginia slims superslims light menthol cigarette?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, honey, a Virginia Slims Superslims Light Menthol cigarette typically contains around 0.4
    milligrams of nicotine. But let’s be real,
    if you’re worried abou
    Read more



    What does a pack of 200 cigarettes weigh?

    Asked by Wiki User

    for a standart cigarette

    lenght: 100 mm

    diameter: 8 mm

    length of filter: 20 mm

    total cigarette weight: 1.2 gm

    tobacco weight: 0.9 gm

    cigarettes per pack: 20

  93. Celine Dion had a hilarious reaction to her hit, My Heart Will Go On,
    in a new video this week.

    The iconic songstress, 56, who is best known for the 1997 Titanic soundtrack song,
    was seen attempting to stream her rendition of Edith Piaf’s Hymne à l’amour – but Siri failed to understand
    her and instead suggested My Heart Will Go On.

    In the clip, Dion says: ‘Hey Siri, play Hymne à l’amour by Céline Dion?’ with Siri responding: ‘I cannot find that track by Céline Dion but
    here is My Heart Will Go On. ”

    A frustrated Dion said: ‘No! Hello, No, no, no, Hey Siri, can you play Hymne à l’amour by Céline Dion please?’

    Again, Siri replied: ‘I cannot find that track by Céline Dion but here is My Heart Will Go On.’

    Celine Dion had a hilarious reaction to her hit, My Heart Will Go On, in a new video this week

    The 1997 chart-topper from the film Titanic is considered Dion’s signature song 

    Read More

    How Celine Dion fought Stiff Person Syndrome every day to be fit to open the Olympics

    Dion burst out laughing and said ‘never mind!’ before suggesting she ask the question in a strong French accent.

    After this Siri responded: ‘Okay, here is ‘Hymne à l’amour by Céline Dion.’

    Dion looked shocked before smiling and giving the thumbs up.

    In July Dion made a musical comeback with the track at the 2024 Paris Olympic Opening Ceremony amid her battle with incurable condition, stiff-person syndrome.

    28 years after making her Olympic debut in 1996 at Atlanta’s stadium, Celine proved she’s still got it following her emotional act in the French city at the Eiffel Tower.

    And after bringing fans to tears, Celine reflected on the iconic moment with a heartfelt message on X.

    She wrote: ‘I’m honored to have performed tonight, for the Paris 2024 Opening Ceremony, and so full of joy to be back in one of my very favorite cities!

    ‘Most of all, I’m so happy to be celebrating these amazing athletes, with all their stories of sacrifice and determination, pain and perseverance.

    In the clip, Dion says: ‘Hey Siri, play Hymne à l’amour by Céline Dion?’ with Siri responding: ‘I cannot find that track by Céline Dion but here is My Heart Will Go On. ” A frustrated Dion said: ‘No!
    Hello, No, no, no’

    Again, Siri replied: ‘I cannot find that track by Céline Dion but here is My Heart Will Go

    In July Dion made a musical comeback with the track at the 2024
    Paris Olympic Opening Ceremony amid her battle with incurable condition,
    stiff-person syndrome 

    ‘All of you have been so focused on your dream, and whether or not you take home a medal,
    I hope that being here means that it has come true for

    ‘You should all be so proud, we know how hard you have worked to be the best
    of the best. Stay focused, keep going, my heart is with you!

    – Celine xx…’

    Celine looked incredible in a shimmering silver gown as she performed in front of the Eiffel Tower.

    She gave a rendition of Hymne à L’amour, which was originally sung by French music icon Edith Piaf.

    The song was originally released in 1950 and its title translates into English as ‘Hymn to

    The My Heart Will Go On songstress looked to be on the verge of tears as she
    finished the performance to cheers from the crowd, whilst viewers at home were also left emotional.

    Celine Dion

  94. There are now 6 coaches with 800 or more wins in Division I college basketball:Mike KrzyzewskiEddie SuttonBob KnightDean SmithAdolph RuppJim Phelan.Clarence “Bi
    Read more

    Football – American


    Why does the quarterback call out colors and numbers?

    Asked by Wiki User

    For 2 reasons. 1st; To confuse the other team 2nd; Somewhere in the audible will be an optional play. The color will tell which side the play will go to and the
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    How can a team be one half of a game behind in the standings?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Read more



    What does 1 number straight up in roullete pay?

    Asked by Wiki User

    There are two types of Roulette tables, American and European. In American Roulette there is a zero and a double zero on the table, making your single number st
    Read more

    Swimming Pools


    How many gallons does it take to fill a 15 feet in diameter and 3 feet deep?

    Asked by Wiki User

    It is difficult to determine the capacity of a container without all of the parameters. However, a container that is six feet and diameter, three feet long, and
    Read more

    Swimming Pools


    When you are at a 70 ft pool how many laps for a mile?

    Asked by Wiki User

    It would take about 21.5 lengths (10.8 laps) to equal one mile.

  95. There is something reassuringly robust about The Punch
    Bowl Inn. Not just in the old-fashioned bar, where the Wainwright Gold is well kept and a
    huge leather sofa sits before a blazing wood burner; or in the dining room, solid and
    comfortable, with its old beams, well-trodden wooden floors and
    tables unadorned with cloths; it’s in the menu, too, mainly British with a
    Gallic burr, that makes full use of the magnificent local Lake District larder.

    Stornoway black pudding with crispy egg and bubble and squeak:
    ‘pure Cumbrian comfort by way of Lewis’, is Tom’s verdict

    We’re here with Peter Gott, that great Cumbrian hero, and the man behind Sillfield Farm, who has invited me up to cook at the Westmorland County Show; also chef Phil Vickery,
    who certainty knows his alliums; and the force of nature that is Lorraine Stanton,
    something of a legend around these parts. But first dinner, and a sublime twice-baked Mrs Kirkham’s cheese soufflé, the texture as light as a sigh, the flavour profoundly,
    lasciviously rich. Mrs Kirkham’s, now made by her son Graham, is one of the world’s great cheeses,
    and this is a soufflé of quiet majesty. A mushroom
    soup is equally splendid, managing to be both light and gutsy,
    while Stornoway black pudding with bubble and squeak and a deep-fried egg is pure Cumbrian comfort
    by way of Lewis.

    There’s a fundamental generosity here, matched by assured technical precision. Duck
    à l’orange sees a plump breast cooked rare, the skin crisp, the sauce just the right side of bitter.
    It comes with a fat potato fondant and cabbage spiked with shards of smoked bacon. I
    eat rump of lamb, four vast just-pink slices, drenched in the stickiest, most gloriously intense of gravies; by its side, a tiny shepherd’s pie, one bite of
    pure ovine brilliance.

    Puddings are every bit as fine: a lemon tart, beautifully sharp, with damson sorbet (this part of the Lake District is famed for
    its damsons); along with a banana soufflé, this time the classic version but ethereal, served with vanilla
    ice cream and a pot of sticky-toffee sauce to pour deep into its
    molten centre. This is good old-fashioned food, immaculately done,
    in the sort of pub designed for lingering. It’s getting late now, and we’ve an early start.
    But first, another bottle of wine. Dinners like this are too rare to be rushed.

    About £45 per head. The Punch Bowl Inn, Crosthwaite,
    Cumbria; the-punchbowl.co.uk


  96. Joker: Folie À Deux — starring Lady Gaga and Joaquin Phoenix —
    has garnered the lowest CinemaScore in comic book movie history as the film
    bombed at the box office on opening night. 

    The psychological musical thriller — which has been criticized as ‘bleak’ and ‘disappointing’ — officially released in theaters on Friday, October 4, but
    it only raked in $20 million at the domestic box office,
    per The Hollywood Reporter. 

    Phoenix reprised his role as the Joker in the sequel,
    which had earned him an Oscar for his portrayal in the 2019 film, while Gaga
    took on the role of Harleen Lee Quinzel (Harley Quinn). 

    However, Joker: Folie À Deux has been given a D rating on CinemaScore — the lowest score for
    a comic book movie. 

    Madame Web — which notably also flopped in theaters earlier this year and also received terrible reviews — holds a
    higher score with a C+. 

    Joker: Folie À Deux – starring Lady Gaga and Joaquin Phoenix – has garnered the lowest CinemaScore
    in comic book movie history as the film bombs at the box office on opening night

    It received a D rating on CinemaScore – the lowest score
    for a comic book movie

    On Rotten Tomatoes, the movie currently holds an audience score of 31% and a critic score of 32%. 

    The sequel is projected to rake in less that $50 million at the domestic box
    office during the entirety of opening weekend, per The Hollywood

    Read More

    Joker: Folie À Deux is branded ‘bleak’ and
    the ‘most disappointing follow-up’ by critics

    Weeks ago, the movie had been projected to bring in around $70 million – but the number has
    since drastically dropped. 

    Joker (2019) notably opened with $96.2 million when the film first released in theaters – and eventually landed a little over $1 billion in the global box office. 

    The first movie – which was also directed by Todd Phillips –
    had a budget of between $55 and $70 million.
    However, the budget increased for Folie À Deux to around $200 million. 

    The 2019 movie garnered praise and positive reviews from both critics and audiences –
    and won the Golden Lion during the 76th Venice
    International Film Festival. 

    Joaquin received an Oscar for Best Actor for his portrayal of the Joker (Arthur Fleck) – and
    the film garnered an additional Academy Award for Best
    Original Score. 

    The sequel also screened during the Venice International Film Festival last month in September, where it earned a 12-minute standing ovation, per Deadline.   

    On Rotten Tomatoes, the movie currently holds an audience score
    of 31% and a critic score of 32%

    However, audiences have since taken to X after the
    movie released in theaters on Friday – and shared their opinions on the sequel,
    which features musical sequences. 

    One fan penned, ‘Joaquin Phoenix don’t deserve this.

    what happened to the script?’ while another added, ‘is it that bad,’ followed by
    a crying face emoji. 

    ‘Ironically I feel that a musical, if done well, could have been a good choice.
    It’d show how much of an unreliable narrator Fleck is,’ one typed. 

    ‘But with some original songs, that keep everything vague, not just covers.
    Also when I heard of the ending I snorted fr.’ 

    A social media user wrote, ‘Stop making sequels as musicals if the original wasn’t
    a musical.’ 

    ‘Maybe he [Phillips] only had an hour long movie, and
    decided to randomly add musical scenes to fill the runtime,’
    one penned. 

    ‘Joker downfall really needs to be studied,’ another shared, along with a monkey staring out a window. 

    One fan said, ‘the movie sucks. i had to walk out of the cinema,’ while another penned, ‘After years of disagreement….*Joker
    2 releases* Critics [shaking hands] Audience.’ 

    The sequel is projected to only rake in less that $50 million in the domestic box office during the entirety
    of opening weekend, per The Hollywood Reporter

    However, audiences have since taken to X after the movie released in theaters on Friday – and shared their opinions
    over the sequel, which was also a musical

    ‘Ironically I feel that a musical, if done well, could have been a good choice.
    It’d show how much of an unreliable narrator Fleck is,’ one typed

    ‘Joker downfall really needs to be studied,’ another shared, along with a monkey staring out a window

    ‘That’s way below what we expected,’ one wrote in regards to
    the current Rotten Tomatoes scores. ‘People are saying this is the worst sequel ever.’ 

    A fan explained, ‘yea this film was bad. it was pretentious and dull.
    has the aesthetic of an arthouse film without the substance.’ 

    ‘It also insults the audience’s intelligence. the songs were
    also underwhelming too. they shouldn’t have let this escape to theaters.’ 

    One shared, ‘The audience that loved the first movie is not the same audience running to see musicals.
    This was a gigantic mistake from step 1.’ 

    During an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Phillips discussed whether he would be interested
    in making a third Joker film or a movie centered around Gaga’s character. 

    ‘It’s not really where this movie is headed for me.
    I feel like my time in the DC Universe was these two films.’ 

    Ahead of the movie’s release, Lady Gaga also dropped an accompanying album titled Harlequin on September 27. 

    Joker: Folie À Deux has been branded the ‘most disappointing follow-up to the Oscar-winning movie’
    by critics, as they cast doubt on Lady Gaga’s ‘thin’ role in the
    film following its release on Friday. 

    ‘That’s way below what we expected,’ one wrote in regards to the
    current Rotten Tomatoes scores. ‘People are saying this is the worst sequel ever’

    A fan explained, ‘yea this film was bad.

    it was pretentious and dull. has the aesthetic of an arthouse film without the substance’

    The ‘bleak’ sequel, has also received a tepid reception from fans, with some claiming
    Lady Gaga’s career could be at risk.

    While the same director Todd Phillips was back in the
    hot seat, critics have said the sequel is just
    a ‘repeat’ of the first hit but with an added musical twist.

    Most critics have said Todd failed to use Gaga correctly in the movie and claimed
    she was only bought in for the musical aspect of it.

    While the majority of critics say Joker: Folie À Deux didn’t live
    up to expectations, others have dubbed the
    movie ‘bold’ and ‘brilliant.’ 

    Daily Mail’s Brian Viner commended the move as ‘bold’ and
    ‘brilliant’ but said it lacked any thrill. 

    The Independent’s Geoffrey Macnab said: ‘Today Joker is best remembered as one
    of the most subversive and original films of the last decade,
    while its hugely anticipated sequel is just as bleak
    and formally daring as its predecessor’.

    Meanwhile, the Irish Times’ Donald Clarke gave the movie just two stars but credited Phillips’ work for making a sequel
    following the first movie’s $1billion success.

    Financial Times critic Danny Leigh said although Gaga worked hard to
    bump the ratings up in the sequel, Phillips appeared to have no idea what to do with her. 

    Giving a three star rating, The Guardian’s Peter
    Bradshaw claimed the movie proves ‘claustrophobic’ and ‘repetitive.’

    During an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Phillips
    discussed whether he would be interested in making a third Joker film or a movie centered around Gaga’s character; Phillips, Gaga and Phoenix seen in September
    in L.A. 

    Joker: Folie À Deux has been branded the ‘most disappointing follow-up to the Oscar-winning movie’ by critics, as they cast doubt on Lady Gaga’s
    ‘thin’ role in the film following its release on Friday; seen in September in London 

    The Times’ Kevin Maher wrote: ‘The director Todd Phillips said there would be no follow-up to the original, but he changed his mind and the result is a derivative musical’

    ‘This might be the most disappointing follow-up to an Oscar-winning performance since Anthony Hopkins reworked his silky and
    terrifying Dr Lecter from for the campy, kitschy.’ 

    Along with Lady Gaga and Joaquin Phoenix, other stars that had appeared in the sequel include Brendan Gleeson,
    Catherine Keener, Zazie Beatz and Steve Coogan. 

    Joker: Folie à Deux has faced additional backlash from fans
    as they have claimed that Gaga is running the risk of losing her
    acting career. 

    Lady GagaJoaquin Phoenix

  97. The bold, confident, free-thinking modern woman who may soon occupy the White House is not named Kamala Harris.

    In her new No.1 New York Times best-selling memoir, Melania Trump shares a
    revealing look into her personal life and journey – from a childhood in small-town Slovenia,
    to globetrotting pursuits as a young model, to her courtship and marriage to one of the world’s most famous men.

    She also corrects the record, challenges her critics and clarifies
    her positions on a range of issues from abortion (she’s pro-choice) to the inclusion of biological men in women’s sports (female athletes must always be ‘protected and

    In fact, she sounds like many female voters grappling with
    the whiplash changes wrought by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s time in the White

    The bold, confident, free-thinking modern woman who may soon occupy the
    White House is not named Kamala Harris. (Pictured: Kellyanne with Donald and
    Melania Trump at the White House in 2019).

    ‘The country is suffering,’ she writes. ‘We have wars around the world…
    The border is open and dangerous… a lot of fentanyl is coming over
    and killing our youth…. The economy is really not great, inflation is high.’

    I’ve known and worked alongside Melania for many years,
    and regard her as a friend.

    She has been unfairly maligned and the target of so much speculation and prevarication. That
    is why it has been so wonderful to see her own ‘October Surprise’, a memoir in her own words on her
    own timeline, showing the measured, magnanimous woman tens of millions of
    Americans adore.

    Earlier this year, Melania and I lost our mothers just weeks
    apart. Even as she navigated her loss in public view, Melania made every
    effort to be there for me. She and President Trump called, sent flowers, handwritten notes and checked
    in with me time and again.

    After my divorce was finalized last year, Melania showed up again, supporting me as any caring friend would
    and encouraging me to swing open soldered doors following a time of
    personal upheaval and transition.

    Read More


    KELLYANNE CONWAY: Don’s back! Here’s his new 2024 blueprint

    And it was the same story when we worked together
    in the White House. While Jill Biden has insisted on being called ‘Doctor’, Melania was admired
    and beloved by the political and permanent staffers alike, asking after their children by name, welcoming them to events big and small, and treating them with inclusivity and

    Known as a protective and present mother, Melania now uses her memoir to call out the ‘sheer malice’ of
    unfunny comic Rosie O’Donnell who, in 2016, tweeted despicable and totally unfounded claims about Barron, then aged

    It was just weeks after Trump had stunned the world and won, and the same liberal media and Hollywood types, who perpetuated every vicious attack against him, reveled as O’Donnell’s vile lie wormed its way across social media.

    It was a shock to see such naked cruelty towards a First Child, especially
    when so many of us had treated Chelsea Clinton and the
    Obama daughters like Fabergé eggs. Kids (including mine) should always be off limits.

    I’ve known and worked alongside Melania for many years, and regard her as a friend.
    (Pictured together in 2018 visiting Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center).

    Earlier this year, Melania and I lost our mothers just weeks apart.
    Even as she navigated her loss in public view, Melania made every effort to be there for me.
    She and President Trump called, sent flowers, handwritten notes and checked in with me time and again.
    (Pictured: Together with Trump in the White House in 2019).

    But instead of going to war, Melania acted swiftly and tenderly to shield her son. She channeled
    maternal outrage into a first lady’s focus on initiatives centered around
    children’s wellness and cyberbullying awareness.
    Her ‘Be Best’ campaign remains a highlight of her time in office.

    Melania has never been one for preening and posturing.
    Other first ladies used their roles to land on the cover
    of fashion magazines, but she did so on her own, years
    before, as a successful model.

    Even when I’ve suggested she push back on myriad false claims made
    by the media or ungrateful former staffers who have returned her trust
    in them with self-serving lies and revisionist history,
    she has declined, knowing that her silence is always more powerful.

    Behind closed doors, Trump has, for decades, regarded his wife
    as a top confidante and counselor. Whether as an international business mogul,
    a TV star or, lately, leader of the free world, it is
    Melania’s opinion that he has consistently sought.

    Trump enjoys the company of plenty of friends, taking a range of advice, but he speaks of – and to – Melania in an entirely unique way.
    Really, he fears yet reveres her. He respects her independence, seeks her input, trusts her keen eye, sharp ear and sense of people.

    I have witnessed their relationship up close,
    and it is one fundamentally built on mutual love and respect.
    Recently, as Barron was heading off for college and
    Melania was preparing to publish her memoir, I jokingly asked Trump how it might feel
    to be the second most popular man and the second most prominent author
    in the household. He chuckled and relented.

    Melania Trump has plenty to say and nothing to prove.

    She is not a typical political spouse rushing to the cameras on matters that are best handled privately,
    or loudly offering insights or slights about her husband’s political opponents à la
    Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama.

    She is an asset, a partner, an equal who is neither
    trying to control – looking at you, Jill Biden – nor
    controlled by her partner. She is what many feminists insist they are: independent, a product of her own choices, comfortable in her own skin.

    She has been by Trump’s side the entire time. Though never in his shadow.

    In fact, from that very first moment they descended the golden escalator,
    she’s been leading the way.

  98. Oh, dude, writing 934 in standard form is like a piece of cake!

    You just gotta move those digits around a bit. So, 934 in standard form is 9 x 100 + 3 x 10 + 4
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    What is meant by a strong key in science?

    Asked by Wiki User

    In science, a strong key typically refers to a variable or factor
    that has a significant impact on the outcome of an experiment or study.

    This key factor is cru
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    What are the advantages of telex?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, the advantages of using telex are like happy little
    trees on a canvas! It allows for quick and direct communication between parties, without the need for in
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    What would happen to a food chain if the producer was removed?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, isn’t that an interesting thought! If the producer, like plants or algae, were removed from a food chain, it would have a
    big impact. Since producers are
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    How do living things become abiotic elements and then biotic elements

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, honey, living things don’t become abiotic elements – that’s like
    saying a cat turns into a rock! When living things die, they decompose and their
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    Why inexperienced biolohist often have difficulties using a microscope to follow tiny organisims as
    they move about in a drop of pond water in a microscope slide?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, isn’t that just a happy little challenge for our budding biologist friends?
    It’s quite common for beginners to have a tough time tracking those tiny
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    What electromagnetic wave has a wavelength shorter than a microwave but longer than light?

    Asked by Wiki User

    The electromagnetic wave with a wavelength shorter than a microwave but longer than light is an infrared wave.
    Infrared waves have wavelengths ranging from appr
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    Why is carbon dioxide not considered a an organic compound?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Carbon dioxide is not considered an organic compound because it does not
    contain hydrogen atoms bonded to carbon atoms. Organic compounds are defined as compoun
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    Is there something smaller than a yoctometer?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, absolutely! Just like how we have different sizes of brushes for painting happy little trees, in the world of measurements, there are even tinier units than
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    Why geography is called spatial science?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Because we socialize based on science and historical methods.

  99. Ꭲhe national flower ᧐f Mozambique іs the Maroon Bell Bean, scientifically қnown aѕ Bauhinia aculeata.

    Ƭhis flowerng ρlant is native to Mozambique ɑnd is charac
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    Ꮤhat іs the opposite of Africa?

    Asked by Randydanso

    Τhe opposite οf Africa, in terms of geographical location, ould Ƅe
    tһe Paciffic Ocean. Opposites аre often consіdered in trrms of location or direction, and sin
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    Denver Nuggets


    Ɗo NBA scouts ϲome to Zimbabwe οr doo basketball players from Zimbabwe hae to
    ɡߋ t᧐ a university in America?

    Aѕked Ƅy Wiki Usеr

    Read the foⅼlowing text answer tһe questions that follow!
    Mangoesteen Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana),
    аlso caⅼled purple mangosteen iss a handsome tropical tгe
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    Wһo is the richest sierra Leone musician?

    Aѕked bү Wiki Uѕer

    The cost oof K.mɑn house

    Also visit my pagе: บุหรี่ไฟฟ้า Iqos ราคา

  100. Ꮃell, honey, ʏoᥙ just pick a category like boy, girl, fruit, or whatеver
    ffloats your boat, then ask people ԝhich thеy
    prefer. It’ѕ lіke a popularity contest wit
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    Ꮤas piper perabo гeally pregnant in cheaper bү the dozen 2?

    Askeԁ bʏ Wikki User

    No, Piper Perabo ᴡɑѕ not actually pregnant in “Cheaper by the Dozen 2.” Ꮋеr
    character,Nora Baker-McNulty, ԝas pregnant in the film, but
    Perabo hersel
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    What is іt calⅼed when yоu arе naked in public?

    Askmed ƅʏ Wiki Uѕer

    Вeing naked in public іs commoonly referred to аs public nudity.
    Ιt iѕ typically ϲonsidered inappropriate аnd illegal in many placess dսe to societal norms and la
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    Whatt кind of dog Ԁid Ginger Rogers character һave іn thee
    1937 RKO movie Ⴝhall We Danhce witһ Fred Astaire?

    Askewd Ƅy Wiki User

    Yоu meаn Swing Tіme (1936) ԝhere Fred Astaire’s chareacter Peter “Petrov” Peters ѕees Ginger Rogers’ charfacter walking on a ship witth hher
    dog (а terrier?) andd ɗe
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    Whaat ҝind of dog iis Bolt (Ԝho played Moby) in the Nicholas
    Sparks movie Тhе Choice?

    Αsked bby Wiki Uѕer

    In tһe Nicholas Sparks movie “The Choice,” thе doog Bolt, ᴡho
    played Moby, іs a white American Bulldog. American Bulldogs
    аге known for thеіr strength,
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    Ꮃould yoս ѕay Simon birch іs ɑ virtuuous person?

    Asked by Wiki User

    In tһe film “Simon Birch,” tһe titular character iѕ portrayed as ɑ morally upright аnd
    courageous individual Ԁespite һiѕ physical limitations. Simon d
    Ꮢead more



    In tһe movie tthe Alamo ԝith john Waytne tһere is a sscene
    wһere he is admiring а ⅼarge tree does anyone know where that
    scene ѡas filmed аnd іf the tree iss still there?

    Askeⅾ by Wiki Useг

    The scene in “The Alamo” ѡith John Wayne admiring a larve tree
    ѡas filmed at tһе actual Alamo Mission іn San Antonio, Texas.
    Thе tree in question is k
    Rеad moге

    Thee Ϝast and thhe Furious


    Ꮤhat’s tһe best way tto learn about Forex Trading?

    Αsked by Haylie Corkery

    Ꭲhe Ƅest way to learn Forex Trading іѕ Ƅy practicing and learning Forex tһrough a demo account fօr a minimᥙm period of Sіx (6) months or
    moгe depending οn yoᥙr
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    Is thee bus running tomorrow?

    Аsked Ьʏ Wiki Usеr

    Oh, ԝhat a wonderful question! Somеtimes іt’s haгd tⲟ know for sure if thе bus
    ԝill be running tomorrow, bսt it’ѕ alwаys good to check with your local transport
    Read mߋre



    Do Zac Efrokn ɑnd Miley Cyrus love eachh otһеr?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, what a deloghtful question! Ιt’s important to remember tha celebrities arre people ϳust like you аnd me.
    While I can’t sаy fοr сertain if Zac Efron and Mile
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    Ꮤill Canterwood Crest Ьecome ɑ movie?

    Аsked by Wiki Usеr

    As oof my last knowledge, thеre have been discussions and plans t᧐ adapt
    thе Canterwood Crest book series іnto a movie or television series.
    Howevеr, tһe process
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    Ꮤhat һappens іn tһe end of no gun foor asmir?

    Аsked bу Wiki User

    Oh, dude, іn the end of “No Gun for Asmir,” Asmir realizes that violence іsn’t the answer andd decides to pursue peace іnstead.
    He chooses not to taкe
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    Whoo is thе girl inn ksi trolls οn omegle?

    Asked by Wiki Usеr

    I’m sorry, but аѕ an educator, І must clarify that discssing specific individuals іn online videos or conten ϲan potentialⅼy violate thеіr privacy and ethical
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    Was Pamela Anderson in Night аt tһe roxbury the movie and do you have а picture ⲟf һеr character?

    Αsked bby Wiki Uѕer

    Oh, my friend, Pamela Anderson waѕ not іn “Night at the Roxbury.” However, tthe movie
    features mɑny other talented actors ᴡho breing joy tо the screen.
    Ɍead more

    Comedies ɑnd Funny Movies


    Whаt aree movie tites ѡith 10 letters?

    Asқеd by Wiki User

    Ⲟһ, dude, let me thiink forr ɑ sеc. Oҝay, so wе’ve got
    classics like “Black Panther” and “Braveheart.” Օһ, and don’t forget abօut “Home A
    Read more



    In the movie Ferris Bueller’s day off which group is not mentioned thinking Ferris Bueller is a righteous Dude?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, what a delightful movie! In “Ferdis Bueller’s Ⅾay Off,” the group that doesn’t mention Ferris Bueller aas a righteous dude is the school faculty an
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    What percen of moies are based onn books?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh honey, let me tell you – it’s like a buffet of adaptations out there!Roughly 20-30% of movies are based on books, so it’s safe to say Hollywood loves to rai
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    Who is the main actor in the mlvie Moana?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, darling, the main actor in the movie Moana is Auli’i Cravalho. She’s the one who lent her voice tto our fearless heroine Moana. So, iff you’re looking for t
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    Why did reginald gardiner keep his hand in his pocket when making movies?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Reginald Gardiner kept his hand in hiis pocket when making movies as a pefsonal trademark gesture. This unique habit helped distinguish him on screen and adde a
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    Are the Keystone Kops movies in the public domain?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, dude, the Keystone Kopss movies are totally in the public domain. They were made back in the early 1900s, so you won’t get in trouble for watching thjose slap
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    Is Sasha Sandra Durpfen the same person as Sandra Orlow?

    Asked by SexyJassi

    Oh honey, let me break it down for you. Sasha Sandra Durpfen and Sandra Orlow are about as similar as a cat and a potato. They’re as diffrent as night andd day,
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    Why do men like getting spanked?

    Asked by Wiki User

    There is no one-size-fits-all answer to why some mmen may enjoy being spanked, as preferences ffor sexual activitids can vary greqtly among individuals. However,
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    How many films did Vincent price appear in?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Vincent Price appeared in over 100 films throughout his career. He was known for his workk iin horror films, particularly in collaborations with director Rogher Co
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    What two word movie titles has 3 letters in first word and 7 letter inn secobd word?

    Askked by Wiki User

    Ah, what a delightful question! One movie that fits your description is “Toy Story.” Isn’t that just lovely? I hope you find joy in exploring more mov
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    What didn’t john Nash get a fellowship in a beautiful mind annd whwt are his problems?

    Asked by Wiki User

    In the movie “A Beautiful Mind,” John Nash did not receive a prestigious fellowship due to his struggles with paranoid schizophrenia. Nash’s problems
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  101. Abbie Chatfield has revealed the sexual act she would never
    engage in with her partner, Adam Hyde.

    The FBoy Island star, 29, recently opened up about the launch of her ‘kink kit’ sex toys and admitted that when it comes to bedroom
    fun, it’s strictly a two-person affair.

    While she does fantasise about having a ménage à trois,
    Abbie admitted that it’s something she could never actually go through with.

    ‘I have a fantasy about, like, seeing my partner f*** someone else,’ she told News Corp.

    ‘But I think I know in my heart that I don’t actually want
    to see it. I just want to talk about it like, that’s something that I find hot.

    ‘But in reality, would I want to see that? Maybe, probably not.’

    Abbie Chatfield has revealed the sex act she refuses to do with
    partner Adam Hyde

    While she does fantasise about having a ménage
    à trois, Abbie admitted that it’s something she could never actually go through with.
    Pictured with boyfriend Adam Hyde 

    ‘Like, whenever we get to a point where we’re like, “let’s have a threesome!”, I’m like, “I don’t actually know if I’m gonna want to see that”,’ she continued.

    Elsewhere in the discussion, Abbie revealed that her Peking Duk frontman partner was the perfect
    ‘product tester’ for the kit.

    ‘He had feedback about the length of the flogger,’ she said, referring to the kit’s double-ended paddle.

    ‘It was a little bit too short after using that on me.’

    Abbie’s racy admissions come after she recently urged women to withhold sex from their Donald Trump-supporting partners.

    In a lengthy Instagram post, in the wake of
    Donald Trump’s victory over Kamala Harris in the US presidential election, the reality
    star told women they should refuse to date or have sex which anyone who
    supports his victory. 

    Alongside a series of posts from her story, she wrote: ‘IF THEY WANT TO TAKE AWAY REPRODUCTIVE FREEDOMS THEN

    ‘I’m done with the idea that men who support Trump (or Andrew Tate) are just ‘lost’ and we should have empathy
    for them. They are gleefully posting threats of violence.’

    ‘I have a fantasy about, like, seeing my partner f*** someone else,
    ‘ she told News Corp 

    Elsewhere in the discussion, Abbie revealed that her Peking Duk frontman partner was the perfect ‘product tester’ for the kit 

    Read More

    Abbie Chatfield’s boyfriend shares photo of them kissing to celebrate her ‘kink kit’ launch

    ‘They are happy that women’s rights are going to be stripped.
    They are laughing at our tears. They already have a SLOGAN in ‘your body my choice’.’

    Abbie then told women to not let men with these views ‘near you’ because they are

    ‘Ask them about their views! They are dangerous and they don’t deserve your presence, emotional or domestic labour.
    If your partner was in support of Trump OR EVEN APATHETIC, STOP
    They are NOT entitled to your body or time.

    ‘If they see you as a human they wouldn’t need this explained to them.
    DUMP. THEM.’

    She also claimed Trump’s presidency ‘will bring more violence towards women as men do not care about us’.

    ‘So stop giving them the perks of a relationship
    with you. It isn’t your job. Be with a man who can take care
    of himself, who won’t expect sex and who actually sees you as a human being.’

    Abbie’s comments echo sentiments from the 4B movement which sprung up in South Korea in the mid 2010’s.

    The radical feminist movement, calls for proponents to not date, get married, have sex, or
    have children with men.

    Following the US presidential election some American women declared solidarity with the movement is a form
    of protest against Donald Trump, and his role in the overturning of Roe v.

    Abbie’s racy admissions come after she recently urged women to withhold sex from their Donald Trump-supporting partners

    InstagramKamala HarrisDonald Trump

  102. ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ ด้วยร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่หาได้ง่ายในตอนนี้ คุณไม่ต้องเสียเวลาเดินทางไกล ดอกไม้สำหรับงานศพที่จัดส่งตรงเวลา ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการอย่างลงตัว ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน ลองค้นหาร้านที่มีรีวิวดีๆ หรือบริการส่งฟรี อยากรู้ว่าคุณเคยใช้บริการร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันบ้างหรือเปล่า?


  103. ดอกไม้สามารถแสดงถึงความรัก ความปรารถนาดี และความอบอุ่นใจได้ดีมาก ด้วยร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่หาได้ง่ายในตอนนี้ คุณไม่ต้องเสียเวลาเดินทางไกล ดอกไม้ตกแต่งงานแต่งงาน ทำให้เราประหยัดเวลาและได้รับของที่มีคุณภาพ ถ้าคุณอยากได้ดอกไม้ที่ส่งตรงถึงมืออย่างรวดเร็ว แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ คุณมีคำแนะนำสำหรับร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันไหม?

  104. The phrase “high strung” originated in the world of horsemanship in the 19th century.
    It refers to a horse that is easily startled or nervous due to b
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    African-American History


    How does aka chant a serious matter go?

    Asked by Wiki User

    The “Aka Chant” is a traditional Hawaiian chant that is often used to open or
    close a ceremony or important event. It typically begins with a leader s
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    African-American History


    Who was Oliver Brown’s lawyer in 1955?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, dude, in 1955, Oliver Brown was represented by a whole bunch of lawyers, like from
    the NAACP and stuff. It wasn’t just one guy, you know? They were all work
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    African-American History

    Did Frederick Douglass kill anyone?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, my friend, let’s paint a happy little picture here. Frederick Douglass was a remarkable
    man known for his powerful words and fight for freedom.
    There is no
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    African-American History


    What are some big events in Martin Luther kings life?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh honey, where do I even start with Martin Luther King Jr.?
    He was all about that civil rights game, leading the Montgomery Bus Boycott, giving that iconic &qu
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    African-American History


    When did Rosa parks go to the Montgomery Industrial School for Girls?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, what a lovely question! Rosa Parks attended the Montgomery Industrial School for Girls when she
    was a young girl, around the age of 11 or 12. It was there t
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    Jobs & Education


    Why did delta sigma theta break away from alpha
    kappa alpha?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, honey, Delta Sigma Theta broke away from Alpha Kappa Alpha because they wanted to do their own thing.
    Sometimes in life, you just gotta spread your wings
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    African-American History


    What’s the crip handshake?

    Asked by Wiki User

    A secret handshake done among other Crips
    to determine what set or hood ur from or if ur even an official Crip to begin with.
    *I would suggest u DON’T do this h
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    Jobs & Education


    What is ruby bridges sister and brother names?

    Asked by Wiki User

    blanket, bob,lucy,vicky,and lucky

  105. ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ โชคดีที่ปัจจุบันมีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันมากมายที่ให้บริการหลากหลาย ดอกไม้ตกแต่งงานแต่งงาน ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการอย่างลงตัว ถ้าคุณอยากได้ดอกไม้ที่ส่งตรงถึงมืออย่างรวดเร็ว แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ อยากรู้ว่าคุณเคยใช้บริการร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันบ้างหรือเปล่า?


  106. ดอกไม้เป็นสิ่งที่สร้างความสุขและความประทับใจได้เสมอ โชคดีที่ปัจจุบันมีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันมากมายที่ให้บริการหลากหลาย ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด ทำให้เราประหยัดเวลาและได้รับของที่มีคุณภาพ ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน อยากรู้ว่าคุณเคยใช้บริการร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันบ้างหรือเปล่า?

  107. ดอกไม้เป็นสิ่งที่สร้างความสุขและความประทับใจได้เสมอ โชคดีที่ปัจจุบันมีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันมากมายที่ให้บริการหลากหลาย ดอกไม้ตกแต่งงานแต่งงาน ทำให้เราประหยัดเวลาและได้รับของที่มีคุณภาพ หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้สวยๆ ในราคาที่คุ้มค่า แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ คุณมีคำแนะนำสำหรับร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันไหม?

  108. The difference in frequency (60 Hz vs. 50 Hz) between the
    power systems in North America and other parts of
    the world originated from historical developments
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    Sachin Tendulkar


    What is the mobile number of Sourav Ganguly?

    Asked by Bbidyutdas

    WikiAnswers does not divulge private or personal information, such as telephone numbers, email addresses or
    home addresses, for individuals.

  109. Anyone who knows me has invariably been subject to a spiel about
    how much I love Claudia Winkleman. In part, it’s because she’s so silly,
    and in part, it’s because I’m a huge fan of everything she presents, from Strictly to
    The Traitors. 

    But even more than any of that, it’s because I’m obsessed with everything she wears.
    I’ve spent a fortune copying her exact outfits, from her
    Sister Jane heart cutout dress to a bedazzled Nadine Merabi blazer that I definitely don’t go anywhere fancy enough to wear.

    Since 2005, Claudia has worked with stylist Sinead McKeefry to perfect her signature style.
    I’d describe it as soft goth: lots of black, velvet and chunky knits, with a fair few sequins and prints (particularly tartan) thrown in. I’m not alone in my reverence:
    there are entire Instagram accounts dedicated to tracking down the presenter’s outfits.
    But while they offer incredibly useful style inspo,
    two issues arise repeatedly: Claudia’s clothes are usually hugely expensive or sold out (or both).

    So when the Strictly host stepped out in a typically preppy black velvet
    mini dress on Sunday, you’d be forgiven for assuming it was by some top-end designer.
    Well, you’d be wrong. The mini dress actually came courtesy
    of one of our favourite high street brands, Albaray – and you can pick it up for less than £100.

    The dress is made from plush fabric with contrast satin detailing.
    The velvet makes it a little festive, perfect for celebratory bashes over
    the next few months, particularly when paired with white stilettos à la Claud.

    But it could be just as easily dressed down with white trainers or
    ballet flats and a trench for a chic office outfit, so you’ll certainly get your wear out of it.  

    Like all of Albaray’s products, it’s ethically made using responsible fabric and sent via a
    carbon-neutral shipping method, so you can feel good
    about the dress’s eco-credentials as well as how it looks.

    It’s currently in stock in a few sizes online (and in certain John Lewis concessions) but like
    most things Claudia wears, it won’t stick around long.
    Now excuse me while I go and add to cart.

    Collar and Cuff Velvet Dress, £99, Albaray

  110. ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ
    โชคดีที่ปัจจุบันมีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันมากมายที่ให้บริการหลากหลาย ดอกไม้ตกแต่งงานแต่งงาน ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการอย่างลงตัว
    หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้สวยๆ ในราคาที่คุ้มค่า แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ แล้วคุณล่ะ มีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่ชื่นชอบอยู่แล้วหรือยัง?

  111. ดอกไม้เป็นสิ่งที่สร้างความสุขและความประทับใจได้เสมอ ด้วยร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่หาได้ง่ายในตอนนี้ คุณไม่ต้องเสียเวลาเดินทางไกล ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการอย่างลงตัว หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้สวยๆ ในราคาที่คุ้มค่า ลองค้นหาร้านที่มีรีวิวดีๆ หรือบริการส่งฟรี อยากรู้ว่าคุณเคยใช้บริการร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันบ้างหรือเปล่า?

  112. ดอกไม้เป็นสิ่งที่สร้างความสุขและความประทับใจได้เสมอ โชคดีที่ปัจจุบันมีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันมากมายที่ให้บริการหลากหลาย
    ดอกไม้สำหรับงานศพที่จัดส่งตรงเวลา ทำให้เราประหยัดเวลาและได้รับของที่มีคุณภาพ ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน
    ลองค้นหาร้านที่มีรีวิวดีๆ หรือบริการส่งฟรี อยากรู้ว่าคุณเคยใช้บริการร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันบ้างหรือเปล่า?

  113. Tim Dillon, who makes a brief appearance in Joker: Folie à Deux, has
    described the new sequel as ‘terrible’ and ‘the worst
    film ever made’. 

    The follow-up to the Oscar-winning 2019 film, starring
    Joaquin Phoenix as Arthur Fleck (Joker) and Lady Gaga as Lee Quinzel (Harley
    Quinn), faced negative reviews from critics before its October 4 release and flopped at the box office.

    Tim, 39, who played a guard at Arkham Asylum in the movie, said Todd Philips’s
    new film has ‘no plot’ and admitted he knew it was ‘going to bomb’ while filming. 

    Speaking on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast, Tim said:
     ‘It’s the worst film ever made.

    ‘I think what happened, after the first Joker, there was a lot of talk like,
    ‘Oh, this was loved by incels. This was loved by the wrong kinds of people.
    This sent the wrong kind of message. Male rage! Nihilism!
    All these think pieces. 

    Tim Dillon, who makes a brief appearance in Joker: Folie
    à Deux, has described the new sequel as ‘terrible’ and ‘the worst film ever made’

    The follow-up to the Oscar-winning 2019 film, starring Joaquin Phoenix as Arthur Fleck (Joker) and Lady Gaga as
    Lee Quinzel (Harley Quinn), faced negative reviews from critics
    before its October 4 release and flopped at the box office

    ‘And then I think, ‘What if we went the other way,’
    and now they have Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga tap dancing to a point where
    it’s insane.’

    He continued: ‘It has no plot. We would sit there, me and these
    other guys were all dressed in these security outfits because we’re working at the Arkham
    Asylum, and I would turn to one of them and we’d hear this crap and
    I’d go, ‘What the f*** is this?’ And they’d go, ‘This is going to bomb,
    man.’ I go, ‘This is the worst thing I’ve ever seen.’

    ‘We were talking about it at lunch, and we’d go, ‘What is the plot?
    Is there a plot? I don’t know, I think he falls in love with her in the prison?’ It’s not even hate-watchable.
    That’s how terrible it is.’

    Despite the negative reviews a number of fans of the sequel took to
    social media after its release last month to defend the
    sequel to Todd Phillips’ 2019 motion picture.

    The film debuted to a paltry $40 million at the domestic box
    office, good enough for the weekend’s top spot, but less than projections, and half that of its predecessor.

    Amid the early returns, a number of fans took up for the movie and its cinematic depth, in breaking away from the cookie cutter nature of sequels to introduce a musical
    element not present in the first film, with Lady Gaga joining the franchise.

    ‘Joker 2 was amazing,’ one user said, adding that it was ‘100% as divisive as people are
    making it out to be. I love that the film didn’t try to
    be a traditional sequel, and fully committed to the storytelling they presented.

    It never deviated to be a film full of Easter eggs or any other
    crowd pleasing aspects.’

    Another user said, ‘I kinda loved Joker 2. I loved how it was structured as a meta-exploration of the first film’s fandom and the musical
    elements were a lot of fun.’ 

    Tim, 39, who played a guard at Arkham Asylum in the movie, said
    Todd Philips’s new film has ‘no plot’ and admitted he knew it was ‘going
    to bomb’ while filming

    He said: ‘It’s the worst film ever made. It has no plot. We
    would sit there, me and these other guys and I’d go,
    ‘What the f*** is this?’ And they’d go, ‘This is going to
    bomb, man.’ It’s not even hate-watchable. That’s how terrible it is’

    Despite the negative reviews a number of fans of the sequel took to social media after its release last
    month to defend the sequel to Todd Phillips’ 2019 motion picture 

    One user marvelled that Joker 2 is ‘getting universal hate despite being more interesting and creative than anything marvel has done in years is expected.’

    It comes after lead star Lady Gaga was left ‘disappointed’ at the immense flood
    of negative reactions to Joker: Folie à Deux, with the singer’s team now keen to quickly push out other projects to help distract from the furore over the film, insiders

    Todd Phillips‘ sequel has bombed, raking in just under $40 million at the domestic box office, and receiving the lowest CinemaScore in comic
    book movie history.

    Gaga, 38, is reportedly confused at the lack of love for her
    turn as Harleen Lee Quinzel, aka Harley Quinn, alongside
    Joaquin Phoenix, 49, as the Joker – a role that won him the best actor Oscar in 2019
    – in the wake of the standing ovation it received at the Venice
    Film Festival last month.

    ‘Gaga is surprised by the response to Joker 2 and is shocked that people don’t
    love it after the response it received from
    critics before it premiered,’ a source exclusively told DailyMail.com. 

    ‘She put so much heart into the movie and has so much respect for the DC comics fan base.’

    They added: ‘Her team is quietly looking at other projects they can roll out as they want to move on this from as quickly as possible.’

    It comes after lead star Lady Gaga was left ‘disappointed’
    at the immense flood of negative reactions to Joker: Folie à Deux,
    with the singer’s team now keen to quickly push out other projects to
    help distract from the furor over the film, insiders claim

    But despite the lacklustre reception from fans,
    a second source claimed she is not letting it
    deter her from returning to the big screen, with the singer said to be eyeing up a Quentin Tarantino movie.

    ‘She is disappointed that Joker is pretty much a
    bomb,’ they said. 

    ‘She thought that this film could get her an Oscar nomination, especially
    since the first film was such a success and Joaquin won an Oscar.

    ‘She would now like to land a role in Quentin Tarantino’s next and final
    film. Nobody knows what that is going to be, but she
    wants to audition. 

    ‘She’s going to lobby hard to get a meeting with him once a script is presented,
    it is a bucket list moment for her to be involved.’

    Lady Gaga

  114. Smile 2 – starring Naomi Scott, Lukas Gage and Jack Nicholson’s son Ray
    – emerged as the winner after a horror movie box office showdown.

    The fright flick eclipsed hot contender Terrifier 3 for the top spot.

    The Smile sequel starring Scott, 31,  as a pop star who begins
    experiencing terrifying and inexplicable events as she prepares for a world tour, opened wide in more than 3,
    600 theaters, pulling in a payday of $23 million.

    Ray, whose mom is Nicholson’s former partner Rebecca Broussard, shocked fans with an eerie grin in the new movie, which
    was near-identical to the Oscar-winner’s maniacal smile as Jack Torrance in the
    1980 Stanley Kubrick classic, The Shining.

    In a legendary scene, an insane Jack hacks at a bathroom
    door with an axe as his cowering wife Wendy (Shelley Duvall) screams inside.
    As he busts a hole in the door, he sticks his face through, grins and exclaims: ‘Here’s
    Johnny!’ in an improvised line.

    The original Smile, released in September 2022, and starring
    Sosie Bacon, was a sleeper hit, which was well received and earned $217,408,513 globally.

    Smile 2 has received a 83-percent critics rating on Rotten Tomatoes and an 83-percent Popcornmeter rating from audiences. 

    Smile 2 stars Jack Nicholson’s son Ray (left).
    In the new horror, he recreated the Oscar-winner’s maniacal smile as Jack Torrance
    in the 1980 Stanley Kubrick classic, The Shining

    Smile 2’s big win at the box office has production companies Paramount Pictures and Temple
    Hill beaming from ear to ear. The fright flight opened in first place with a payday of $23 million 

    Read More

    Smile 2 actor is spitting image of horror icon father in eerie scene

    The Wild Robot remained in second place after
    making its debut last week. 

    The animated feature about a shipwrecked robot who lands on an island
    inhabited only by wild animals has delighted audiences
    young and not so young to the tune of $10.1 million, according to Box Office Mojo. 

    Last week’s champ, Terrifier 3 dropped to third place. 

    In this latest chapter of the franchise, Art the Clown is determined to slash his way through a small town preparing for the Christmas holidays in order to finish
    the work he started with a Halloween massacre in Terrifier 2. 

    Audiences have enjoyed the chase.  Terrifier 3 kicked up more than $9.3 million in ticket sales. 

    Beetlejuice Beetlejuice lost some ground to the new
    arrivals, but maintained a strong presence at theaters across the nation. 

    The haunted tale starring Michael Keaton, Winona Ryder and Jenna Ortega conjured up
    an even $5 million and a fourth place finish. 

    Landing in fifth place after opening in wider release was We Live in Time. 

    Naomi Scott stars in Smile 2 as a pop star preparing for a
    world tour who encounters a series of terrifying and inexplicable events

    The Wild Robot remained in second place after making its debut last
    week. The animated feature about a shipwrecked robot who
    lands on an island inhabited only by wild animals has delighted audiences young and not so young to the tune of $10.1 million this week

    Last week’s champ, Terrifier 3 dropped to third place.
    The story follows Art the Clown as he tries to slash his way through
    a small town preparing for the Christmas holidays.
    The fright flick pulled in more than $9.3 million in ticket

    The romantic drama, starring Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh as a couple
    who find themselves in a race against time, is a hit with critics and audiences alike, earning $4.185
    million over the weekend. 

    Joker:Folie à Deux continues its descent as audiences lose interested in the Joker sequel. 

    After three weeks in theaters, the film starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady
    Gaga has landed in sixth place with a take of $2.18 million. 

    The movie has yet to cover its $200 million budget, but is inching toward it.

    So far the comic inspired film has collected $191,942,948 globally. 

    Beetlejuice Beetlejuice lost some ground to
    the new arrivals, but maintained a strong presence at theaters across the nation. The haunted
    tale starring Michael Keaton, Winona Ryder and Jenna Ortega conjured up an even $5 million and a
    fourth place finish

    Landing in fifth place after opening in wider release was We Live in Time.
    The romantic drama starring Andrew Garfield and Florence Pugh as a couple who find themselves in a race against time is a hit with critics and audiences alike, earning
    $4.185 million over the weekend

    Piece by Piece, Pharrell Williams’ creative biopic, fell two spots to sixth place.

    The musical adventure told with Lego characters to illustrate
    the singer and songwriter’s rise to fame continues to do
    well with audiences, this week putting together a payday of $2.1

    Transformers One parked in eighth place. 

    Joker:Folie à Deux continues its descent as audiences lose interested in the Joker sequel.
    After three weeks in theaters, the film starring Joaquin Phoenix
    and Lady Gaga has landed in sixth place with a take of
    $2.18 million

    Piece by Piece, Pharrell Williams’ creative biopic, fell two spots to sixth place with
    payday of $2.1 million

    Transformers One parked in eighth place with earnings of nearly $2 million

    Saturday Night, the film about the chaos behind the first ever episode of late night staple Saturday
    Night Live, dropped in the ratings to ninth place making $1.8 million its fourth weekend in theaters

    The Nightmare Before Christmas re-release rounds out the top ten with $1.129 million beneath the

    The animated adventure starring the voices of Chris Hemsworth
    and Brian Tyree Henry in the origin story for the beloved Optimus Prime and the evil Megatron roared away with nearly $2 million. 

    Saturday Night, the film about the chaos behind the first ever episode
    of late night staple Saturday Night Live, dropped in the ratings to ninth place.

    The dramady starring Gabriel LaBell as SNL creator Lorne
    Michaels made $1.8 million its fourth weekend in theaters. 

    The Nightmare Before Christmas re-release rounds out the top ten.
    The Tim Burton animated classic found $1.129 million under
    the tree, as the film enjoys a renaissance with fans and their progeny celebrating
    some three decades since  it first appeared in theaters.

    Naomi ScottJack NicholsonLukas Gage

  115. There are certain materials that we always fall back on for winter.

    Linen is swapped out for leather; silk skirts for thick corduroy trousers.
    But while we regularly see a smattering of suede on the high
    street by mid-October, this year, the fabric has reached full-on domination.

    It began in late summer with fringed suede jackets,
    the perfect layering piece to nail the boho trend à la Daisy Edgar-Jones.

    Then came suede trousers, as we all desperately sought
    out ways to keep our legs warm as the weather took a turn.

    Now, it’s reached our accessories. On outfit-sharing platform LTK, there’s been a 600% uptick in searches for suede bags in the last week alone.
    Anyone on Instagram will know within a minute of scrolling you’ll come across another trendy influencer with a suede hobo chucked
    over their shoulder.

    The style du jour is a super soft tote big enough
    to chuck all your work gear in. One rule to remember?
    The slouchier, the better. Jigsaw’s £195 version has a
    magnet closure across the top, which has the dual benefit of keeping your belongings safe and causing
    the accessory to crinkle in the middle, for an uber-effortless effect.

    But if you don’t fancy lugging a huge tote to the bar, there are
    plenty of chic smaller suede offerings to opt for.
    Arket’s AW24 collection includes a suede take on the practical half-moon crossbody,
    available in beige, black and a rich mocha. At a cheaper price
    point, River Island and Urban Outfitters have great faux suede options
    that are not only kinder on the purse strings, but require a bit less looking after
    than the famously delicate authentic stuff. 

    To help you shop the trend, we’ve chosen 13 of our favourite
    suede bags whatever your budget. From roomy shoppers to a Christmas party-worthy shoulder bag,
    we’ve got you covered.

    13 of the best suede bags for AW24

    £135, Anthropologie

    £60, Joe Browns

    £360, Sézane

    £179, Arket

    £149, Mint Velvet

    £130, M&S

    £195, Jigsaw

    £23, Urban Outfitters

    £75, River Island

    £110, Cos

    £598, Reformation

    £49.99, Mango

    InstagramDaisy Edgar-Jones

  116. ดอกไม้เป็นสิ่งที่สร้างความสุขและความประทับใจได้เสมอ ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ ดอกไม้ตกแต่งงานแต่งงาน ร้านเหล่านี้ช่วยเพิ่มความสะดวกสบายอย่างมาก
    ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ แล้วคุณล่ะ มีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่ชื่นชอบอยู่แล้วหรือยัง?
    ร้านดอกไม้เล็กๆ ใกล้ฉัน

  117. Celine Dion had a hilarious reaction to her hit, My Heart
    Will Go On, in a new video this week.

    The iconic songstress, 56, who is best known for the 1997 Titanic soundtrack song, was seen attempting to
    stream her rendition of Edith Piaf’s Hymne à l’amour – but Siri failed to understand
    her and instead suggested My Heart Will Go

    In the clip, Dion says: ‘Hey Siri, play Hymne à l’amour
    by Céline Dion?’ with Siri responding: ‘I cannot find that track by Céline Dion but here is My
    Heart Will Go On. ”

    A frustrated Dion said: ‘No! Hello, No, no, no, Hey Siri, can you play Hymne à l’amour by Céline Dion please?’

    Again, Siri replied: ‘I cannot find that track by Céline Dion but here is My Heart Will Go On.’

    Celine Dion had a hilarious reaction to her hit, My Heart Will Go On, in a new video this week

    The 1997 chart-topper from the film Titanic is considered Dion’s signature song 

    Read More

    How Celine Dion fought Stiff Person Syndrome every day to be fit to open the Olympics

    Dion burst out laughing and said ‘never mind!’ before suggesting she ask the question in a strong French accent.

    After this Siri responded: ‘Okay, here is ‘Hymne à l’amour by Céline Dion.’

    Dion looked shocked before smiling and giving the thumbs up.

    In July Dion made a musical comeback with the track at the 2024 Paris Olympic Opening Ceremony amid her battle with incurable condition, stiff-person syndrome.

    28 years after making her Olympic debut in 1996 at Atlanta’s stadium, Celine proved she’s still got it following her emotional act in the French city at the Eiffel Tower.

    And after bringing fans to tears, Celine reflected on the iconic moment with a heartfelt message on X.

    She wrote: ‘I’m honored to have performed tonight, for the Paris 2024 Opening Ceremony, and so full of joy to be back in one of my very favorite cities!

    ‘Most of all, I’m so happy to be celebrating these amazing athletes, with all their stories of sacrifice and determination, pain and perseverance.

    In the clip, Dion says: ‘Hey Siri, play Hymne à l’amour by Céline Dion?’ with Siri responding: ‘I cannot find that track by Céline Dion but here is My Heart Will Go On. ”
    A frustrated Dion said: ‘No! Hello, No, no, no’

    Again, Siri replied: ‘I cannot find that track by Céline Dion but here is My Heart Will Go On’

    In July Dion made a musical comeback with the track at the 2024 Paris Olympic Opening Ceremony
    amid her battle with incurable condition, stiff-person syndrome 

    ‘All of you have been so focused on your dream, and whether or not you take home a
    medal, I hope that being here means that it has come true for you!

    ‘You should all be so proud, we know how hard you have worked to be the best
    of the best. Stay focused, keep going, my heart is with you!
    – Celine xx…’

    Celine looked incredible in a shimmering silver gown as she performed
    in front of the Eiffel Tower.

    She gave a rendition of Hymne à L’amour, which was originally sung by French music icon Edith Piaf.

    The song was originally released in 1950 and its title translates into English as ‘Hymn to Love.’

    The My Heart Will Go On songstress looked to be on the verge of tears as she finished the performance to cheers from the crowd,
    whilst viewers at home were also left emotional.

    Celine Dion

  118. ดอกไม้สามารถแสดงถึงความรัก ความปรารถนาดี และความอบอุ่นใจได้ดีมาก ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ ดอกไม้ตกแต่งงานแต่งงาน ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการอย่างลงตัว ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน ลองค้นหาร้านที่มีรีวิวดีๆ
    หรือบริการส่งฟรี คุณมีคำแนะนำสำหรับร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันไหม?

  119. ดอกไม้สามารถแสดงถึงความรัก ความปรารถนาดี และความอบอุ่นใจได้ดีมาก
    ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด
    ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการอย่างลงตัว ถ้าคุณอยากได้ดอกไม้ที่ส่งตรงถึงมืออย่างรวดเร็ว
    ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน แล้วคุณล่ะ มีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่ชื่นชอบอยู่แล้วหรือยัง?

  120. Adam Bandt said people ‘can make their own judgment’ about him enjoying an exclusive and
    discretionary perk from Qantas during a tense exchange with a journalist live on radio.

    The Greens leader has been outed as a member of the Qantas Chairman’s Lounge, an invitation-only set of catered waiting areas and services handed out by
    the airline in what has been called ‘Australia’s most exclusive club’.

    Mr Bandt was challenged on Monday by ABC Radio National stand-in host Steve Cannane
    that he was ‘enjoying free hospitality from a company that has illegally sacked hundreds of workers’.

    Mr Bandt replied: ‘And I’ll declare that and people can make
    their own judgement about what they think about that.’

    Cannane was referring to the Federal Court’s ruling
    that Qantas illegally sacked 1,700 workers at the start
    of the Covid pandemic in a case brought by Transport Workers Union. 

    Commenting on the sacking in June of 2020, Mr Bandt called it a ‘devastating day for thousands
    of Qantas workers & their families’ in a Facebook post.
    ‘We’re thinking of you,’ he wrote.

    Cannane challenged Mr Bandt further saying: ‘You don’t think
    you should be a little purer on this and just not take their (Qantas’s) hospitality?’

    Mr Bandt said he always made declarations about matters such as this and argued that the party’s policies to tax
    big corporations heavily show the perks were not impacting the Greens.  

    Greens leader Adam Bandt said people ‘can make their own judgment’ about him enjoying an exclusive and discretionary perk from Qantas

    Mr Bandt has been outed as a member of the Qantas Chairman’s Lounge,
    an invitation only set of catered waiting areas and services handed
    out by the airline that has been called ‘Australia’s
    most exclusive club’

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    How Greens leader Adam Bandt spent thousands on private jet flights while
    lecturing YOU about climate change

    Mr Bandt was spotted in September flying business class from Melbourne
    to Canberra seated next to Senator Jacqui Lambie.

    Albanese government ministers Tim Watts and Catherine King were
    on the same flight but were with the masses in economy class.

    It has been previously reported that Mr Bandt opts to frequently fly business despite his party’s core
    policy of cutting C02 emissions. 

    Flying business class emits about three times as much carbon as
    economy class because the seats take up more room and more of them are empty, according
    to a World Bank study. 

    Fellow Greens MP Max Chandler-Mather last year said he had
    shunned a Chairman’s Lounge membership and refuses
    to travel business class. 

    Earlier this year Mr Bandt’s flying habits led to controversy.

    Mr Bandt’s flying habits have been a previous source of controversy after it was revealed he frequently opts for
    business class and has even taken private jets to election events

    Mr Bandt used two private jets during the 2022
    federal election campaign, landing tax payers with the $23,000 bill. 

    One flight was between Queensland regional centres Townsville
    and Rockhampton on March 7 but he also boarded a $15,000 private plane along the well-travelled Brisbane to Canberra route to attend his party’s election campaign launch.

    Mr Bandt isn’t the only politician in the hot seat with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese being asked if he has included both his son and partner as ‘plus one’
    Chairman’s Club members.

    He is also being asked about free flight upgrades including an international one he is alleged
    to have received from Qantas in new book The Chairman’s Lounge authored by former Australian Financial Review columnist Joe

    The Greens are licking their electoral wounds after
    the Queensland state poll, where they are battling to hold onto their
    two seats after stating they aimed to triple their
    representation in parliament.

    With 72 per cent of the vote counted they appear to have retained
    the Brisbane seat of Maiwar but suffered a 4.6 per cent swing to the ALP.

    However, they remain behind South Brisbane, which has seen a massive
    12.4 per cent swing to Labor with 64 per cent of votes counted. 


    The Qantas Chairman’s Lounge is an invitation-only club approved by the company chairman,
    with the guest list a closely-guarded secret.

    It has been dubbed ‘the most exclusive club in the
    country’ and comes with a distinct black card.

    Members include senior-ranking MPs including ministers, state
    premiers and the Prime Minister, leaders of major unions and sporting groups, Qantas ambassadors,
    selected A-list celebrities, major corporate figures and high-profile media personalities.

    The clubs can be found in Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane,
    Perth and Adelaide but are not signed, you have to know where to

    Inside you will find expensive wood and brass furnishings, wool carpet and marble flooring all bathed in natural light. 

    Members enjoy fine à la carte dining with a complimentary premium array of beers,
    spirits and Australian wines. Wine bottles are often given as departing gift

    Facilities may also include spas, showers and an assortment of books and magazines.

    Members may bring in two guests at a time. 

    Lounge attendants personally alert you when your flight is to board and
    your personal preferences are logged for each flight.

    Membership also entitles you to first-class facilities
    at Qantas partner airlines.

    Soure: Executive Traveller




  121. Well, isn’t that a happy little question! The probability of
    picking 6 numbers correctly out of 40 in a lottery
    is quite small, but every number has a chance to
    Read more

    Math and Arithmetic


    What is 1500 divided by 12?

    Asked by Wiki User


  122. ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ ด้วยร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่หาได้ง่ายในตอนนี้ คุณไม่ต้องเสียเวลาเดินทางไกล ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด ร้านเหล่านี้ช่วยเพิ่มความสะดวกสบายอย่างมาก ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน คุณมีคำแนะนำสำหรับร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันไหม?

  123. ดอกไม้เป็นสิ่งที่สร้างความสุขและความประทับใจได้เสมอ ด้วยร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่หาได้ง่ายในตอนนี้ คุณไม่ต้องเสียเวลาเดินทางไกล
    ดอกไม้สำหรับงานศพที่จัดส่งตรงเวลา ทำให้เราประหยัดเวลาและได้รับของที่มีคุณภาพ หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้สวยๆ ในราคาที่คุ้มค่า ลองค้นหาร้านที่มีรีวิวดีๆ หรือบริการส่งฟรี แล้วคุณล่ะ มีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่ชื่นชอบอยู่แล้วหรือยัง?

  124. Oh, dude, is an eagle bigger than a dog? Well, like, yeah,
    an eagle is generally bigger than your average dog.
    Eagles have those massive wingspans and sharp tal
    Read more

    Domestic Dogs

    In the movie Annie why did Annie say dumb dog to the dog?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, dude, Annie called the dog a “dumb dog” because she was frustrated with him for making a mess.
    It’s like when your friend eats the last slice of p
    Read more

    Domestic Dogs


    Is it bad to give dogs sunny d?

    Asked by Wiki User

    My dog has recently had some and she loved it. I’m not sure what to think…

  125. There are many physical phenomena that can be modelled by sine waves:

    Waves in water are an obvious example,

    Compression and rarefaction in the propagation of sound,

    Transmission of all electromagnetic radiation,

    Vibrations of strings in Musical Instruments,

    Bodies “bouncing” on a spring.

    Also, more complicated motion can be modelled by
    a superposition of many sine waves (using Fourier transforms).
    This enables complex motions to be studied more easily.

  126. ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ ด้วยร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่หาได้ง่ายในตอนนี้ คุณไม่ต้องเสียเวลาเดินทางไกล ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด ทำให้เราประหยัดเวลาและได้รับของที่มีคุณภาพ ถ้าคุณอยากได้ดอกไม้ที่ส่งตรงถึงมืออย่างรวดเร็ว แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ แล้วคุณล่ะ มีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่ชื่นชอบอยู่แล้วหรือยัง?


  127. July 23 (Reuters) – Philip Morris International pushed the test-launch of its
    heated tobacco device, IQOS, in the U.S. to the fourth quarter on Tuesday and lowered its annual forecast for the heated tobacco business.

    The pilot was earlier scheduled to run in Austin, Texas, in the second quarter, for which the company reported results on the day.

    The company declined to comment on why the launch had
    been delayed.

    Philip Morris has invested billions to promote and expand its
    portfolio of alternatives to traditional combustible cigarettes amid stricter regulations and falling smoking
    rates in some markets.

    The launch of its flagship heated tobacco device in the United States is also facing resistance from health
    campaigners, who have written to regulators in the country accusing the company of misrepresenting past regulatory
    decisions, Reuters reported last week.

    The company also awaits market authorization from the U.S.

    Food and Drug Administration for its IQOS ILUMA device, which
    it expects by the second half of 2025.

    A ban on flavored heated tobacco in the European Union has already hit
    shipments this year, with Philip Morris saying the impact from the
    ban was “slightly greater” than previously assumed.

    This led the company to temper its expectations for volume growth in the heated tobacco category to around
    13% for the full year, down from between 14% and 16% expected earlier.

    However, Philip Morris topped quarterly expectations and raised its annual
    sales and profit forecasts, betting on demand for its Zyn nicotine pouches, as well as higher cigarette pricing.
    (Reporting by Juveria Tabassum and Emma Rumney; Editing by
    Pooja Desai)

  128. There are now 6 coaches with 800 or more wins in Division I college basketball:Mike KrzyzewskiEddie SuttonBob KnightDean SmithAdolph RuppJim Phelan.Clarence
    Read more

    Football – American


    Why does the quarterback call out colors and numbers?

    Asked by Wiki User

    For 2 reasons. 1st; To confuse the other team 2nd; Somewhere in the audible will be an optional play. The color will tell which side the play will go to and the
    Read more



    How can a team be one half of a game behind in the standings?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Read more



    What does 1 number straight up in roullete pay?

    Asked by Wiki User

    There are two types of Roulette tables, American and European. In American Roulette there is a zero and a double zero on the table, making your single number st
    Read more

    Swimming Pools


    How many gallons does it take to fill a 15 feet in diameter and 3 feet deep?

    Asked by Wiki User

    It is difficult to determine the capacity of a container without all of the parameters. However, a container that is six feet and diameter, three feet long, and
    Read more

    Swimming Pools


    When you are at a 70 ft pool how many laps for a mile?

    Asked by Wiki User

    It would take about 21.5 lengths (10.8 laps) to equal one mile.

  129. Dressing up for Thanksgiving can be tricky because you want to strike a balance of style, comfort and practicality.

    The day often involves a mix of eating, lounging, socializing,
    and possibly outdoor activities so finding an outfit that’s both chic and cozy can be challenging.

    Plus, with all the eating, your look needs to be forgiving at the
    waist but formal enough for all the pics!

    Daily Mail reveals the best colors, silhouettes, and shoes for every kind of celebration.

    Dressing up for Thanksgiving can be tricky because you want to strike a balance of style, comfort and


    Warm, earthy tones that mimic fall foliage are the best colors to
    wear on Turkey Day.

    While black may seem like a logical choice for eating
    a large meal, festive tones like burnt orange, mustard
    yellow, forest green, browns and burgundy are a beautiful alternative for the season.

    Burnt orange: Evokes feelings of comfort and warmth, and
    is associated with foliage, fireplaces, and pumpkins.

    Mustard yellow: Captures the essence of the season by resembling the color of changing leaves.

    Forest green: Associated with nature, it aligns with the theme of the

    Browns: Perceived as warm and inviting, brown shades like chocolate,
    caramel and camel, are perfect for a family gathering.

    Burgundy:  This year’s hottest color, burgundy lends an air of sophistication.

    Cream: Natural yet elegant, the neutral creates balance.

    Gold: Adds a luxurious touch to any look. 

    Layering these color with textured fabrics, like knits or
    suede and a touch of silk, can create a stylish, seasonally
    appropriate look. 

    Shades that represent fallen leaves lend a rich, cozy feel and festive tone

    Bryce Dallas Howard attended the Prime Video Presents
    “Trailblazers” Showcase at Queen Elizabeth Hall in London, England looking
    seasonally appropriate

    Bryce Dallas Howard attended the Prime Video Presents “Trailblazers”
    Showcase at Queen Elizabeth Hall in London, England looking seasonally appropriate.

    The actress donned a light brown pleated dress topped by a dark brown leather
    blazer, both by Cinq à Sept.

    Finishing her monochromatic look was a pretty, pale pink beauty

    This is a sharp ensemble for Thanksgiving day. 


    Comfortable and forgiving waistlines are highly desired on Thanksgiving.

    Elastic waistbands: The stretch of the fabric allows for stomach expansion and a second serving of dessert!

    Empire waist: The fitted bodice ends just below the bust (instead of at the waistline) and extends to a flowing skirt.

    Drawstring: Allows for easy adjustments throughout the day offering
    a more relaxed fit than a traditional button and zipper closure.

    A-line: Flaring out at the hips, the “A” shape provides movement without the discomfort of a

    Wrap style: Most are made from soft, stretchy
    fabric, allowing the wearer to tighten or loosen the garment
    as needed.

    Anna Kendrick was spotted on the streets of New York in a very
    festive look to promote her Netflix hit, ‘Woman of the Hour’, in burgundy

    Anna Kendrick was spotted on the streets of New York
    in a very festive look to promote her Netflix hit, ‘Woman of
    the Hour.’

    The actress put her petite frame on display in a velvet mini dress
    featuring an empire waist by Italian label La DoubleJ. 

    She paired the comfortable dress with tights, a crossbody bag, and velvet platforms heels in the same shade.

    Shop it: Laura Geller Cheek Tint, now $16.80; laurageller.com.
    Mary Jane Show by Mar Soreli, $165; marsoreli.com.
    Shimmery Jacquard Weave Dress by H&M, $49.99; hm.com. 

    Shop it: Off-the-Shoulder Dress by H&M, $39.99; hm.com.

    Studded Leather Mules by Chloe, $950; net-a-porter.com.
    Aimee Suede Blazer by L’Agence, $1,650; lagence.com


    The best shoes that offer style without sacrificing comfort are mules,
    low-heel booties, loafers, ballet flats,
    and knee-high boots.

    Mules: Extremely easy to slip on and off,
    and they can be dressed up or down.

    Low-heel booties: They can complement and elevate
    a variety of outfits.

    Loafers: Currently trending, durable, and more elegant than a sneaker.

    Ballet flats: Cute and comfortable enough to wear for hours of mingling and feasting.

    Knee-high boots: Provide warmth and coverage to legs when wearing a dress or skirt that hit above the knee.

    Headed out on Thanksgiving-Eve? Turn to supermodel and actress Rosie Huntington-Whiteley for outfit inspiration

    Shop it: Bianca Sherpa Jacket by The Noli Shop, $178; thenolishop.com.
    Deesha Bootie by Naturalizer, now $165; naturalizer.com.
    Mid-Rise Pants by Gap, $69.95; gap.com

    Headed out on Thanksgiving-Eve? For many, this is a celebratory night to reconnect with old family and friends. 

    Dressing in a look you feel confident in can make these reunions that much better.  

    For outfit inspo, turn to supermodel and actress Rosie Huntington-Whiteley.

    The star was spotted on the streets of Paris
    looking tres chic in an all-black look topped by a brown leather jacket.

    Shop it: Simone Faux Shearling Bag by A.L.C., $195; alcltd.com.  Maysale 50 buckled
    suede mules by Manolo Blahnik, $795; net-a-porter.com. Devore Floral Tie Front Chiffon Maxi Dress by
    Rare London, $150; nordstrom.com

    Monica Barbaro’s ensemble at Variety’s 2024 Power Of Women: Los
    Angeles Event strikes the perfect balance between elegance and comfort

    Wearing a formal gown on Thanksgiving night can make
    the holiday feel more special.

    Dressing up signals respect and appreciation for the people and the occasion,
    so why not seize the day in a dress you love!

    Monica Barbaro’s ensemble at Variety’s 2024 Power
    Of Women: Los Angeles Event strikes the perfect balance between elegance and comfort.

    The actress donned a chiffon burnout velvet flower slip dress in a festive red shade by
    Rodarte, with matching shoes.

    Bryce Dallas HowardNew YorkLondon

  130. Some key contributors to the development of trigonometry include ancient civilizations such as the
    Babylonians and Egyptians, who used rudimentary trigonometric
    Read more

    Math and Arithmetic


    Why is the sine positive in quadrants 1 and 2?

    Asked by Wiki User

    In trigonometry, the sine function represents the ratio of
    the length of the side opposite an angle to the length of the hypotenuse in a right triangle.
    In quad
    Read more

    Math and Arithmetic


    What are the quadrant angles?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Quadrant angles are angles formed in the coordinate plane by the x-axis and y-axis.
    Each quadrant is a region bounded by the x-axis and
    y-axis, and is numbered
    Read more

    Math and Arithmetic


    You are looking for real life examples of acute triangles?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, honey, an acute triangle is any triangle where all three angles
    are less than 90 degrees. So, think of a slice of pizza or a traffic cone – those are acut
    Read more



    How does a seismologist use trigonometry to measure seismic waves?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Seismologists use trigonometry to measure seismic waves by analyzing the arrival times of
    seismic waves at different seismograph stations.
    By calculating the ti
    Read more



    What 2 prime numbers sum is 78?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, isn’t that a happy little math problem we have here!
    Let’s see, the two prime numbers that add up to 78 are 41 and 37.

    Just like in painting, sometimes yo
    Read more


    What is the algorithm for sine series?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh honey, buckle up because we’re diving into some math!
    The algorithm for calculating the sine series
    involves summing up terms of the form (-1)^n * x^(2n+1)
    Read more



    How many sides and corners does a ellipse have?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, honey, an ellipse technically has zero sides and zero corners.
    It’s a curved shape, not a polygon. So, if you’re looking
    for straight edges and sharp corn
    Read more



    How do archeologists use trigonometry?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Archaeologists use Trigonometry to divide up the excavation sites properly into equal areas of work.

    They can also use it to help them identify different tools

    Read more

    Math and Arithmetic


    Can 3 lines in a circle make 8 pieces?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, dude, let me break it down for you. So, if you draw three lines in a
    circle, you can definitely create eight pieces.
    Each line you draw cuts the circle into
    Read more

    Math and Arithmetic


    If a cos theta plus b sin theta equals 8 and a sin theta – b cos theta equals
    5 show that a squared plus b squared equals 89?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, darling, if we square the first equation and the second equation, add
    them together, and do some algebraic magic, we can indeed show that
    a squared plus b
    Read more

    Math and Arithmetic


    Maths working model for class 11?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, dude, you want a math working model for
    class 11? That’s like asking for a unicorn at a pet store!
    But hey, you could make a cool model showcasing different
    Read more

    Math and Arithmetic


    What is the multiplicative inverse of 4 plus i?

    Asked by Wiki User

    The multiplicative inverse of a complex number is the reciprocal of that number.
    To find the multiplicative inverse of 4 + i, we
    first need to find the conjugat
    Read more


    Which correctly describes the tangent function?

    Asked by Wiki User

    opposite/adjacent 🙂 apex

  131. There are now 6 coaches with 800 or more wins in Division I college basketball:Mike KrzyzewskiEddie SuttonBob KnightDean SmithAdolph RuppJim Phelan.Clarence “Bi
    Read more

    Football – American


    Why does the quarterback call out colors and numbers?

    Asked by Wiki User

    For 2 reasons. 1st; To confuse the other team 2nd; Somewhere in the audible will be an optional play. The color will tell which side the play will go to and the
    Read more



    How can a team be one half of a game behind in the standings?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Read more



    What does 1 number straight up in roullete pay?

    Asked by Wiki User

    There are two types of Roulette tables, American and European. In American Roulette there is a zero and a double zero on the table, making your single number st
    Read more

    Swimming Pools


    How many gallons does it take to fill a 15 feet in diameter and 3 feet deep?

    Asked by Wiki User

    It is difficult to determine the capacity of a container without all of the parameters. However, a container that is six feet and diameter, three feet long, and
    Read more

    Swimming Pools


    When you are at a 70 ft pool how many laps for a mile?

    Asked by Wiki User

    It would take about 21.5 lengths (10.8 laps) to equal one mile.

  132. Joker: Folie À Deux is heading to streaming, just weeks after its theatrical release. 

    The movie, starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga, will be available to rent from home
    starting October 29, in an effort to recoup some of
    Warner Bros. investment into the film, as per Variety.

    The musical, which bombed at the box office, is ‘poised to lose at
    least $150 million to $200 million in its theatrical run’ according to the publication.

    The movie studio spent about $200 million to produce the
    film and about $100 million on marketing and distribution, according to the report.

    It would need to gross about $450 million at the box office to break even — when factoring in the cut taken by theaters — though Warner Bros.
    sources claim the number is $375 million.

    Joker: Folie À Deux, starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga, is heading to streaming, just
    weeks after its theatrical release; Phoenix and Gaga
    seen in a still

    Read More

    Terrifier 3 dethrones Joker: Folie À Deux as box office champ

    A Warner Bros. spokesperson responded to the report, saying ‘Any estimates suggested by
    anonymous “insiders” or “rival executives” are grossly wrong and
    continues a trend where rumor is reported as fact.’

    ‘The film continues to play in theatrical release, included with this
    week’s opening in China, and will continue to earn revenue throughout its home viewing and ancillary run.’

    So far, the musical about Batman’s nemesis has grossed $51.5 million domestically
    and $165 million globally after two weeks of release.

    In comparison, the first Joker grossed $96.2 million domestically and $248.4 million globally after three
    days of release.

    The hotly-anticipated sequel to the 2019 billion dollar Oscar-winning film
    was considered a surefire hit for Warner Bros Pictures,
    yet ended up being slammed by critics and failed to ignite at the box office. 

    Joker: Folie À Deux has garnered the lowest CinemaScore in comic book movie history as
    the film bombed at the box office on opening night. 

    The psychological musical thriller — which has been criticized as
    ‘bleak’ and ‘disappointing’ — officially released in theaters on Friday, October 4.

    Phoenix reprised his role as the Joker in the sequel, which had earned him an Oscar
    for his portrayal in the 2019 film, while Gaga took on the role of Harleen Lee Quinzel (Harley Quinn).

    However, Joker: Folie À Deux has been given a D rating on CinemaScore — the lowest score for a comic
    book movie.

    The movie will be available to rent from home starting October 29, in an effort to recoup some of Warner
    Bros. investment into the film, according to Variety 

    The film is ‘poised to lose at least $150 million to $200 million in its theatrical run’
    according to the publication

    The sequel to the 2019 billion dollar Oscar-winning film was considered a surefire hit for Warner Bros, yet ended
    up being slammed by critics and failed to ignite at the
    box office

    Phoenix reprised his role as the Joker in the sequel,
    which had earned him an Oscar for his portrayal in the 2019 film,
    while Gaga took on the role of Harleen Lee Quinzel
    (Harley Quinn)

    Madame Web — which notably also flopped in theaters earlier this year
    and also received terrible reviews — holds a higher score with a C+.

    On Rotten Tomatoes, the movie currently holds an audience score of 31% and a critic score of 32%.

    The sequel has been roundly criticized for being a musical and ‘ignoring’ the DC fanbase
    – with an agent familiar with director Todd Phillips’ process telling Variety he ‘wanted nothing to do with
    DC’ during the making of the film, with DC bosses James Gunn and
    Peter Safran notably absent from the film’s LA premiere
    afterparty last month. 

    A source said: ‘If the first movie was about some
    down-on-his-luck, mentally ill guy in a downtrodden city,
    it makes maybe $150 [million] worldwide. Not a billion. People showed up because that
    guy was Joker.’

    In an apparent snub by Phillips, the opening sequence of the film does not include a
    DC Studios logo.

    A Warner spokesman added that a DC logo appears at the end of the Joker sequel, while Phillips declined to
    comment to the publication.

    Several frictions are said to have developed between Phillips, DC
    and Warner- with claims that Michael DeLuca, Chairperson of Warner Bros.
    Entertainment, and CEO Pamela Abdy seemed ‘unwilling’
    to say no to Phillips due to his huge past successes.

    It is claimed Phillips would ‘only’ speak with DeLuca and Abdy rather than Gunn and Safran – who took control of DC two months before production began on Joker 2 in December

    Gunn and Safran did attend the first director’s cut screening for the studio but Phillips fueled rift speculation when he told a reporter:
    ‘With all due respect to them, this is kind of a Warner Bros.

    Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav also met with Phillips
    shortly after WarnerMedia and Discovery merged in April 2022 and was ‘open to filming in Los
    Angeles if the director would make the sequel at a lower price

    The studio wanted to film in London which would have cost around 20 per cent less.

    A source directly involved with the film recently shared:
    ‘The one thing about genre stuff: If you don’t listen and pay attention to what the
    fan expectations are, you’re going to fail’; director Todd
    Phillips seen with Gaga and Phoenix at the LA premiere September

    However, Phillips insisted on filming in LA with the budget remaining static.

    A Warner spokesman told the publication the studio ‘supported the decision to
    film in Los Angeles’.

    A source directly involved with the film said: ‘No one could get through to Todd.
    And the one thing about genre stuff: If you don’t listen and pay
    attention to what the fan expectations are, you’re going to fail.

    Insiders also claim studio bosses did not want to premiere
    the film at the Venice Film Festival, but Phillips pushed back – with a Warner spokesman saying the studio ‘fully supported
    the decision to bring the film to Venice. 

    Along with Gaga and Phoenix, other stars that had
    appeared in the sequel include Brendan Gleeson, Catherine Keener, Zazie Beatz and Steve Coogan. 

  133. Joaquin Phoenix has revealed that he spoke with filmmaker Christopher Nolan about playing Joker which ultimately went to Heath Ledger.

    The 50-year-old actor – whose latest flick Joker: Folie À
    Deux could be streamed now – got candid about potentially
    playing the supervillain before he actually portrayed him.

    Joaquin recently appeared on Rick Rubin’s Tetragrammaton podcast as he revealed that he spoke to the 54-year-old
    Oscar-winning filmmaker Nolan about portraying Joker over a decade before.

    He said: That didn’t… wasn’t going to happen for a
    number of reasons. I wasn’t ready then.

    ‘That’s one of those things sometimes where you go:
    “Why am I not doing this project? What is stopping me from doing this? Well it’s not about me, there’s something else. There’s another person that’s going to do something that’s like, I can’t imagine what it would be if we didn’t have Heath Ledger‘s performance in that film.”‘

    Joaquin Phoenix has revealed that he spoke with filmmaker Christopher Nolan about playing Joker
    which ultimately went to Heath Ledger

    In 2020, Joaquin earned the Best Lead Actor Oscar for Todd Phillips directed Joker which
    was 11 years after Ledger (pictured) posthumously earned Best Supporting Actor for The Dark
    Knight in 2009

    Read More

    Joker: Folie À Deux heading to streaming after box office flop

    In 2020, Joaquin earned the Best Lead Actor Oscar for Todd Phillips directed Joker
    which was 11 years after Ledger posthumously earned Best Supporting Actor
    for The Dark Knight in 2009.

    Joaquin continued: ‘I don’t know whether Christopher Nolan was coming to me saying, “You are definitely the person.” 

    ‘I can’t remember the context of how we met.

    But I know that we met, and my feeling was, “I shouldn’t do this.” But maybe he also was like, “You’re not the guy.” I couldn’t say.’

    Heath died in a New York City apartment on January 22, 2008, after accidentally overdosing
    following months of physical and mental exhaustion.

    The Dark Knight actor died aged 28 after taking a fatal cocktail of drugs, leaving behind his daughter,
    who was two years old at the time.

    Meanwhile Joker: Folie À Deux can now be streamed, just weeks after its theatrical release. 

    The movie, starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga, is now available to rent from home starting October 29, in an effort to recoup some of Warner Bros.
    investment into the film, as per Variety.

    The musical, which bombed at the box office, is ‘poised to lose
    at least $150 million to $200 million in its theatrical run’ according to the publication.

    Joaquin recently appeared on Rick Rubin’s Tetragrammaton podcast as he
    revealed that he spoke to the 54-year-old Oscar-winning filmmaker Nolan (pictured in January) about portraying Joker over a
    decade before

    Heath died in a New York City apartment on January 22, 2008,
    after accidentally overdosing following months of
    physical and mental exhaustion. Pictured Heath in 2006

    Read More

    Terrifier 3 dethrones Joker: Folie À Deux as box office champ

    The movie studio spent about $200 million to
    produce the film and about $100 million on marketing and
    distribution, according to the report.

    It would need to gross about $450 million at the box office to break even — when factoring in the cut taken by theaters
    — though Warner Bros. sources claim the number is $375 million.

    A Warner Bros. spokesperson responded to the report, saying ‘Any estimates suggested by anonymous “insiders”
    or “rival executives” are grossly wrong and continues a
    trend where rumor is reported as fact.’

    ‘The film continues to play in theatrical release, included with
    this week’s opening in China, and will continue to earn revenue throughout its home viewing and ancillary run.’

    So far, the musical about Batman’s nemesis has grossed $51.5 million domestically
    and $165 million globally after two weeks of release.

    In comparison, the first Joker grossed $96.2 million domestically
    and $248.4 million globally after three days of release.

    The hotly-anticipated sequel to the 2019 billion dollar Oscar-winning film was considered
    a surefire hit for Warner Bros Pictures, yet ended up being slammed by critics and failed to ignite at the box

    Joker: Folie À Deux has garnered the lowest CinemaScore in comic book movie history as the film bombed at
    the box office on opening night. 

    The psychological musical thriller — which has been criticized as ‘bleak’ and ‘disappointing’ — officially released in theaters on Friday, October 4.

    Joker: Folie À Deux, starring Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga, can be streamed now, just weeks after its theatrical release; Phoenix and Gaga
    seen in a still

    The movie will be available to rent from home starting
    October 29, in an effort to recoup some of Warner Bros.
    investment into the film, according to Variety 

    The film is ‘poised to lose at least $150 million to $200 million in its theatrical run’ according to the publication

    The sequel to the 2019 billion dollar Oscar-winning film was considered a surefire hit for Warner Bros, yet ended up being slammed by critics and failed
    to ignite at the box office

    Phoenix reprised his role as the Joker in the sequel, which had earned him an Oscar for
    his portrayal in the 2019 film, while Gaga took on the
    role of Harleen Lee Quinzel (Harley Quinn)

    Phoenix reprised his role as the Joker in the sequel,
    which had earned him an Oscar for his portrayal in the 2019 film, while Gaga took on the role of Harleen Lee Quinzel (Harley Quinn).

    However, Joker: Folie À Deux has been given a D rating on CinemaScore — the lowest score for a comic
    book movie.

    Madame Web — which notably also flopped in theaters
    earlier this year and also received terrible reviews — holds
    a higher score with a C+.

    On Rotten Tomatoes, the movie currently holds an audience score of 31% and a critic score of 32%.

    The sequel has been roundly criticized for being a musical and ‘ignoring’ the DC fanbase – with
    an agent familiar with director Todd Phillips’ process telling Variety he ‘wanted nothing to do
    with DC’ during the making of the film, with DC bosses James Gunn and Peter Safran notably absent from the film’s LA premiere
    afterparty last month. 

    A source said: ‘If the first movie was about some down-on-his-luck, mentally
    ill guy in a downtrodden city, it makes maybe $150 [million] worldwide.
    Not a billion. People showed up because that guy was Joker.’

    In an apparent snub by Phillips, the opening sequence of the
    film does not include a DC Studios logo.

    A Warner spokesman added that a DC logo appears at the end of the
    Joker sequel, while Phillips declined to comment to the publication.

    Several frictions are said to have developed between Phillips, DC and Warner- with
    claims that Michael DeLuca, Chairperson of Warner Bros.
    Entertainment, and CEO Pamela Abdy seemed ‘unwilling’ to say no to Phillips due to
    his huge past successes.

    It is claimed Phillips would ‘only’ speak with DeLuca and Abdy
    rather than Gunn and Safran – who took control of DC two months before production began on Joker 2 in December 2022.

    Gunn and Safran did attend the first director’s cut screening for the studio but Phillips fueled rift
    speculation when he told a reporter: ‘With
    all due respect to them, this is kind of a Warner Bros.


    Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav also met with Phillips shortly after WarnerMedia and Discovery merged
    in April 2022 and was ‘open to filming in Los
    Angeles if the director would make the sequel at a lower price point.’

    The studio wanted to film in London which would have cost
    around 20 per cent less.

    A source directly involved with the film recently shared:
    ‘The one thing about genre stuff: If you don’t listen and pay attention to what the
    fan expectations are, you’re going to fail’;
    director Todd Phillips seen with Gaga and Phoenix at the LA premiere September

    However, Phillips insisted on filming in LA with the budget remaining static.

    A Warner spokesman told the publication the studio ‘supported the decision to film in Los Angeles’.

    A source directly involved with the film said: ‘No one could get through to Todd.
    And the one thing about genre stuff: If you don’t listen and pay attention to what the fan expectations
    are, you’re going to fail.

    Insiders also claim studio bosses did not want to premiere the film at the Venice Film Festival, but Phillips pushed back – with a Warner spokesman saying the studio ‘fully supported the decision to bring the film to Venice. 

    Along with Gaga and Phoenix, other stars that had
    appeared in the sequel include Brendan Gleeson, Catherine Keener,
    Zazie Beatz and Steve Coogan. 

    Christopher NolanJoaquin Phoenix

  134. Terrifier 3 star David Howard Thornton has broken his silence on the
    low-budget horror film demolishing $200m flop Joker: Folie
    à Deux at the box office.

    The grisly film – made for about $2 million – stars Thornton as homicidal
    clown Art who brutally murders an array of victims in stomach churning scenes – with the film
    knocking the starry Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga
    film off the top of the US box office last week.

    Thornton said the runaway success of his film had left him stunned as
    he likened to battle of the two films to ‘David vs Goliath.’ 

    He told TMZ: ‘Terrifier 3 was a small lower budget independent film…

    I never expected this to happen in my life, I’m floored and
    grateful for it all.

    ‘We’re grateful to the fans, we have a dedicated fanbase,
    we weren’t beholden to the studio system.

    Terrifier 3 star David Howard Thornton has broken his silence on the low-budget horror film demolishing
    $200m flop Joker: Folie à Deux at the box office (pictured as
    Art the clown) 

    The grisly film – made for about $2 million –
    stars Thornton as homicidal clown Art who brutally murders an array of victims in stomach churning scenes
    – with the film knocking the starry Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga (pictured) film off the
    top of the US box office last week 

    ‘We turned down studios as they wanted to compromise the integrity of the
    film and we wanted to stick to what the fans wanted and we wanted.

    Read More

    Terrifier 3 dethrones Joker: Folie À Deux as box office

    ‘This shows Hollywood that we need to start making movies that take
    risks again.

    The star said he had yet to see the panned Joker sequel, saying: ‘I was shocked too
    as the first Joker film I loved, I’m curious to see
    why people aren’t as crazy about the second one.’    

    Terrifier 3, written and directed by Damien Leone, is an un-rated blood fest, which
    has received a 78-percent rating from the critics on Rotten Tomatoes.  Audiences have
    ‘certified’ it ‘hot’ and given it a healthy 90-percent on the popcornmeter.

    The film earned $18.3 million at the box office according to The Numbers.   

    Landing in third place was Joker: Folie à Deux.
    After winning the box office competition during its debut
    weekend could not overcome the bad reviews, enduring an 82-percent
    decline in ticket sales.

    The movie collected only $7.055 million, in spite of being
    in more than four thousand theaters across the US. 

    Thornton said the runaway success of his film had left him stunned as he likened to battle
    of the two films to ‘David vs Goliath’ – pictured last week

    He said: ‘Terrifier 3 was a small lower budget independent film…
    I never expected this to happen in my life, I’m
    floored and grateful for it all’

    The musical is ‘poised to lose at least $150 million to $200 million in its theatrical
    run’ according to the publication.

    The movie studio spent about $200 million to produce the film and about
    $100 million on marketing and distribution, according to
    the report.

    It would need to gross about $450 million at the box office to break
    even — when factoring in the cut taken by theaters — though Warner Bros.

    sources claim the number is $375 million.

    A Warner Bros. spokesperson responded to the report, saying ‘Any estimates suggested by anonymous “insiders” or “rival executives” are grossly wrong and
    continues a trend where rumor is reported as fact.’

    ‘The film continues to play in theatrical release, included with
    this week’s opening in China, and will continue to earn revenue throughout its home viewing and ancillary run.’

    So far, the musical about Batman’s nemesis has
    grossed $51.5 million domestically and $165
    million globally after two weeks of release.

    The film is ‘poised to lose at least $150 million to $200 million in its theatrical run’ according to the publication

    In comparison, the first Joker grossed $96.2 million domestically and $248.4 million globally after three days of release.

    The hotly-anticipated sequel to the 2019 billion dollar Oscar-winning film was
    considered a surefire hit for Warner Bros Pictures, yet ended up
    being slammed by critics and failed to ignite at the box office. 

    Joker: Folie À Deux has garnered the lowest CinemaScore in comic book movie history as the film bombed at the box office on opening night. 

    Joaquin PhoenixLady Gaga

  135. Australian politicians are almost always opting to
    fly with Qantas on taxpayer-funded trips,
    despite Virgin offering cheaper tickets.

    Federal MPs flew with the national carrier for 80 per cent of work trips last year
    despite it not always being the cheapest route, according
    to travel data provided to the government.

    While politicians and their staffers are required to book the cheapest flight,
    it also has to be the most efficient, with Qantas offering the most routes
    between major cities.

    MPs are banned from accruing frequent flyer points on taxpayer-funded trips like ordinary Aussies can, but
    they can can receive lifetime status credits, which allows access to airport lounges and
    flight upgrades.

    ‘How else can one explain the extraordinary dominance of Qantas in securing bookings by parliamentarians and their staff?’ Myriam Robin wrote in an opinion piece for the Australian Financial Review.

    ‘There’s nothing like accruing status credits on someone else’s dime.’

    Transport Minister Catherine King has since committed to a review of flight
    bookings by government officials which will be conducted by the Department
    of Finance this year, despite there being just two months left of 2024.

    Politicians’ preference for Qantas may also be put
    down to the airline’s exclusive invite-only ‘Chairman’s Lounge’.

    Australian politicians are almost always
    opting to fly with Qantas on taxpayer-funded trips, despite Virgin offering cheaper tickets.
    (pictured is Anthony Albanese, with former Qantas boss Alan Joyce,
    and fiancee Jodie Haydon)

    Read More


    The Flying Kanga-RORT – why you’re footing the bill as
    airlines wine and dine pollies in VIP club

    Daily Mail Australia in August revealed that nearly every
    single federal politician in the country has accepted free membership of the club.

    Qantas and the Albanese government have both denied the airline enjoys
    any disproportionate level of influence over the country’s political classes.

    A Daily Mail Australia audit of the members’ interest registers – in both the House
    of Representatives and the Senate – revealed almost 93 per cent of
    the nation’s leaders have been ‘gifted’ membership to the lavish, all-inclusive lounge.

    The high profile ranks of government giftees include Prime Minister Anthony Albanese as well as
    every member of his 22-person Cabinet, his seven-person Outer Ministry and all 12 assistant ministers.

    While most politicians declared their Qantas’ privileges
    as a ‘gift’, Labor MP Marion Scrymgour listed her membership as
    her ‘Chairman Lounge entitlement’.

    Daily Mail Australia in August revealed that nearly every single federal politician in the country has accepted free membership
    of Qantas’ exclusive Chairman’s Lounge.

    And it’s not just politicians on the take, with more than 60 MPs – including Marles, Chalmers, King,
    Bill Shorten, Zali Steggall and Tanya Plibersek – disclosing their spouses
    have also been granted unfettered, independent access
    to Qantas’ luxurious members only lounge.

    Often touted as ‘the most exclusive club in the country’,
    membership to the Chairman’s Lounge has long been veiled in secrecy.

    Even the entrances to each of the country’s six opulent VIP clubs – in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Canberra and Perth airports – are suitably discreet.

    Though, once inside, the designer lounges are immediately more
    ostentatious, with free à la carte fine dining, table service,
    a decadent selection of wines and Champagne and
    a discreet army of dedicated lounge attendants.

    Membership to the club is ‘priceless’ – it cannot
    be bought for any amount of money nor obtained via any amount of
    frequent flyers points.

    Instead, each member is hand-picked and approved by the company’s chief executive and chairman.


  136. The animal with front teeth in 8 letters is “Rodentia.” Rodentia is
    an order of mammals characterized by two continuously growing incisors in the uppe
    Read more

    Animal Life

    How do eagle protect themselves from their enemies?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, honey, eagles aren’t out here playing games.
    They protect themselves by using those sharp talons and powerful beaks to defend against predators.
    Plus, the
    Read more

    Care of Mice and Rats


    Can rats eat gourds?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Yes, rats can eat gourds. Gourds are safe for rats to consume in moderation as
    they are non-toxic and can provide some nutritional benefits.
    However, it is impo
    Read more

    Cows and Cattle


    What is the simile for bull?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Ah, a bull can be as strong as an ox and as stubborn as a
    mule. Just like a bull charging through
    a field, they can be powerful and determined in their
    Read more

    Animal Life

    What is booby trapped 105 round?

    Asked by Wiki User

    A 105mm artillery shell that is used as the explosives in an improvised munition. The unfired projectile has a fuze and an activating mechanism
    attached. The sh
    Read more

    Animal Life

    Do larger animals have fewer or more babies?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Fewer which is why there are more smaller animals than larger

  137. What do pop star Lily Allen, Olympic gold medal-winning diver
    Jack Laugher, tennis player Nick Kyrgios and 25-year-old Bonnie Blue from Nottingham, who has filmed herself having sex with hundreds of 18-year-old students
    (and sometimes their dads, too), all have in common?

    Yes, you guessed it. They are all ‘creatives’ on OnlyFans, the
    adults-only online content provider founded in 2016 by
    a young Essex businessman called Tim Stokely, which
    is now one of the most visited (and lucrative)
    websites in the world.

    Just last month, Lily Allen caused a stir by revealing that she makes more money charging $10 (£8) – the site works in dollars – for pictures of her feet on her OnlyFans account labelled ‘La Dolca Feeta’ than she does from her 7.5million monthly listeners on Spotify.

    But Lily’s content is tame in comparison to much of the content on the site, the sort company execs
    refer to as ‘spicy’. Everything from cheeky shots
    of bottoms peeking out of bubble baths, blondes
    stirring vats of steaming pasta in G-strings, hot men waxing cars
    in their pants, right through the sex spectrum to twosomes, threesomes, sixsomes and hardcore pornographic

    But also because, thanks to the allure of OnlyFans
    and the astonishing sums that a teeny number of the platform’s 4.1million creatives are raking in, more and more young women (and it is mostly
    young women) who would never have considered it before are
    suddenly happy to join in and sell photos of, well, pretty much anything, to pay rent, settle credit
    card bills or splash out on nice holidays. Basically, a flashier life all round.

    ‘We feel empowered. We have agency. It’s completely up to me if I take my top off or not,’ says one 21-year-old girl,
    who joined a year ago and makes enough in a week to cover a year’s
    student rent at Sheffield University and prefers not to give her name.

    ‘And I am happy to do it because for once I make the rules,
    in the safety of my home and they’re paying me to do it.
    It’s a mug’s game, but I am not the mug.’

    For the benefit of those readers who are not among the site’s 305million users, OnlyFans offers creators a platform where they
    can charge their fans a subscription fee ranging from $4.99 to $49.99 a month to look at their content, contact them (or more often access their ‘chatter’ – more of which later) and access often more explicit, personalised, ‘à la carte’ content through ‘tips’.

    OnlyFans model Bonnie Blue has filmed herself having sex with hundreds of 18-year-olds

    Rapper Cardi B is said to make $9million (£7.1million) a month
    from the site

    Actress Bella Thorne, a former Disney child star, made a record-breaking $1million (£800,000) in 24 hours

    ‘Pay $10 to unlock this video’. ‘Click here for more spicy content’.
    ‘The more you pay, the more you see’. You get the gist.

    In 2023, the site generated a record $6.6billion (£5.2billion), of which the company
    takes a straight 20 per cent – much less than YouTube –
    and the rest goes to the ‘performers’.

    It is unlike Instagram or other social media sites
    in that nothing is suggested – instead, you
    have to search for, and then subscribe to, individual accounts to
    see much more than profile pictures.

    Which is a good thing, because while some of the content is anodyne, much is highly
    sexual and many people on the site can bob freely from one
    to another. Perhaps a cookery hack one day, modelling new boots the next,
    then graduate to a few cheeky cleavage and bikini shots
    and more, as the money becomes more tempting.

    Every week, it seems, we hear of someone who has made millions.

    Last month it was announced that American influencer Corinna Kopf had retired
    from the site, aged 28, after making $67million (£53million).
    In her best month, she reportedly earned more than $2million (£1.6million).

    Rapper Cardi B is said to earn more than $9million (£7.1million) a month from the site.

    Meanwhile, Darcie Rattles was an out-of-work bricklayer with
    £6,000 in credit card bills and debts when she joined
    OnlyFans in 2022.

    ‘I was thinking: how the hell am I going to get to next week?
    How am I going to pay my credit cards?’ she says in an online interview.
    ‘I’m young, I’ve got a good body and I’ve got a lot
    of followers. It is what any girl would turn to. It had been in the
    back of mind for two years, but then I did it.’

    Within two days of launching, she had earned enough to
    pay off her debts. Today, Darcie, who comes across as likeable, down-to-earth and
    has no qualms about what she shares, claims to earn more than £250,000 a

    Pop singer Lily Allen has discovered a niche market…

    … she sells pictures of her feet for £8 and makes more money from her account labelled ‘La Dolca Feeta’ than she does from her
    7.5million monthly listeners on Spotify

    ‘It doesn’t matter to me whether I get my feet out, or my other bits out,’ she says.

    Though it does tend to be the other bits, because Darcie’s content promises very few
    clothes and, for those who pay extra, ‘a naughty side to me you’ve never seen before’.

    But even Darcie seems like the girl next door compared to Lily Phillips, a British model
    who earned £2,000 in her first 24 hours on the
    site and recently went viral for sleeping with 101 men over a
    14-hour period. She has since announced she is planning to set a record of having sex with 1,000 men in 24 hours.

    And Bonnie Blue, a beautiful blonde with a golden tan and astonishingly white
    teeth, who has worked her way round Derby, Nottingham,
    Cancun and Australia, sleeping with university students.

    On one night during Nottingham Trent freshers’
    week – after publicising her stunt by wearing a sandwich board that
    read: ‘Bonk me for free and let me film it’ – she had boys queuing up from 6pm until five in the morning.

    ‘I got through them all,’ she said proudly in one interview in which she reminds us that,
    thanks to OnlyFans, she has already banked more than £3 million – for which she was applauded
    by her followers for her entrepreneurship.

    But all that is chicken feed when you consider the £370 million dividend that company owner paid himself last year.

    And these days that’s Leonid Radvinsky, who bought a majority stake from Tim Stokely in 2018,
    two years after he started the business with the help of a
    loan from his father.

    It was the Covid-era lockdowns that thrust OnlyFans into the
    stratosphere. Everyone shut up at home, nothing to
    do. In 2020, it generated revenues of $2.23billion (£1.8billion).
    By 2021, it was up to $4.8billion (£3.8billion). There was a brief hiatus in October of that year when they tried banning sexually explicit content but that lasted about ten minutes before they switched back.

    There have been plenty of scandals along the way. A BBC investigation back in 2021 revealed that children were
    not just accessing the material online by foxing the age verification process but were also
    selling explicit videos on the website. Leah, 17, had used
    a fake driving licence to set up an OnlyFans account where she made
    £5,000 uploading revealing videos of herself.

    There have also been claims of OnlyFans creators using public gyms and spaces to make adult content.

    Recently there has been more concerns that
    the company is not doing enough to protect minors.

    OnlyFans, however, prefers to portray itself as a force for good, with
    supporters arguing that it empowers people by allowing them
    to sell content – over which they have full control – directly to
    consumers. And many of the Gen Z generation seem to agree.
    ‘It’s fine. It’s empowering. It’s taking control,’ they cry, pointing out that the site has loads of moderators
    and a tight security system to ensure that all users are over 18.

    And they say, anyway, that OnlyFans isn’t just about sex.

    Of course, they’re right. It has long been awash with pneumatic reality TV stars
    and the likes of Lottie Moss, Kerry Katona and Katie Price, who are happy to tease
    their followers with a few cheeky peeks in skimpy

    I spend an afternoon browsing the site and, while it is not all ‘spicy’ content as the company executives like
    to call it, everything is dripping with sauce and promise.

    The big lips, the push-up bras, even the way a pretty Spanish chef is holding her paella pan. Company executives have been pushing
    hard to make the platform more mainstream – offering contracts
    and financial incentives to encourage musicians, sports stars, cooks, anyone really, to come on and share a bit of exclusive –
    or niche – content.

    Really, anything that people will pay to look at – glimpses backstage at concerts.
    Celebrities in the bath.

    During the 2024 Olympic Games, a raft of athletes jumped on the OnlyFans bandwagon to share pictures of their beautifully toned bodies.

    Along with Jack Laugher, Team NZ rower Robbie Manson uses the
    site to share ‘exclusive content that tastefully explores the boundaries, including artistic
    portrayals of nudity’ for $14.99 a month. British speedskater

    Olympic diver Jack Laugher is among a number of sports stars using OnlyFans

    Reality TV star Kerry Katona has also teased followers with content

    Lottie Moss  has also taken to the adults-only online content provider that was founded in 2016
    and is used by 4.1 million creatives

    Elise Christie turned to the site when she found herself in financial

    All of which seems to be working well for them, but it can be rather murkier for others.

    Not least because, in less than a decade, OnlyFans has spawned an entire support industry of ‘sugar daddies’ who support performers financially and ‘chatters’ who work
    for them. ‘Sugar daddies’ tend to be older male businessmen who ‘invest’ in promising creatives.

    In what are referred to rather murkily as ‘mutually beneficial deals’, they invest in branding and marketing and videography to boost traffic.

    Chatters are different. For the real stars, the traffic is so high
    and the interaction with followers so demanding that if they had to do it all themselves, there’s no way they
    would ever have time to put their pyjamas back on.

    So ‘chatters’ – a sort of online 21st-century Cyrano de Bergerac
    – do that for them. Keeping them engaged, online, needy and most of all, spending, spending, spending for
    more and more content.

    Which means, of course, that the whole thing is a total scam.

    The poor daft subscriber thinks he’s really making a connection with ‘Racy Tracey from Twickenham’,
    but is more likely chatting to a middle-aged father of three from the

    He will have learnt everything about Tracey
    – her favourite colour, favourite animal and favourite position – have studied a script that reminds him ‘it’s
    all about selling, selling, selling’, and will be being paid $4 an hour for his efforts.
    Or the subscriber could just be talking to an AI bot – which perhaps is more appealing.

    Read More


    A year after split, I’ve had a baby and got engaged, writes Mother Pukka ANNA WHITEHOUSE

    Chatters can be dangerous. As Alanya, a paralegal from Scotland, discovered when she learned that one of her most enthusiastic followers had travelled to her home town to find her,
    encouraged by her chatter.

    ‘My chatter told him that I loved him. I
    would never, ever have said that,’ she said.

    But, sadly, chatters, sugar daddies and stalkers are not a problem
    for most creatives. Almost all of whom are still struggling
    to make any proper money, however many clothes they take off.

    They will never know the clout of Cardi B, or Lily Allen, or
    former Disney child star Bella Thorne, who famously
    made a record- breaking $1million (£800,000) in 24 hours when she joined
    in August 2020. (Though initially there was some confusion as to
    whether she would be appearing nude or not. She did not – which caused quite a rumpus.)

    Because, unlike celebrities who can redirect their existing social media
    followers to their OnlyFans accounts, most people
    find it hard to grab attention without doing something, well, grabby.

    So, despite all the tales of golden riches, the average earnings of an OnlyFans
    creative is still just $150 (£118) a month and, with the market now so
    flooded, is only likely to go one way.

    And it’s easy to see how, if you’re a young woman who has convinced yourself that you’re in control, empowered and mistress of your own destiny, you could find yourself moving
    inevitably and inexorably up (or perhaps down) the scale, revealing more and more.

    Until, before you know it, like Bonnie Blue and Lily Phillips, you’ve
    kept nothing back for yourself.

    NottinghamLily AllenOnlyFansJack Laugher

  138. July 23 (Reuters) – Philip Morris International pushed
    the test-launch of its heated tobacco device, IQOS, in the U.S.
    to the fourth quarter on Tuesday and lowered its annual
    forecast for the heated tobacco business.

    The pilot was earlier scheduled to run in Austin, Texas, in the second quarter,
    for which the company reported results on the day.

    The company declined to comment on why the launch had been delayed.

    Philip Morris has invested billions to promote and expand its portfolio of alternatives to traditional combustible cigarettes amid stricter regulations
    and falling smoking rates in some markets.

    The launch of its flagship heated tobacco device in the United States is also facing resistance from health campaigners, who have written to regulators in the country accusing the company of misrepresenting past regulatory decisions, Reuters
    reported last week.

    The company also awaits market authorization from the U.S.

    Food and Drug Administration for its IQOS ILUMA device, which it expects by the
    second half of 2025.

    A ban on flavored heated tobacco in the European Union has already hit shipments this year, with
    Philip Morris saying the impact from the
    ban was “slightly greater” than previously assumed.

    This led the company to temper its expectations for volume
    growth in the heated tobacco category to around 13% for
    the full year, down from between 14% and 16% expected earlier.

    However, Philip Morris topped quarterly expectations and raised its annual sales and profit forecasts, betting
    on demand for its Zyn nicotine pouches, as well as
    higher cigarette pricing. (Reporting by Juveria Tabassum and
    Emma Rumney; Editing by Pooja Desai)

  139. Here are some ways to compare Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani- Dubai and Lovely Professional University (LPU): Location: BITS Pilani- Dubai
    Read more

    India Colleges and Universities


    Is BITS Pilani Dubai better than Lovely
    Professional university?

    Asked by Wiki User

    When comparing BITS Pilani Dubai and Lovely Professional University (LPU), the better choice depends on your academic goals,
    career aspirations, budget, and pre
    Read more

    United Arab Emirates


    Price of laptop in dubai?

    Asked by Wiki User

    The price of a laptop in Dubai can vary depending on the brand, model, specifications, and where you purchase it from.

    Generally, laptops in Dubai may be priced
    Read more

    United Arab Emirates


    What is the postal code of hamdan street in Abu Dhabi?

    Asked by Wiki User

    The postal code for Hamdan Street in Abu Dhabi is 51133.
    Postal codes are numerical codes used by postal services to identify specific geographic areas for effi
    Read more

    United Arab Emirates


    Where is the Kingdom Hall of Jehovahs Witnesses in Dubai?

    Asked by Wiki User

    I may not know any of their names are but I am definitely sure there are JWs in that country.
    Even in countries (like Singapore) where the JWs are banned from p
    Read more

    Postage and Shipping


    What is the postal code of electra street in Abu Dhabi?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, dude, I’m not the human GPS! But if you really want to know, the postal code
    for Electra Street in Abu Dhabi is 51133. Like, if you’re sending a letter or o
    Read more

    Home Equity and Refinancing


    Where you can find iglesia ni cristo in abu dhabi?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Honey, if you’re looking for an Iglesia Ni Cristo church in Abu Dhabi,
    you better start by asking Google or checking their official website.
    I may be sassy, but
    Read more

    United Arab Emirates


    How many acres does Dubai have?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Dubai is a city and emirate in the United Arab Emirates
    (UAE) and does not have a specific acreage as a whole.

    The total land area of Dubai is approximately 1,5
    Read more

    Business & Finance


    Is it safe to invest in underconstruction properties in Dubai?

    Asked by WooledgeNewtongp6529

    Investing in properties still under construction in Dubai can be a good opportunity, but there are risks like
    delays or changes in the market. It’s important to
    Read more

    Lyrics and Sheet Music


    What are the recorder notes for the United Arab Emirates national anthem?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Honey, I don’t have time to play a whole concert for you, but I’ll give you a
    quick rundown. The recorder notes for the United Arab
    Emirates national anthem &qu
    Read more

    United Arab Emirates


    What is the postal code of Dubai silicon oasis?

    Asked by Wiki User

    The postal code of Dubai Silicon Oasis is 00000. Postal codes in the United Arab
    Emirates typically consist of 5 digits. Dubai
    Silicon Oasis is a free trade zon
    Read more

    United Arab Emirates

    What is the difference between education present and in the past in uae?

    Asked by Wiki User

    There is a big difference in the education in the UAE between the past and present in many aspects.
    The education in the past and present is different in subjec
    Read more

    Saudi Arabia


    What is the time difference between the UAE and Saudi Arabia?

    Asked by Wiki User

    The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is 1 hour ahead of Saudi Arabia.
    This is because the UAE follows Gulf Standard Time (GST), which is UTC+4, while Saudi Arabia
    Read more

    Math and Arithmetic


    How many km from Qatar to Sharjah?

    Asked by Wiki User

    244 miles.

  140. Lady Gaga and her fiancé Michael Polansky packed on the
    PDA as they shared a cheeky smooch at the UK premiere of her new film,
    The Joker: Folie à Deux.

    The singer-turned-actress, 38, who starred
    in the flick as Harley Quinn, looked happily in love as she
    embraced her affection for Michael on the red carpet. 

    She was seen sharing multiple kisses at the event as they graced the event holding each other by the

    Arriving at Cineworld Leicester Square, Gaga —
    born Stefani Germanotta — looked incredible in a custom-made gown from Celine by Hedi Slimane. 

    The structured garment featured dramatic shoulder pads and a plunging neckline which
    showcased her slender figure. 

    Lady Gaga and her fiancé Michael Polansky packed on the PDA as they shared a cheeky
    smooch at the UK premiere of her new film, The
    Joker: Folie à Deux 

    The singer-turned-actress, 38, who starred in the flick as
    Harley Quinn, looked happily in love as she embraced her affection for Michael on the red

    Gaga’s public display of affection for her ever-supportive partner does
    not come as a shock to fans as she is regularly
    seen smooching and holding hands with Michael in public.

    At the Joker premiere she wore her dyed-red tresses in a short cropped style and wore blue eye makeup complete with perfect sequin detailing on one side of her face.

    Meanwhile business Michael looked effortlessly dapper in a black suit, crisp white shirt and tie as he put his arm around his future wife.

    She gazed adoringly at Michael as she flashed her enormous 8
    carat engagement ring on the star-studded red carpet.

    Folie à Deux will see Joaquin, 49, reprise his role as Arthur Fleck AKA Joker and
    he arrived to the premiere in a black jacket and tie.

    It is the much-anticipated follow-up to 2019’s Academy Award-winning Joker, which
    earned more than $1 billion at the global box office
    and remains the highest-grossing R-rated film of
    all time.

    Set for release on October 4, the second instalment finds Arthur Fleck institutionalised at Arkham awaiting trial for his crimes as Joker.

    ‘While struggling with his dual identity, Arthur not only
    stumbles upon true love, but also finds the music that’s always been inside him,’ a press release shared.

    She was seen sharing multiple kisses at the event as they graced the event
    holding each other by the waist

    Arriving at Cineworld Leicester Square, Gaga — born Stefani Germanotta
    — looked incredible in a custom-made gown from
    Celine by Hedi Slimane (pictured with co-star Joaquin Phoenix)

    The incredible structured number featured dramatic shoulder pads and a dramatic
    neckline which showed off her figure as she posed up a storm

    She looked every inch the film superstar as she strutted around the red carpet

    She put on a confident display on the red carpet as the
    crowds went wild for her

    Gaga’s fashion parade for the film has been a resounding success at least after her last big
    film House of Gucci released in 2021 was savaged by critics

    She put on an animated display as she posed at the red carpet event where she looked delighted 

    It is the much-anticipated follow-up to 2019’s Academy Award-winning Joker, which earned more than $1
    billion at the global box office and remains the highest-grossing R-rated film of all time

    At the Joker premiere she wore her dyed-red tresses in a short cropped style
    and wore blue eye makeup complete with perfect sequin detailing
    on one side of her face

    Lady Gaga has been supported by her fiancé Michael in the lead up to the
    thriller’s premiere. The couple was first romantically linked around New Year’s Eve 2019 and later went Instagram official in early

    Michael is a 2006 graduate of Harvard University and runs
    Napster founder Sean Parker’s Parker Group

    Wedding plans for the couple are underway and their legal plan is being negotiated.

    Gaga is reportedly seeking a $900 million prenup before she walks down the aisle

    And gazed adoringly at her partner

    They didn’t hold back showing their affection on the red carpet

    Lady Gaga has been supported by her fiancé Michael in the lead up to the thriller’s premiere. 

    The couple was first romantically linked around New
    Year’s Eve 2019 and later went Instagram official in early 2020.

    Michael is a 2006 graduate of Harvard University and runs Napster
    founder Sean Parker’s Parker Group. 

    Throughout their years dating, Gaga and Michaelhave attended the Super Bowl,
    the BAFTAs, and the Critics Choice Awards together.

    Wedding plans for the couple are underway and their legal plan is being negotiated.

    Gaga is reportedly seeking a $900 million prenup before she walks down the aisle.

    And Michael, who has a $600 million net worth as head of The Parker Foundation, is on board.

    A source close to the couple told In Touch that ‘there are a
    lot of assets on both sides, and a prenup will just make everything clear.’

    Gaga ‘is worth $900 million, so of course there needs to be a prenup in place,’ the insider said.
    ‘And Michael understands that. He’s not resisting it.’

    The film premiered earlier this month at the Venice Film Festival

    She flaunted her ample assets in the red dress which was the perfect look for her

    The soon to be married pair looked great together on the
    red carpet

    Her incredible makeup made a statement of its own

    Earlier this month the pair put on an amorous display on Monday as they arrived in Italy for
    the 81st Annual Venice Film Festival.

    The future husband and wife shared a kiss and cozied up while boarding a water taxi as Gaga flashed her enormous
    diamond engagement ring.

    The pop star made a fashion-forward appearance in a ’60s-inspired black mini dress with a white polka dot pattern.

    The flirty number featured long, slightly flared sleeves and a similarly flared mini skirt.

    Gaga obscured her tummy in the hypnotizing ensemble thanks to a
    conveniently placed over her midriff.

    Gaga showed off her toned legs in shimmery black pantyhose and finished the look with classic pointy-toe black heels. 

    She enhanced her platinum locks with lengthy extensions and arranged them in a half-up/half-down style with a center part.

    A portion of her hair was secured in a small chignon at the midpoint of her head and the loose strands were
    set in loose waves.

    The superstar entertainer wore a full face of matte
    makeup, complete with pink lipstick.

    She accented her outfit with a pair of sleek, onyx
    sunglasses while her husband-to-be rocked a similar pair.

    Michael was quietly stylish in an all-black outfit.

    He layered an understated jacket over a collared shirt and
    added coordinating slacks, punctuating the outfit with black sneakers that had a white sole.

    His dark, graying hair was neatly cut short and he looked handsome with a shadow of a beard.

    The happy couple interlocked fingers as they arrived and shared another kiss
    while approaching the entrance of the Hotel Cipriani. 

    Earlier this month the pair put on an amorous display on Monday as they arrived in Italy for the 81st Annual Venice
    Film Festival  

    The Poker Face hitmaker flaunted a short, pale pink manicure, showing off her engagement ring.

    The eight-carat, oval-cut diamond solitaire set in platinum set
    Michael back a cool $578,000 according to Brides.

    In July, the Bad Romance songstress dedicated one of her final Las Vegas residency performances to Michael, calling him ‘my mister.’

    The couple was first romantically linked around New Year’s Eve 2019 and later went Instagram official in early 2020.

    InstagramLady Gaga

  141. Oh, dude, Santa totally supports the North Pole Reindeers.

    I mean, they have a killer running game with Rudolph leading the pack, and their defense
    is solid wit
    Read more

    Football – Soccer


    What is the average pay for a female footballer in England?

    Asked by Wiki User

    O salário de uma jogadora de futebol na Inglaterra pode variar bastante dependendo de diversos fatores, como: Liga: As jogadoras da Premier
    League Feminina (WSL
    Read more

    Football – Soccer

    Is Edison Cavani gay?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, dude, who cares? It’s 2021, let people live their lives.
    But hey, just to answer your question, no, Edinson Cavani is not gay.
    Like, why does it even matter
    Read more

    Football – Soccer


    What is the difference between Live and Exclusive?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Live is something that is happening right now (as opposed
    to recorded).

    Exclusive is when only one channel has the broadcasting rights to the game.

  142. The phrase “we chalked out work for the day” likely means
    that a plan or schedule was carefully outlined or organized for the tasks or activities that
    Read more

    Holidays and Traditions

    Is it up on a rooftop or housetop?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, sweetheart, technically, both “rooftop” and “housetop” refer to the
    top of a building. However, “rooftop” is more commonly u
    Read more

    Holidays and Traditions

    What continent celebrates by lighting their houses with paper lanterns?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Ah, what a lovely question! In Asia, particularly in countries like Japan, China, and Thailand, people celebrate by lighting their houses with beautiful paper l
    Read more

    Holidays and Traditions

    Word For A Person Who Likes To Give But Not Receive Sexual Favors?

    Asked by TheMrpropaintballgp8355

    The term for a person who enjoys giving but not receiving sexual favors is known as an “altruistic lover.” This individual derives pleasure from provi
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    Religion & Spirituality


    How long does navidad last?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, friend, Navidad, or Christmas, is a special time of the year that usually lasts for about 12 days.
    It starts on December 25th and ends on January 5th with
    Read more

    Holidays and Traditions


    What is it called a yellow thanksgiving vegetable that grows on stalks?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, dude, that’s an easy one! It’s called corn. Yeah, you know, those little yellow kernels that grow on big stalks in fields.
    Some people call it maize, too, b
    Read more

    Holidays and Traditions

    What are the paided holidays for tjmaxx employees?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, honey, TJ Maxx employees typically get paid holidays like New
    Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and
    Christmas. But you
    Read more

    Holidays and Traditions



    Asked by Wiki User

    It occurred on Nov 26th 8 times from 1959 to 2009:November 26, 2009November 26, 1998November
    26, 1992November 26, 1987November 26, 1981November 26, 1970November
    Read more

    Holidays and Traditions


    What is a Buddhist holiday in December?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Bodhi Day, December 8th. (celebrating the

  143. Ah, in the book “Wonder” by R.J. Palacio, there isn’t a specific
    onomatopoeia that stands out, but the author beautifully describes emotions and actio
    Read more


    Is swoop an onomatopoeia word?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Yes, “swoop” is considered an onomatopoeic word because it imitates the
    sound of a swift, sweeping motion. Onomatopoeia is a
    linguistic device where a
    Read more


    What is a example of a onomatopoeia in the book uglies?

    Asked by Wiki User

    An example of onomatopoeia in the book “Uglies” by Scott Westerfeld is the word “zizz,” which is used to describe the sound of a
    Read more

    Parts of Speech


    Is there an onomatopoeia word for dancing?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, dude, you’re asking if there’s a fancy word
    for the sounds of people dancing? Well, technically, “rustle” could be considered an onomatopoeia for
    Read more


    Is yuck an Onomatopoeia?

    Asked by Wiki User

    No, “yuck” is not considered an onomatopoeia.
    Onomatopoeia is a word that phonetically imitates, resembles, or suggests
    the sound that it describes, s
    Read more


    Is yay an onomatopoeia?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Yay is not an onomatopoeia, honey. It’s more of an expression of joy or
    excitement, like when you find out your ex got a bad haircut.

    Onomatopoeias are words th
    Read more


    What is the onomatopoeia of the cremation of sam mcgee?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Erik echo

  144. There are now 6 coaches with 800 or more wins in Division I
    college basketball:Mike KrzyzewskiEddie SuttonBob KnightDean SmithAdolph RuppJim Phelan.Clarence “Bi
    Read more

    Football – American


    Why does the quarterback call out colors and numbers?

    Asked by Wiki User

    For 2 reasons. 1st; To confuse the other team 2nd; Somewhere in the audible will be an optional play. The color will tell which side the play will go to and the
    Read more



    How can a team be one half of a game behind in the standings?

    Asked by Wiki User

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    What does 1 number straight up in roullete pay?

    Asked by Wiki User

    There are two types of Roulette tables, American and European. In American Roulette there is a zero and a double zero on the table, making your single number st
    Read more

    Swimming Pools


    How many gallons does it take to fill a 15 feet in diameter and 3 feet deep?

    Asked by Wiki User

    It is difficult to determine the capacity of a container without all of the parameters. However, a container that is six feet and diameter, three feet long, and
    Read more

    Swimming Pools


    When you are at a 70 ft pool how many laps for a mile?

    Asked by Wiki User

    It would take about 21.5 lengths (10.8 laps) to equal one mile.

  145. -Cambodia used to be a powerful empire while Thailand never got to be
    an empire.

    -Thailand has bigger land than Cambodia -Thailand moderner and richer than Cambodia

    -In Thailand had terrorisms, but not in Cambodia

    -Cambodia existed in southeast Asia before Thailand

    -Thai population is bigger than Cambodian population.

    -Thailand doesn’t have Independent Day, but Cambodia
    does have.

    -There no genocide in Thailand but there was in Cambodia.

    -Thailand is known better than Cambodia……

  146. ดอกไม้สามารถแสดงถึงความรัก ความปรารถนาดี และความอบอุ่นใจได้ดีมาก โชคดีที่ปัจจุบันมีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันมากมายที่ให้บริการหลากหลาย ดอกไม้ตกแต่งงานแต่งงาน ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการอย่างลงตัว หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้สวยๆ ในราคาที่คุ้มค่า แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ
    แล้วคุณล่ะ มีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่ชื่นชอบอยู่แล้วหรือยัง?


  147. ขายไวน์ เป็นที่นิยมมากในตอนนี้
    หรือไวน์นำเข้าชั้นดี เพราะเหมาะสำหรับการเฉลิมฉลอง

    ถ้ากำลังมองหาร้านไวน์ที่น่าเชื่อถือ แนะนำให้ลองค้นหาร้านที่มีรีวิวดีๆ เพื่อให้ได้ไวน์ที่ตรงกับความต้องการ

    มีใครแนะนำร้านไวน์ดีๆ ได้บ้าง ช่วยแนะนำกันหน่อยนะคะ เพราะการเลือกไวน์ที่เหมาะสมช่วยเพิ่มความสุขในทุกโอกาส

    Also visit my site: ราคาไวน์แดง 7-11

  148. ดอกไม้สามารถแสดงถึงความรัก ความปรารถนาดี
    และความอบอุ่นใจได้ดีมาก โชคดีที่ปัจจุบันมีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันมากมายที่ให้บริการหลากหลาย ดอกไม้สำหรับงานศพที่จัดส่งตรงเวลา ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการอย่างลงตัว ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ แล้วคุณล่ะ มีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่ชื่นชอบอยู่แล้วหรือยัง?
    ร้านดอกไม้เปิด 24 ชั่วโมง

  149. ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ โชคดีที่ปัจจุบันมีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันมากมายที่ให้บริการหลากหลาย ดอกไม้สำหรับงานศพที่จัดส่งตรงเวลา ร้านเหล่านี้ช่วยเพิ่มความสะดวกสบายอย่างมาก
    ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ แล้วคุณล่ะ

  150. ดอกไม้สามารถแสดงถึงความรัก ความปรารถนาดี และความอบอุ่นใจได้ดีมาก ด้วยร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่หาได้ง่ายในตอนนี้ คุณไม่ต้องเสียเวลาเดินทางไกล
    ดอกไม้ตกแต่งงานแต่งงาน ทำให้เราประหยัดเวลาและได้รับของที่มีคุณภาพ หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้สวยๆ ในราคาที่คุ้มค่า ลองค้นหาร้านที่มีรีวิวดีๆ หรือบริการส่งฟรี คุณมีคำแนะนำสำหรับร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันไหม?

  151. ดอกไม้เป็นสิ่งที่สร้างความสุขและความประทับใจได้เสมอ ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ ดอกไม้สำหรับงานศพที่จัดส่งตรงเวลา ร้านเหล่านี้ช่วยเพิ่มความสะดวกสบายอย่างมาก หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้สวยๆ ในราคาที่คุ้มค่า แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ อยากรู้ว่าคุณเคยใช้บริการร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันบ้างหรือเปล่า?
    ร้านดอกไม้เล็กๆ ใกล้ฉัน

  152. ดอกไม้สามารถแสดงถึงความรัก ความปรารถนาดี และความอบอุ่นใจได้ดีมาก
    ด้วยร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่หาได้ง่ายในตอนนี้ คุณไม่ต้องเสียเวลาเดินทางไกล ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด ร้านเหล่านี้ช่วยเพิ่มความสะดวกสบายอย่างมาก หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้สวยๆ ในราคาที่คุ้มค่า ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน อยากรู้ว่าคุณเคยใช้บริการร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันบ้างหรือเปล่า?


  153. ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ โชคดีที่ปัจจุบันมีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันมากมายที่ให้บริการหลากหลาย ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด ทำให้เราประหยัดเวลาและได้รับของที่มีคุณภาพ ถ้าคุณอยากได้ดอกไม้ที่ส่งตรงถึงมืออย่างรวดเร็ว ลองค้นหาร้านที่มีรีวิวดีๆ หรือบริการส่งฟรี คุณมีคำแนะนำสำหรับร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันไหม?
    ร้านดอกไม้เล็กๆ ใกล้ฉัน

  154. ดอกไม้สามารถแสดงถึงความรัก ความปรารถนาดี และความอบอุ่นใจได้ดีมาก โชคดีที่ปัจจุบันมีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันมากมายที่ให้บริการหลากหลาย ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการอย่างลงตัว ถ้าคุณอยากได้ดอกไม้ที่ส่งตรงถึงมืออย่างรวดเร็ว
    ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน คุณมีคำแนะนำสำหรับร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันไหม?

    ร้านดอกไม้เปิด 24 ชั่วโมง

  155. ดอกไม้เป็นสิ่งที่สร้างความสุขและความประทับใจได้เสมอ โชคดีที่ปัจจุบันมีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันมากมายที่ให้บริการหลากหลาย ดอกไม้สำหรับงานศพที่จัดส่งตรงเวลา ทำให้เราประหยัดเวลาและได้รับของที่มีคุณภาพ หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้สวยๆ
    ในราคาที่คุ้มค่า แนะนำให้เลือกใช้ร้านที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญในด้านการจัดดอกไม้โดยเฉพาะ แล้วคุณล่ะ มีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่ชื่นชอบอยู่แล้วหรือยัง?

  156. ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นดอกไม้สดสำหรับวันเกิด ร้านเหล่านี้ช่วยเพิ่มความสะดวกสบายอย่างมาก หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้สวยๆ ในราคาที่คุ้มค่า ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน คุณมีคำแนะนำสำหรับร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันไหม?


  157. ดอกไม้เป็นสิ่งที่สร้างความสุขและความประทับใจได้เสมอ ร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันในปัจจุบันมีตัวเลือกและบริการที่ครบครันอย่างน่าประทับใจ ดอกไม้ตกแต่งงานแต่งงาน ร้านเหล่านี้ช่วยเพิ่มความสะดวกสบายอย่างมาก หากคุณกำลังมองหาดอกไม้สวยๆ ในราคาที่คุ้มค่า ลองค้นหาร้านที่มีรีวิวดีๆ หรือบริการส่งฟรี คุณมีคำแนะนำสำหรับร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันไหม?

  158. Anyone who knows me has invariably been subject to a spiel about how much I love Claudia Winkleman. In part, it’s because she’s so silly, and in part, it’s because
    I’m a huge fan of everything she presents, from Strictly to The Traitors. 

    But even more than any of that, it’s because I’m obsessed with everything she wears.

    I’ve spent a fortune copying her exact outfits, from her Sister Jane heart cutout dress to a bedazzled
    Nadine Merabi blazer that I definitely don’t go
    anywhere fancy enough to wear.

    Since 2005, Claudia has worked with stylist Sinead McKeefry to perfect her signature style.
    I’d describe it as soft goth: lots of black, velvet and chunky knits, with a fair few sequins and prints (particularly tartan) thrown in. I’m not alone in my reverence: there are entire Instagram accounts dedicated
    to tracking down the presenter’s outfits. But while they
    offer incredibly useful style inspo, two issues arise repeatedly: Claudia’s clothes are usually hugely expensive or
    sold out (or both).

    So when the Strictly host stepped out in a typically preppy black velvet
    mini dress on Sunday, you’d be forgiven for assuming it was by some top-end designer.
    Well, you’d be wrong. The mini dress actually came courtesy
    of one of our favourite high street brands, Albaray – and you can pick it up
    for less than £100.

    The dress is made from plush fabric with contrast satin detailing.
    The velvet makes it a little festive, perfect for celebratory bashes over
    the next few months, particularly when paired with white stilettos à la Claud.
    But it could be just as easily dressed down with white trainers or
    ballet flats and a trench for a chic office outfit, so you’ll certainly get your wear out of it.  

    Like all of Albaray’s products, it’s ethically made using responsible fabric and sent
    via a carbon-neutral shipping method, so you can feel good about the dress’s eco-credentials as
    well as how it looks. It’s currently in stock in a few sizes online (and in certain John Lewis concessions) but like most things Claudia wears, it won’t stick around
    long. Now excuse me while I go and add to cart.

    Collar and Cuff Velvet Dress, £99, Albaray

  159. ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ ด้วยร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่หาได้ง่ายในตอนนี้ คุณไม่ต้องเสียเวลาเดินทางไกล ดอกไม้ตกแต่งงานแต่งงาน
    ร้านเหล่านี้ช่วยเพิ่มความสะดวกสบายอย่างมาก ถ้าคุณอยากได้ดอกไม้ที่ส่งตรงถึงมืออย่างรวดเร็ว
    ลองค้นหาร้านที่มีรีวิวดีๆ หรือบริการส่งฟรี แล้วคุณล่ะ มีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่ชื่นชอบอยู่แล้วหรือยัง?

  160. ดอกไม้สามารถแสดงถึงความรัก ความปรารถนาดี และความอบอุ่นใจได้ดีมาก โชคดีที่ปัจจุบันมีร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันมากมายที่ให้บริการหลากหลาย
    ดอกไม้สำหรับงานศพที่จัดส่งตรงเวลา ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการอย่างลงตัว ถ้าคุณอยากได้ดอกไม้ที่ส่งตรงถึงมืออย่างรวดเร็ว ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน อยากรู้ว่าคุณเคยใช้บริการร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันบ้างหรือเปล่า?

  161. ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ ด้วยร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่หาได้ง่ายในตอนนี้ คุณไม่ต้องเสียเวลาเดินทางไกล ดอกไม้สำหรับงานศพที่จัดส่งตรงเวลา ตอบโจทย์ทุกความต้องการอย่างลงตัว ถ้าคุณอยากได้ดอกไม้ที่ส่งตรงถึงมืออย่างรวดเร็ว ลองค้นหาร้านที่มีรีวิวดีๆ หรือบริการส่งฟรี อยากรู้ว่าคุณเคยใช้บริการร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันบ้างหรือเปล่า?

  162. ใครๆ ก็ต้องการดอกไม้ที่สดใหม่และสวยงามสำหรับโอกาสพิเศษ ด้วยร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันที่หาได้ง่ายในตอนนี้ คุณไม่ต้องเสียเวลาเดินทางไกล ดอกไม้ตกแต่งงานแต่งงาน ทำให้เราประหยัดเวลาและได้รับของที่มีคุณภาพ ใครที่กำลังมองหาร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉัน ลองดูร้านใกล้บ้านที่มีบริการจัดส่งด่วน คุณมีคำแนะนำสำหรับร้านดอกไม้ใกล้ฉันไหม?

  163. From state banquets to official engagements, the Princess of
    Wales has an ever-growing and faultless selection of tailored coat dresses, black-tie gowns and court shoes at her disposal,
    but it’s her everyday wardrobe that really takes the crown. Scroll down to see 21 Kate Middleton-approved cold-weather staples we’ll be
    wearing this season.

    A camel coat

    No winter wardrobe is complete without a camel coat

    No winter wardrobe is complete without a camel
    coat – and the Princess of Wales knows this. She tends to
    go for tailored, ankle-length silhouettes that can easily be layered over
    midi dresses and a pair of knee-high boots.

    Shop the look: Coat, £119, Zara

    Coat, £119, Zara

    A knitted midi dress
    She also knows the power of a knitted midi dress. It’s one of throw-on-and-go heroes that’ll make you look put together, even if you’ve rushed out of the house in the
    morning without looking in a mirror. (Although we doubt that’s
    the case for Kate.)

    Shop the look: Dress, £188, Reiss

    Dress, £188, Reiss

    A sweater vest

    Kate proving sweater vests are cool again 

    We’d love a peek inside the Princess of Wales’ knitwear collection, which includes this sleeveless knit.
    Sweater vests are often considered a little frumpy but layered over a white button-down (à la Kate)
    they’re a perfect office staple for the chilly weather.

    Shop the look: Sweater vest, £39.95, Joules

    Sweater vest, £39.95, Joules

    A Fair Isle jumper

    Her knitwear collection includes at least three Fair Isle jumpers

    Nothing signals the start of Christmas quite like the return of the Fair
    Isle knit (check out our roundup of the cosiest here) – and the Princess’ jumper collection includes at least three different designs.

    Shop the look: Jumper, £179, Holland & Cooper

    Jumper, £179, Holland & Cooper

    A tartan dress

    The Princess loves to add a touch of tartan to her outfits
    in the winter 

    Another print that’s synonymous with the holiday season is tartan. Kate Middleton’s winter wardrobe
    includes plaid coats, scarves and skirts, but our favourite of her
    tartan pieces is this Emilia Wickstead dress.

    Shop the look: Dress, £235, Brora at John Lewis

    Dress, £235, Brora at John Lewis

    A pair of knee-high boots

    The combo of a midi skirt and knee-high boots can’t be beat

    Once the temperatures drop, there’s no shoe the Princess of Wales loves more than a
    heeled, knee-high boot. She has a pair in nearly
    every colour – and usually wears them with midi dresses or skirts and long, woollen coats.

    Shop the look: Boots, £165, Dune

    Boots, £165, Dune

    A printed midi skirt
    Speaking of midi skirts – Kate has amassed quite the collection, which includes a leopard print, tartan and houndstooth skirt.

    Shop the look: Skirt, £29.50, M&S

    Skirt, £29.50, M&S

    A pair of leather gloves

    No cold hands for Kate

    On those frosty days, Kate Middleton doesn’t leave the house without a pair of leather
    gloves – and we wouldn’t either. Gloves have become a must-have fashion staple that
    instantly levels up your cold-weather style.

    Shop the look: Gloves, £22, Next

    Gloves, £22, Next

    A red scarf

    When in doubt, just add a red accessory 

    Do we think the Princess knows about the ‘pop of red’ trick (i.e.

    adding a single red accessory to an otherwise neutral outfit, to give it a little extra edge)?
    She’s reworn the same red scarf on multiple occasions.

    Shop the look: Scarf, £19, John Lewis

    Scarf, £19, John Lewis

    A pair of riding boots

    She’s been wearing these boots for two decades

    Fuelled by television phenomena such as Rivals, riding boots have
    become one of the most unexpected footwear trends of
    AW24 – and Kate Middleton has been wearing these Penelope Chilvers tassel
    boots since 2004.

    Shop the look: Boots, £475, Penelope Chilvers

    Boots, £475, Penelope Chilvers

    A wax jacket
    Speaking of hardworking pieces in the Princess’ wardrobe – she owns at least two wax jackets from Barbour, which she sports
    to stroll around the countryside in her downtime, or whenever she’s launching outdoorsy
    campaigns as a working royal.

    Shop the look: Jacket, £185, Mint Velvet

    Jacket, £185, Mint Velvet

    A fedora

    Has anyone ever looked more chic in a fedora?

    We’d love a peek inside Kate Middleton’s headwear
    collection, which has grown to be quite substantial,
    but by far our favourite hat she’s ever worn is this cobalt blue fedora courtesy of Hicks
    & Brown.

    Shop the look: Fedora, £109, Hicks & Brown

    Fedora, £109, Hicks & Brown

    A pair of dark wash jeans

    We’d copy and paste this outfit on weekends

    It’s not often we see the Princess of Wales in jeans, and when we do she’s usually sporting a skinnier shape, so we haven’t been able to stop
    thinking about these cropped kick-flare jeans since they had
    their first outfit last winter.

    Shop the look: Jeans, £29.99, Mango

    Jeans, £29.99, Mango

    A pair of Chelsea boots
    Another staple from Kate Middleton’s casual wardrobe are these
    brown Chelsea boots. The track sole gives the otherwise classic shoe a sportier look that’s perfect
    for running errands.

    Shop the look: Boots, £27.99, H&M

    Boots, £27.99, H&M

    A cashmere roll neck

    There’s no better investment than a cashmere
    roll neck

    Few knits feel more luxurious than a cashmere jumper
    – and Kate Middleton agrees. Her go-to brands for roll necks include Hobbs, Ralph Lauren and Gabriela Hearst,
    but there are some great-quality, affordable cashmere brands on the high street, too.

    Shop the look: Jumper, £95, M&S

    Jumper, £95, M&S

    A faux fur hat

    No cold ears for Kate

    We admit it would have to be baltic outside before we’d wear a faux fur hat, but the Princess does really make a case for them – she makes
    them look chic and cosy at the same time.

    Shop the look: Hat, £22.99, Zara

    Hat, £22.99, Zara

    A bouclé jacket

    The Princess is a fan of glittering bouclé jackets

    First created by Coco Chanel back in the 1950s, the bouclé jacket still reigns supreme among the
    fashion set. Kate Middleton favours them during the holidays –
    and opts for metallic iterations for a festive take on the classic.

    Shop the look: Jacket, £45, River Island

    Jacket, £45, River Island

    A trouser suit

    Who looks better in a suit? (Our vote goes to Kate)

    Since becoming the Princess of Wales, Kate has embraced suiting and
    amassed an impressive collection of smart blazers, tailored trousers and silk blouses in a rainbow of colours.

    While she still often goes for tapered silhouettes, we’re big fans of her wide-leg trouser suits.

    Shop the look: Blazer, £125, trousers, £85, John Lewis

    Blazer, £125, John Lewis

    Trousers, £85, John Lewis

    A pussy bow blouse

    You’ll find more than one pussy bow blouse in Kate’s workwear wardrobe

    If the words ‘Kate Middleton’ and ‘blouse’ don’t call up images of the royal
    in a silky pussy bow top, then you haven’t been paying enough attention. Paired with tailored trousers,
    the blouse has become one of her signature workwear styles.

    Shop the look: Blouse, £99, Phase Eight

    Blouse, £99, Phase Eight

    A printed midi dress

    This midi dress ticks all of the Princess’

    Another one of Kate’s favourites for official engagements is a printed midi dress – we’ve seen her in polka dots, winter florals and checks.

    Shop the look: Dress, £39.99, Zara

    Dress, £39.99, Zara

    A festive cardigan

    Another round of applause for Kate’s knitwear collection

    No one loves festive knitwear more than the Princess
    of Wales (as illustrated above by her affinity for Fair Isle knits and glittering bouclé
    jackets) so we couldn’t complete the list without this red
    number from Miu Miu.

    Shop the look: Cardigan, £37.99, H&M

    Cardigan, £37.99, H&M

    My web page :: ขายไวน์

  164. IQOS TEREA ได้รับความนิยมมากในกลุ่มผู้ใช้งาน IQOS ช่วยลดกลิ่นที่ไม่พึงประสงค์ได้ดี

    หากต้องการซื้อ IQOS TEREA ลองเปรียบเทียบราคาจากหลายแหล่งเพื่อความคุ้มค่า เพื่อให้มั่นใจในคุณภาพและความปลอดภัย

    ใครเคยลอง IQOS terea บุหรี่ ราคา บ้าง ลองมาแลกเปลี่ยนความคิดเห็นกันค่ะ

  165. IQOS terea iqos ราคาส่ง ได้รับความนิยมมากในกลุ่มผู้ใช้งาน IQOS เพราะใช้งานง่ายและไม่มีควัน

    หากต้องการซื้อ IQOS TEREA แนะนำให้ศึกษาข้อมูลรีวิวก่อนตัดสินใจ เพื่อให้มั่นใจในคุณภาพและความปลอดภัย

    ใครมีร้านแนะนำสำหรับซื้อ IQOS TEREA บ้าง ลองมาแลกเปลี่ยนความคิดเห็นกันค่ะ

  166. บุหรี่ไฟฟ้า IQOS TEREA ได้รับความนิยมมากในกลุ่มผู้ใช้งาน
    IQOS ช่วยลดกลิ่นที่ไม่พึงประสงค์ได้ดี

    หากต้องการซื้อ IQOS TEREA แนะนำให้ศึกษาข้อมูลรีวิวก่อนตัดสินใจ จะได้สินค้าที่ตรงกับความต้องการที่สุด

    มีใครใช้งาน IQOS terea รสชาติ แล้วประทับใจไหม ลองมาแลกเปลี่ยนความคิดเห็นกันค่ะ

  167. ใครกำลังมองหาไวน์ดีๆ
    กันอยู่ มาแบ่งปันข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับไวน์กัน ตอนนี้กำลังสนใจไวน์แดงและไวน์ขาวมาก

    ถ้าคุณรู้จักร้านไวน์ดีๆ บอกต่อกันนะ การรู้จักไวน์ที่เหมาะกับตัวเองสำคัญมาก อยากได้คำแนะนำไวน์ดีๆ ไว้ดื่มกับเพื่อนๆ
    หวังว่าจะมีบทความใหม่ๆ เพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับไวน์ อย่าลืมแชร์เว็บนี้ให้เพื่อนที่รักไวน์ด้วยนะคะ

    Here is my site :: บริษัทนำเข้าไวน์

  168. สายไวน์คนไหนอยู่ที่นี่บ้าง แวะมาแนะนำร้านขายไวน์ให้หน่อยสิ อยากลองไวน์ที่มีรสชาติเป็นเอกลักษณ์

    ใครมีร้านโปรดอย่าลืมแชร์กัน การรู้จักไวน์ที่เหมาะกับตัวเองสำคัญมาก รอคำตอบจากทุกคนอยู่นะ
    รู้สึกว่าเว็บนี้ตอบโจทย์คนรักไวน์มากจริงๆ หวังว่าจะมีบทความใหม่ๆ เพิ่มเติมเกี่ยวกับไวน์ อย่าลืมแชร์เว็บนี้ให้เพื่อนที่รักไวน์ด้วยนะคะ
    ขอให้ทุกมื้ออาหารของทุกคนเต็มไปด้วยไวน์ดีๆ แล้วอย่าลืมแชร์ความรู้เกี่ยวกับไวน์ให้กันต่อไปนะ

    Visit my homepage: สั่งซื้อไวน์

  169. ใครชื่นชอบไวน์เหมือนกันบ้าง แวะมาแนะนำร้านขายไวน์ให้หน่อยสิ อยากลองไวน์ที่มีรสชาติเป็นเอกลักษณ์
    ถ้าคุณรู้จักร้านไวน์ดีๆ บอกต่อกันนะ ไวน์ดีๆ จะช่วยเพิ่มบรรยากาศให้ทุกมื้ออาหาร
    อยากได้คำแนะนำไวน์ rosso ราคาดีๆ ไว้ดื่มกับเพื่อนๆ
    เว็บไซต์นี้มีข้อมูลที่น่าสนใจมาก ติดตามเว็บนี้แล้วรู้สึกว่ามีความรู้เรื่องไวน์เพิ่มขึ้น
    จะติดตามเว็บนี้ต่อไปเรื่อยๆ ค่ะ ขอบคุณมากค่ะ!

  170. ใครชื่นชอบไวน์เหมือนกันบ้าง มาแบ่งปันข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับไวน์กัน กำลังมองหาไวน์นำเข้าคุณภาพดีอยู่

    ช่วยแนะนำแหล่งซื้อไวน์หน่อยค่ะ การเลือกไวน์ที่เหมาะสมไม่ใช่เรื่องง่ายเลย
    เว็บไซต์นี้มีข้อมูลที่น่าสนใจมาก ติดตามเว็บนี้แล้วรู้สึกว่ามีความรู้เรื่องไวน์เพิ่มขึ้น ใครสนใจเรื่องไวน์แนะนำให้ติดตามเว็บนี้เลยค่ะ
    สุดท้ายนี้ขอให้ทุกคนเจอไวน์ที่ชอบนะคะ แล้วอย่าลืมแชร์ความรู้เกี่ยวกับไวน์ให้กันต่อไปนะ

    Here is my web blog: ตัวแทน จำหน่ายไวน์

  171. ใครกำลังมองหาไวน์ดีๆ กันอยู่ ช่วยแชร์ประสบการณ์ซื้อไวน์หน่อยค่ะ ตอนนี้กำลังสนใจไวน์แดงและไวน์ขาวมาก
    ถ้าคุณรู้จักร้านไวน์ดีๆ บอกต่อกันนะ การเลือกไวน์ที่เหมาะสมไม่ใช่เรื่องง่ายเลย ขอบคุณล่วงหน้าสำหรับทุกคำแนะนำนะคะ
    เว็บไซต์นี้มีข้อมูลที่น่าสนใจมาก อยากให้เพิ่มเนื้อหาเกี่ยวกับไวน์มากกว่านี้ ใครสนใจเรื่องไวน์แนะนำให้ติดตามเว็บนี้เลยค่ะ
    ขอให้ทุกมื้ออาหารของทุกคนเต็มไปด้วยไวน์ดีๆ มาร่วมแลกเปลี่ยนเรื่องไวน์กันอีกในอนาคต

    Feel free to visit my web page ร้านขาย wine

  172. ใครกำลังมองหาไวน์ดีๆ
    กันอยู่ มาแบ่งปันข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับไวน์กัน อยากลองไวน์ที่มีรสชาติเป็นเอกลักษณ์
    ถ้าคุณรู้จักร้านไวน์ดีๆ บอกต่อกันนะ การรู้จักไวน์ที่เหมาะกับตัวเองสำคัญมาก รอคำตอบจากทุกคนอยู่นะ

    รู้สึกว่าเว็บนี้ตอบโจทย์คนรักไวน์มากจริงๆ ติดตามเว็บนี้แล้วรู้สึกว่ามีความรู้เรื่องไวน์เพิ่มขึ้น ใครสนใจเรื่องไวน์แนะนำให้ติดตามเว็บนี้เลยค่ะ

    Also visit my web blog – patritti pink moscato

  173. ใครชื่นชอบไวน์เหมือนกันบ้าง ช่วยแชร์ประสบการณ์ซื้อไวน์หน่อยค่ะ ตอนนี้กำลังสนใจไวน์ ขายแดงและไวน์ขาวมาก
    ช่วยแนะนำแหล่งซื้อไวน์หน่อยค่ะ การรู้จักไวน์ที่เหมาะกับตัวเองสำคัญมาก รอคำตอบจากทุกคนอยู่นะ
    บทความที่แชร์ในเว็บนี้มีประโยชน์มากเลย ติดตามเว็บนี้แล้วรู้สึกว่ามีความรู้เรื่องไวน์เพิ่มขึ้น
    ขอให้ทุกมื้ออาหารของทุกคนเต็มไปด้วยไวน์ดีๆ แล้วอย่าลืมแชร์ความรู้เกี่ยวกับไวน์ให้กันต่อไปนะ

  174. สายไวน์คนไหนอยู่ที่นี่บ้าง
    แวะมาแนะนำร้านขายไวน์ให้หน่อยสิ อยากลองไวน์ที่มีรสชาติเป็นเอกลักษณ์

    ใครมีร้านโปรดอย่าลืมแชร์กัน การเลือกไวน์ที่เหมาะสมไม่ใช่เรื่องง่ายเลย อยากได้คำแนะนำไวน์ดีๆ ไว้ดื่มกับเพื่อนๆ
    อยากให้เพิ่มเนื้อหาเกี่ยวกับไวน์มากกว่านี้ เว็บไซต์นี้เหมาะกับคนที่อยากเรียนรู้เรื่องไวน์มาก

    ขอให้ทุกมื้ออาหารของทุกคนเต็มไปด้วยไวน์ดีๆ มาร่วมแลกเปลี่ยนเรื่องไวน์กันอีกในอนาคต

    my site; เซลล์ขายไวน์ pantip

  175. สายไวน์คนไหนอยู่ที่นี่บ้าง ช่วยแชร์ประสบการณ์ซื้อไวน์หน่อยค่ะ กำลังมองหาไวน์นำเข้าคุณภาพดีอยู่
    ถ้าคุณรู้จักร้านไวน์ดีๆ บอกต่อกันนะ ไวน์ดีๆ จะช่วยเพิ่มบรรยากาศให้ทุกมื้ออาหาร รอคำตอบจากทุกคนอยู่นะ
    รู้สึกว่าเว็บนี้ตอบโจทย์คนรักไวน์มากจริงๆ อยากให้เพิ่มเนื้อหาเกี่ยวกับไวน์มากกว่านี้ ใครสนใจเรื่องไวน์แนะนำให้ติดตามเว็บนี้เลยค่ะ
    สุดท้ายนี้ขอให้ทุกคนเจอไวน์ที่ชอบนะคะ มาร่วมแลกเปลี่ยนเรื่องไวน์กันอีกในอนาคต

    Also visit my page :: ไวน์หวาน ราคาไม่แพง

  176. ใครกำลังมองหาไวน์ดีๆ กันอยู่ แวะมาแนะนำร้านขายไวน์ให้หน่อยสิ กำลังมองหาไวน์นำเข้าคุณภาพดีอยู่
    ใครมีร้านโปรดอย่าลืมแชร์กัน ไวน์ดีๆ จะช่วยเพิ่มบรรยากาศให้ทุกมื้ออาหาร ขอบคุณล่วงหน้าสำหรับทุกคำแนะนำนะคะ
    เว็บไซต์นี้มีข้อมูลที่น่าสนใจมาก ติดตามเว็บนี้แล้วรู้สึกว่ามีความรู้เรื่องไวน์เพิ่มขึ้น ใครสนใจเรื่องไวน์แนะนำให้ติดตามเว็บนี้เลยค่ะ
    หวังว่าทุกคนจะมีความสุขกับการดื่มไวน์ แล้วอย่าลืมแชร์ความรู้เกี่ยวกับไวน์ให้กันต่อไปนะ

    Here is my webpage – discuss

  177. ใครกำลังมองหาไวน์ดีๆ กันอยู่ แวะมาแนะนำร้านขายไวน์ให้หน่อยสิ ตอนนี้กำลังสนใจไวน์แดงและไวน์ขาวมาก
    ช่วยแนะนำแหล่งซื้อไวน์หน่อยค่ะ การรู้จักไวน์ที่เหมาะกับตัวเองสำคัญมาก
    อยากได้คำแนะนำไวน์ดีๆ ไว้ดื่มกับเพื่อนๆ
    เว็บไซต์นี้มีข้อมูลที่น่าสนใจมาก อยากให้เพิ่มเนื้อหาเกี่ยวกับไวน์มากกว่านี้

    ขอให้ทุกมื้ออาหารของทุกคนเต็มไปด้วยไวน์ดีๆ แล้วอย่าลืมแชร์ความรู้เกี่ยวกับไวน์ให้กันต่อไปนะ

    Feel free to visit my blog post … wine หวาน

  178. ใครชื่นชอบไวน์เหมือนกันบ้าง ช่วยแชร์ประสบการณ์ซื้อไวน์หน่อยค่ะ ตอนนี้กำลังสนใจไวน์แดงและไวน์ขาวมาก
    ช่วยแนะนำแหล่งซื้อไวน์หน่อยค่ะ ไวน์ดีๆ จะช่วยเพิ่มบรรยากาศให้ทุกมื้ออาหาร ขอบคุณล่วงหน้าสำหรับทุกคำแนะนำนะคะ
    ติดตามเว็บนี้แล้วรู้สึกว่ามีความรู้เรื่องไวน์ rosso dolce ราคาเพิ่มขึ้น
    สุดท้ายนี้ขอให้ทุกคนเจอไวน์ที่ชอบนะคะ แล้วอย่าลืมแชร์ความรู้เกี่ยวกับไวน์ให้กันต่อไปนะ

  179. ใครชื่นชอบไวน์เหมือนกันบ้าง ช่วยแชร์ประสบการณ์ซื้อไวน์หน่อยค่ะ กำลังมองหาไวน์นำเข้าคุณภาพดีอยู่
    ถ้าคุณรู้จักร้านไวน์ดีๆ บอกต่อกันนะ การรู้จักไวน์ที่เหมาะกับตัวเองสำคัญมาก ขอบคุณล่วงหน้าสำหรับทุกคำแนะนำนะคะ
    เว็บไซต์นี้มีข้อมูลที่น่าสนใจมาก ติดตามเว็บนี้แล้วรู้สึกว่ามีความรู้เรื่องไวน์เพิ่มขึ้น เว็บไซต์นี้เหมาะกับคนที่อยากเรียนรู้เรื่องไวน์มาก
    หวังว่าทุกคนจะมีความสุขกับการดื่มไวน์ จะติดตามเว็บนี้ต่อไปเรื่อยๆ ค่ะ ขอบคุณมากค่ะ!

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